ArborTimes Fall 2024

Along with combatting the urban heat island effect, green spaces also provide areas for recreation, relaxation, and community gatherings.

when urban areas become significantly warmer than their rural surroundings as human activities, buildings, and pavement absorb and retain heat. Urban trees play a crucial role in mit- igating this effect by providing shade, which has been found to reduce temperatures by 5.4°F (3.06°C), on average . They also cool the area through a process known as evapotranspiration. The process in which water is absorbed by the roots and released as water vapor through the leaves. This in turn cools the surrounding air. By lowering temperatures, trees reduce the need for energy-intensive air conditioning, leading to less energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

leading to increased property values.

ing rainfall, trees reduce the burden on urban drainage systems, potentially saving cities millions of dollars in stormwater infrastructure costs. This natural absorption process also helps prevent flooding and reduces the risk of water pollution, leading to long-term savings and a more resilient urban infrastructure. At the end of the day, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agen- cy , studies have shown that for every $1 spent on urban forestry, $5.60 was returned to the community.

Homes and businesses surrounded by well-maintained trees are considered more desirable, which can boost local real estate markets. Moreover, urban trees can attract businesses and tour- ists, contributing to the local economy. Urban forestry also brings more jobs to urban areas. According to Arbor Day Foundation , urban forestry activities employ over 500,000 people. Another significant economic benefit is the role trees play in stormwater management. By absorbing and filter-

Social Benefits Urban trees are essential to the social fabric of cities, contribut- ing to the well-being of residents in multiple ways. Green spaces created by urban forestry provide areas for recreation, relaxation, and community gatherings, fostering a sense of belonging and social cohesion. These spaces serve as commu- nal areas where people of all ages can connect with nature and each other, which is in- creasingly important in densely populated urban settings.

Additionally, urban trees im- prove air quality by filtering out pollutants and sequestering carbon dioxide, contributing to a healthier urban environment. Economic Benefits The economic benefits of urban forestry are substantial and of- ten underappreciated. Aesthet- ically speaking, trees enhance the appeal of neighborhoods,

Urban forestry introduces new job opportunities in the design, planting, and management of the green spaces.

10 | ArborTIMES Fall 2024

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