ArborTimes Fall 2024

Trees and green spaces provide critical habitats for a wide range of wildlife, even in the most densely populated areas.

and enhance urban biodiversity. The presence of wildlife in cities also con- tributes to the ecological balance, sup- porting pollination, seed dispersal, and pest control. Additionally, the preservation and cre- ation of urban green spaces connect fragmented habitats, allowing wildlife to thrive and migrate within the urban landscape. This not only enriches the urban eco- system but also brings residents closer to nature, fostering a greater appreci- ation for the natural world within city boundaries. PLANNING AN URBAN TREE PLANTING PROJECT The benefits of urban trees are plenti- ful, but the project’s success depends on whether those trees flourish and function properly in an urban setting.

ing starts with thorough planning. It involves understanding the specific en- vironmental conditions of the city and the needs of its residents. Assessing the Urban Environment Before any trees are planted, a detailed assessment of the urban environment is necessary. This includes analyzing soil conditions, available space, cli- mate, and existing infrastructure to en- sure that the right trees are planted in the right places. According to Logan Scarborough, CEO of Plank Road Forestry (PRF) Specialists , a crucial part of site assessment has to do with the presence of utility lines in urban forestry. “We look at the minimum approach distance [MAD] from a particular [util- ity] line. We don’t want a tree to be anywhere close to MAD,” he explained. “So, with that being said, we look at very low growing species for urban

Moreover, properly designed trees and shrubs have been shown to reduce noise pollution by acting as natural sound barriers, creating quieter and more peaceful urban environments. The presence of trees and green spac- es also has a profound impact on men- tal health. Studies have shown that spending time in green spaces can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, and even improve mood, contributing to the overall mental well-being of ur- ban dwellers. Wildlife Benefits Perhaps most obviously, urban forestry is also vital for supporting biodiversity in cities. Trees and green spaces pro- vide critical habitats for a wide range of wildlife, even in the most densely populated areas. Birds, insects, and small mammals rely on urban trees for shelter, food, and breeding grounds, helping to maintain

That is why successful urban tree plant-

12 | ArborTIMES Fall 2024

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