ArborTimes Fall 2024

Contaminated clothing can spread urushiol to exposed skin during PPE removal. That means if urushiol gets on your clothing, it can easily spread to any exposed area of your skin or your bare hands when you remove your PPE. Because of this, it is vital to clean your tools, equipment, and PPE immediate- ly aer use to avoid indirect exposure. Wear gloves during this process and when handling contaminated items. Always wash exposed clothing separate- ly and, if handwashing, consider using disposable gloves for extra protection. In addition to cleaning your PPE and equipment, you must also regularly inspect your protective gear for wear and tear. Damaged PPE can compro- mise your protection against toxic plants like poison ivy. Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your gear but also ensures that you’re adequately shielded from urushiol exposure. Proper storage of cleaned PPE and tools in a designated area can further reduce the risk of contamination. By following these practices, you help ensure a safer working environment for yourself and your crew.

Dräger Parat ® 5520 Escape Respirator Hood : Designed for rapid escape from hazardous environments, this hood of- fers reliable protection from airborne toxins, including urushiol, for at least 15 minutes.

Clogger Gen2 Line Trimmer Gaiters : These gaiters are designed for working near poison ivy, providing breathability and over-boot flaps for extra protection.


GAITERS/BOOTS For lower leg protection, gaiters worn with boots help guard against urushiol exposure, preventing it from coming into contact with your pants. Ensure that no skin is exposed when pairing gaiters with climbing or chainsaw boots. Here are a couple of effective options for lower leg protection: DragonWear ™ FR Waterproof Leg Gaiters : These durable, fire-resistant gaiters protect against both poison ivy and tough outdoor conditions.

While PPE provides a strong barrier against poison ivy, it will not fully pre- vent exposure to urushiol. The oil can sit on the surface of clothing and remain active for up to five years , according to the Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Com- pensation.

The best defense against poison ivy and oak is to recognize it and to avoid it all together.

ArborTIMES Fall 2024 | 35

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