ArborTimes Fall 2024

Precision in the Canopy Choosing the Right Rigging Equipment By Jenny Cohen

As an arborist, utilizing special equip- ment to maneuver within the branches is critical. Different projects require different equipment, depending on the unique conditions of each task.

the rope is used with as well as their personal climbing technique,” said Julien Courbon, commercial sales exec- utive for Marlow Ropes USA .

The diameter, for instance, can be de- termined by the equipment or the climber. “Arborists must choose ropes that are compatible with the mechanical devices

Another important factor is the type of

That’s where rigging comes in.

Rigging is useful for moderate projects that involve more than just light prun- ing. It’s also helpful for larger tasks that require extra liing and greater control over materials, such as branch- es, being removed. Before heading to your next job, consid- er these key components to ensure your rigging work is both efficient and safe. TYPES OF EQUIPMENT The first step is to determine how much rope you will need for a project, as well as the dimensions and specifications of the material.

As an arborist, utilizing special equipment to maneuver within the branches is critical. Different projects require different equipment, depending on the unique conditions of each task.

ArborTIMES Fall 2024 | 41

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