ArborTimes Fall 2024

“We work closely with manufacturers, providing insights on what’s working and what’s not, so they can continually improve their products,” Jackson said. She added that the manufacturers also ensure safety plays a key role in designing, producing, and educating users about the products. Ultimately, the priority is to provide the arborist with as much knowledge and confidence before sending them out with new gear. Not only does this help prevent acci- dents, but also ensures the develop- ment of improved rigging products for the future. “We have real-world experience in the field, and we believe in getting hands-on with the products we offer,” Jackson said, noting the importance of gathering feedback from both de- velopers and users.

Communication: Rigging’s Backbone

For rigging operations that require a team to be spread out across the ground, in a tree, or operating heavy and loud equipment, it can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page. In this case, implementing effective commu- nication strategies and products is essential to ensure the job runs smoothly and to keep workers safe.

“It’s transformative, and once you use it, you can never go back,” Bonner said. These communications systems feature noise-cancelling capabilities, helping workers hear each other more clearly in noisy environments or around heavy equipment. It’s also weather-proof, which makes it easier to hear on windy days or during adverse weather conditions. Sena’s communication system also has long- range options that connect workers to crane or bucket operators who may be farther away and out of typical speaking range. Finding a reliable communication system be- tween the whole team can make a remarkable difference when spotting hazards or giving instructions. “It’s as simple as saying, ‘Hey, please do this,’ and a worker can hear you right away,” Bonner explained. “Things like that have definitely made an impact.”

Products like the Sena Integrated Communi- cations System utilize Bluetooth technology to connect workers without compromising per- sonal protective equipment (PPE). The system can be seamlessly integrated into helmets and hard hats.

46 | ArborTIMES Fall 2024

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