ArborTimes Fall 2024

Sage Advice

Groundbreaking Tree Care Solutions Andy Price’s Legacy at Altec By Kelly May

All three innovations stemmed from a deep understanding of the daily risks and challenges faced by tree care workers. TDA58 - TELESCOPIC DOUBLE ARTICULATING AERIAL DEVICE At the time, the only available units in the U.S. were from European vendors, and they were non-insulated. Price explained that insulation is critical since tree care workers oen work near energized lines, and it ap- peared there might be an opportunity to improve on the existing European designs. For two years, customers at trade shows would ask Price when Altec would build an insulated model tough enough for the tree care environment. In 2014, aer a successful develop- ment process, Price and his team introduced the TDA58 — the first American-made, insulated, backyard tracked aerial device. And now in 2024, Altec is comple- menting their product line and cus- tomer needs with Teupen aerial lis. What was once a novelty has become nearly essential in the tree care busi- ness.

Andy Price did not start his career in the arbor industry, but it did not take long for him to realize that is where he belonged. As the market manager for the tree care division at Altec, Inc. , Price has seen how ingenuity, hands-on networking, and family have shaped his journey. In the late 1990s, Price was working in the textile industry when tariffs on textiles were removed. This led to a rapid decline in the U.S. textile busi- ness, and by the early 2000s, the in- dustry was largely devastated. Wanting to avoid relocating his fam- ily, Price began searching for local employment that would allow him to stay in Shelby, NC. As vice president and general man- ager, Price worked to avoid layoffs for more than 70 employees. His compa- ny started a powder coating operation, with WoodChuck Chipper Corporation becoming their largest customer. A few years later, in 2006, Price was invited by the owner of WoodChuck Chipper Corporation to join the company as operations and general manager. This was the start of his involvement in tree care.

Andy Price

WoodChuck, and that’s how I became affiliated with Altec,” says Price. THREE WINS FOR SAFETY IN TREE CARE Price attributes part of his success in the tree care industry to three innova- tions he helped bring to market, each enhancing safety and productivity. His first market management project was the development of an insulated backyard tracked aerial device. Next came the crane with a grapple saw, followed by the lanyard interlock system.

“A few months later, Altec purchased

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