ArborTimes Fall 2024

Safety Tailgate

The Rise and Fall of Split Stack Lumber Jacks A Cautionary Tale of Safety in Arboriculture By Bear LeVangie

In a remote forest, far from bustling cit- ies, a man with a truck and a chainsaw cut downed trees to heat his cabin. He would spend long days cutting logs, loading them into his truck, and driv- ing his sore body home. The next day, he would unload the rounds, split the wood, stack it, and rest before repeating the process all over again. This became his routine through the summer and fall as he gathered enough wood for winter. One day, something shied. Neighbors and friends started reaching out for ex- tra firewood. Soon, this hobby turned into a side business. He began selling his firewood for some extra cash, and before long, his small venture had a name: Split Stack Lum- ber Jack. As the business grew, so did the de- mand. The man recruited a buddy to help fill the truck for deliveries. How- ever, there was one problem: there was no personal protective equipment (PPE) to be found on the job.

Understanding and properly utilizing equipment can help mitigate risks and ensure that safety protocols are followed accurately on the job site.

Starting to sound familiar?

What began as a one-man operation grew into a two-man team, and the business became Split Stack Lumber Jacks. The duo upgraded their truck, bought an enclosed trailer — but still neglected PPE. THE MORAL OF THE STORY The tale of Split Stack Lumber Jacks echoes the stories of many informal

tree care businesses.

Toward the end of one long workday, the buddy got a call. Distracted, he hur- riedly chucked a log into the truck, only to watch it smash through the back window. Aer an expensive repair, the man de- cided to start paying his buddy in the hopes that more care would be taken.

As tree care professionals, we under- stand that arboriculture is both an art and a science, practiced by skilled workers. Yet in some places, untrained workers with a truck and chainsaw are labeled as “arborists.” But when it comes to safety, it’s a dif- ferent story.

64 | ArborTIMES Fall 2024

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