ArborTimes Fall 2024

In arboriculture, where the stakes are already high, safety should never be treated as an aerthought. By taking the necessary steps to ensure a safe working environment — through JSAs, proper PPE, and adher- ence to safety standards — companies protect their employees, business, and reputation. LESSONS FROM SPLIT STACK LUMBER JACKS If Split Stack Lumber Jacks had adhered to proper safety procedures, such as completing Job Safety Analyses, they might have avoided costly mistakes and potentially avoided significant setbacks. The business might have lasted longer and even expanded, providing more re- liable services. However, as is oen the case with un- trained and unregulated operations, neglecting safety measures led to avoid- able accidents and financial losses. In arboriculture, safety is not optional — it is essential. Beginning each workday with a JSA sets a crucial foundation for a safer and more productive environment. It ensures that every team member is aware of potential hazards and under- stands their role in mitigating risks. Given that arborists spend considerable time with their work teams, creating a safety-conscious culture is vital. This culture not only safeguards the crew but also helps ensure that everyone returns home safely at the end of the day. For both professional and recreational tree climbers, prioritizing safety is fundamental. Completing a JSA, dis- cussing job site risks, and consistently maintaining safety standards are key to a successful and secure day of work. By embedding these practices into daily routines, arborists and tree care profes- sionals can protect themselves, their colleagues, and their business.

If there is one lesson to learn from the Split Stack Lumber Jacks, it is to prepare for the unexpected and prioritize job safety.

An accident that could have been pre- vented with a simple safety measure may lead to workers’ compensation claims, lawsuits, and costly fines from regulatory bodies like OSHA. Furthermore, insurance companies that observe high rates of accidents within a company may increase premiums, further straining the business. The importance of documentation, like a JSA, becomes crucial in these situations. If an accident occurs, hav- ing thorough records can protect the company from liability. However, if safety measures are neglect- ed and there is no documented proof of precautions, companies find them- selves in a vulnerable legal position. In court, verbal assurances of safety measures hold little weight. Without proper documentation, it is dif- ficult to prove that the company acted responsibly.


In addition to legal and financial con- sequences, there is the human cost. Injuries that result from avoidable acci- dents can have lifelong impacts. For the injured, it could mean a perma- nent loss of income or physical ability. For the team, it means losing a valued member, possibly witnessing trauma, and experiencing the emotional toll of an accident. Over time, a disregard for safety erodes team morale. If workers feel that safety is not prioritized, they may lose trust in their employer and become disengaged. This can lead to higher turnover rates and difficulty re- taining skilled workers. Companies that foster a strong safety culture, on the other hand, not only protect their workers but also enhance productivity and job satisfaction.

66 | ArborTIMES Fall 2024

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