Service Brochure

S ervice I nstallation & C alibration T raining on hardware & software P reventive M aintenance E quipment R etrofits & U pgrades R emote A ccess T echnical S upport

A pplications E ngineering

M etrology S ystems

Metrology Systems Service

W ho we are With Starrett Metrology products, the system is only a part of the whole package. From application analysis, system specification, installation, calibration and training to post-installation field services, the excellence of our products is matched by the quality and comprehensive range of our services. We recognize that reliable operation and dependable accuracy are essential to your quality and manufacturing operations. As part of our commitment to quality, we have established first generation NIST traceable documentation for all calibration artifacts and standards. Our metrology professionals are available to assist you with whatever you need to keep your system on the job. The best way to get your service request started is to go to our website and fill out the Service Request form. This will enable us to document your details and get the best staff member to assist you. Your request will go directly to Technical Services Manager and staff to make sure your needs are taken care of quickly and correctly.

Taking care of your new Starrett System with factory installation.

The best way to ensure that your new Starrett system meets all of your expectations:

• Have a Factory or Starrett Authorized Service Technician install your new system.

• Then have that technician provide ISO compliant system calibration with Starrett calibration standards.

Above: Typical installation at customer facility of an HDV500 Below: Typical calibration with Starrett calibration grid.

Metrology Systems Service

A n I ntroductory S ystem O verview

Can be a great start following the installation & calibration of your new Starrett Metrology System.

Above: Factory Service Technician training customers at their facility.

T raining After your staff has had some weeks to get to know your new Starrett system training will take your team to the next level of making good use of the many features the system has to offer.

Metrology Systems Service

P reventive M aintenance

Includes cleaning, lubrication, and a complete functional test of all subsystems and critical components.

After you have had your Starrett system for some time, typically 1 year, it is good to have a Factory or Authorized Service Technician come back and provide a calibration, validation and complete preventive maintenance. This will ensure your system keeps performing to your expectations.

S tarrett F actory and A uthorized S ervice T echnicians can be your team ’ s best support for your S tarrett M etrology S ystems .

Equipment Retrofits & Upgrades

After you have owned your Starrett Metrology System for some years, upgrading software and / or hardware may be appropriate. Contact the Starrett Metrology Systems Technical Service Department to discuss your options.

Starrett Kinemetric Engineering, Inc. Technical Service Department 26052-103 Merit Circle, Suite 103 Laguna Hills, CA USA 92653 Tel: 949-348-1213

Metrology System Services Bulletin 980 PDF 01/19 The L.S. Starrett Company 2019 © Specifications Subject to Change

Metrology Systems Service

R emote A ccess T echnical S upport Our Technical Services Staff can remotely access you Starrett Metrology system over the internet to diagnose anomalies and get your system back up and functioning properly.

A pplication E ngineering S ervices

Sometimes you may need technical assistance to determine how best to use your Starrett system to measure specific features on your parts. Engaging our Technical Services Team may be a quick and low cost path to achieve your goal of streamlining your measurement processes on your Starrett System.

Glass Calibration Standard

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