Service Brochure

Metrology Systems Service

P reventive M aintenance

Includes cleaning, lubrication, and a complete functional test of all subsystems and critical components.

After you have had your Starrett system for some time, typically 1 year, it is good to have a Factory or Authorized Service Technician come back and provide a calibration, validation and complete preventive maintenance. This will ensure your system keeps performing to your expectations.

S tarrett F actory and A uthorized S ervice T echnicians can be your team ’ s best support for your S tarrett M etrology S ystems .

Equipment Retrofits & Upgrades

After you have owned your Starrett Metrology System for some years, upgrading software and / or hardware may be appropriate. Contact the Starrett Metrology Systems Technical Service Department to discuss your options.

Starrett Kinemetric Engineering, Inc. Technical Service Department 26052-103 Merit Circle, Suite 103 Laguna Hills, CA USA 92653 Tel: 949-348-1213

Metrology System Services Bulletin 980 PDF 01/19 The L.S. Starrett Company 2019 © Specifications Subject to Change

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