SCTE Broadband - Dec 2024

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Arcom VP signs copies of “In Circles”

Basil’s first business itinerary in the cable industry in 1993 used a round-the-world AA ticket. Departing east, he set off from Syracuse with MSO stops in Europe, Middle East, India, China, Japan – until looping home from the western USA. The trip lasted many weeks. However, in his vignette, ‘Contours from an Airbus’, he imagines it a non-stop global flight, whereupon, looking down from 37,000 feet, he naively observes the entire world paradoxically at peace – but only from that altitude!

sense and common decency can think and feel about the world we live in today and those who try to enforce their perverted will. Although the theme is 9/11 it could as much resound in the Middle East or Eastern Europe today”. In Circles is as much a series of standalone vignettes as it is a book of poems. It makes free use of wordplay, euphemism and sound while experimenting with the illustrative (eye-catching) effects of using icons to coax a vivid curiosity in an enlivening of the genre. Basil grew up in the west of Ireland and graduated with a B.E. electrical engineering degree from University College Dublin. Upon graduation he was recruited by General Electric USA with whom he spent the first 12 years of his career. Creative writing has been his complementary avocation, cross-trekking six continents in the international cable- telecommunications industry and taking anecdotal notes along the way.

Basil Dillon-Malone, Regional Vice President at Corporate Member Arcom is also a successful writer and was signing copies of his collection of vignettes, ‘In Circles,’ published by Friesen Press at a bookstore in Vancouver, Canada last month. A follow-up publication to the author’s widely-acclaimed parody novel, The Last Smoker on Earth and the End of Literature, In Circles is occasionally profound, sometimes mischievous, but essentially humorous. The author makes a thematic distinction between poems that are obviously whimsical (Nosepicker, Mortal); the misery of despondency (Loner and a bar-room mirror); a ‘recitation- tribute’ to his father growing-up in the west of Ireland and a few such as Paroxysm of Fear that are deeply intense, personal and penetrating.

A reviewer observed: “Paroxysm voiced almost everything any person of good


Volume 46 No.4 DECEMBER 2024

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