scte member focus
Member FOCUS Nicola Smith-Pryor Electronics Engineer, Blakeglow Systems
What got you interested in a career in the industry when you first started? Actually I don’t just work in the satellite systems industry, but security systems as well; I found the concept of transmitting satellite systems fascinating and really enjoyed doing the calculations of keeping the correct signal levels on the systems. I liked using filters to adjust the huge systems we installed to keep the higher frequencies similar level to the lower frequencies. You’ve had a varied career and have a lot of strings to your bow. How would you best describe what you do, and what do you enjoy best? I find the marking up of drawings and designing of security systems really interesting, probably the greatest enjoyment of all in my job. I also love interacting with clients and interpreting their needs so that they form part of the systems we design for them.
What memories really stand out for you over the years you’ve been involved in this industry? When I originally started I think I was probably one of the first women to work in our industry, so I found that either I was not allowed on a site as there were no female toilets available or I experienced the old “You can’t do that, you’re a woman” kind of discrimination which was common in those days. The industry has since changed an enormous amount, and I am now welcomed on site and regularly commandeer meetings because of my knowledge and experience. However, there still aren’t that many women in this industry and that I would like to see changed.
At the SCTE we take great pride in our individual members, who have made such a contribution to the growth and development of our industry. This section of Broadband Journal shines an overdue light on you wonderful people in every issue going forward, as well as regularly online.
Volume 46 No.4 DECEMBER 2024
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