Here are TelephoneSystems.Cloud’s signs to look out for: 1. Unexplained data breach Employees often unwittingly let hackers into a company database and confidential customer data can then be leaked online or sold on the dark web. If you experience any data breaches it’s crucial you notify the ICO or you could get fined. You should consider hiring an IT professional to review your security and IT infrastructure to ensure any holes are plugged. 2. Unusual network traffic Unexplained, high levels of outbound traffic could indicate that sensitive data is being exfiltrated to external locations. It’s important to regularly scan for malware to ensure devices on your network are free from malware or viruses, and the use of network monitoring tools to set up alerts for unusual activity can be beneficial. 3. Frequently slow internet speeds Slow internet speeds aren’t uncommon and can be caused by a range of factors, such as Wi-Fi interference and the distance your connection is from your internet exchange. But slow and unstable internet speeds can also be the result of malware or viruses using your bandwidth for malicious purposes such as botnets or data infiltration. Slow speeds are particularly highlighted when using VoIP, causing poor voice quality due to packet loss. 4. Unauthorised activity Login attempts from unfamiliar locations, unauthorised activity from employee accounts and unusual software
installations are all important aspects to look out for. Any unusual activity should be proactively looked into and account password changed. Implementing monitoring tools should be considered. 5. Unusual financial transactions Unexplained financial discrepancies can indicate a breach and may well be the result of business email compromise or financial malware. A sudden surge in customer support complaints regarding issues like fraudulent transactions could also signal that your system has been compromised. Ensure that bank account changes are authorised by human interaction and not just an email. 6. Suspicious emails or phishing campaigns A sudden increase in targeted phishing emails aimed at employees could indicate that an attacker is trying to compromise more accounts. These attempts are now using AI to look more convincing than ever. If you notice an increase in these types of emails it would be worth looking into strengthening your email security, spam filtering can assist with reducing these risks. 7. Changes in website or app behaviour Any changes to a business’s website or applications, such as redirecting customers to strange sites or being defaced, could indicate your network is under attack. It’s crucial to act quickly in order to mitigate any damage, as this can have a long term effect on your ranking and business reputation.
Volume 46 No.4 DECEMBER 2024
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