King's Business - 1931-09

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When,! consider . . . the work ofthyfingers . . . what is maru that thou art mindful ofhim?”

Courtesy Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe By,

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s|► "I’m a First-United-Evangelical-Bapto-Methopalian-Presbygationalist”

declares Dr.Wm. P.White, Presi­ dent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, as, in genial mood, a friendly smile lights up his face! These words reveal his great love for Christians in all denomi­ nations and aptly characterize his leadership. The spirit of love is preeminent with Dr.White—like­ wise preeminent throughout the Institute. You believe in a Bible Institute that lives in such an at­ mosphere. And your gift to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, now, will help to maintain that very kind of an Institute!

W. P. W hite, D.D., the beloved Presidentof the Institute,whose consecrated , indefatigable ef­ forts are creating a magnificent unsurpassed loyalty to a vast and challenging sp iritual establishment

Interdenominational . . . world-wide Represented in the student body during the year ending June, 1931 ,were 39 denominations, 33 states and 17 countries

BIBLE INSTITUTE of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street • Los Angeles,California * Cable Address B IO LA •> Phone MAdison IÔ4I D ear F riends : Firmly believinginyourinterdenominational,world-wideprogramofChristian education and evangelism, I rejoicein giving toyou herewith thesum of_ _______ ''Dollars ($ ). Signature. j . 1 _____ ' ______ » ^ StreetK[p --------,----------„' » . '________ Q ty^^ r State _______ •__


Published Monthly by and Represent­ ing the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

W il l ia m P . W h it e , D.D., E ditor

©fie S i h l e Motto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” —R ev . 1:5.

fBBÊm È DoYouMake theseMistakes inENGLISH? TV-iCANY persons say ‘Did you h ear from him today?** T h e y should say “H ave you h eard from him today?** Some spell calend ar “ calender** o r “ cal- ander.** Still oth ers say “betw een you and I** instead of “ betw een you and me.** It is astonishing how often “who** is used for “whom,** and how frequently the simplest w ords a re m ispronounced. Few know w h eth er to spell certain w ords w ith one o r two “ c*s** o r “mV* o r “ r*s**, o r w ith “ie** o r “ ei.** Most persons use only common words— colorless, flat, o r­ dinary. T h eir speech and th e ir letters are lifeless, m onotonous, hum drum . Wonderful New Invention F o r m any y ears Mr. Cody studied the problem of creating instinctive habits of using good English. A fter countless ex­ p erim ents he Anally invented a simple m ethod by w hich you can acqu ire a b e t­ te r comm and of th e English language in only 15 m inutes a day. U nder old m eth o d s rules a re m em orized, b u t c o rre c t h a b its a re n o t form ed. F in ally th e ru les them selves a re fo rg o tten . T he new Sher- w in C ody m eth o d p ro v id es fo r th e fo rm atio n of c o rre c t h a b its b y callin g to y o u r a tte n tio n c o n sta n tly o n ly th e m ista k es y o u m a k e—an d th e n show ing yo u th e rig h t w ay w ith o u t a s k ­ in g yo u to m em orize a n y rules. O ne of th e w onderful th in g s a b o u t Mr. C ody’s c o u rse is th e speed w ith w hich th ese h a b it-fo rm in g p ra c tic e d rills can b e c arrie d o u t. Y ou can w rite th e an sw ers to fifty q u e s­ tio n s in 15 m in u tes an d c o rre c t y o u r w ork in 5 m in u tes m ore. T he d ru d g e ry a n d w ork of co p y in g hav e been ended b y M r. C ody! Y ou c o n ce n trate alw ay s on y o u r ow n m ista k es u n ­ til it becom es “ second n a tu re ” to sp eak and w rite co rrectly . FREE—Booklet on English If you are ever embarrassed by mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, or if you can not instantly command the exact words with which to express your idea, our new free booklet, "How You Can Master Good English in 15 Minutes a Day," will prove a revela­ tion to you. Send for it today. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, 739 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. SHERW IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 739 Searle B uilding, R ochester, N . Y . Please send me your free booklet, "How You Master Good English in 15 Minutes a Day." Can Name............................................ Address.................................................................................

Volume XXII

September, 1931

Number 9

TABLE OF CONTENTS Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor...................................387 Present-Day Fulfillment of Prophecy—Louis S. Bauman........... 389 Evolution Could Not Produce the Gospel—The Editor...............391 Bible History Proven True—Arthur H. Carter...........................393 What Do You Know?—^Roy Tahnage Brumbaugh.......................395 The Panorama of Privilege—Robert Excell Fry...........................396 Why Do the Wicked Prosper?—W. L. Pettingill.......................’...397 Love Worked Out in the Daily Life—D. E, Hoste...................... 399 What if Faith Should Fail?—Fred G. Lasse.................................400 Structure in Scripture—Norman B. Harrison...............................401 The Return of the Tide—^Zenobia Bird.........................................403 Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews—John C. Page...................405 Heart to Heart with our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell .........................................................407 Junior King’s Business—Helen Howarth Lemmel....,.................. 411 Our Literature Table........................................................................ 413 Homiletical Helps .............................................................................. 414 Bible Institute Family Circle—Cutler B. Whitwell..................... 415 International Lesson Commentary...................................................416 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Milo F. Jamison...........................423 Daily Devotional Readings.............................................................. 428


more, 50c reduction on each subscription, sent to one or to separate address as preferred. Trial offer 3 months 25c. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to "Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Receipts will not be sent for reg­ ular • subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new addresses at lease one month previous to date of desired change.

ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising, address THE KING'S BUSINESS. 536 So. Hope S t. Los Angeles. Calif. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17. 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. TERMS: $1.50 per year. Single copies 15c. Foreign Countries (including Canada) $1.75 per year. Clubs of 4, 25c reduction on each subscription; clubs of 10 or

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Chritian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.

536-5S8 S. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, Calif.

Â.._Thiig valuable booklet ,çan not lie sent to children

Thirteen Billion Dollars ^ THAT'S the staggering cost of crime each year in these United States ^ of America, according to estimate of qualified authority! And, of course, in addition there are spiritual and moral losses that cold figures simply cannot begin to express! When, in 1913, the corner stone of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was laid, Mr. Lyman Stewart, the Insti­ tute's first president, declared: "Forwhere the gospel ofthe grace of God in Christ is faithfully preached, there the propaganda of hate, selfishness, and lawlessness cannot dominate the community. Through the trans­ forming power of the gospel of Christ, men are being constantly trans­ ferred from that class which is a menace to society, to that which upbuilds and supports it. Permanent good government and civic right­ eousness are only possible through the faithful preaching and teaching of the Word of God." From the day on which these memorable words were spoken until the present, the Institute has been sending forth the story of salvation. &y> Listen to this thrilling testimony of renewed hope from behind the chilled somber walls of California's State Peni­ tentiary at San Quentin— it tells how a Bible Institute Correspondence Course brought a prisoner closer to his Lord: "Each of these courses has been very inspiring to me and has helped me to pass many long hours in my cell which otherwise would have been lonely . . . I want you to know that I expect to leave here a better man than when I came in, and that my friends in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles have been a great help in accomplishing the change, or improvement, by sending the Light to me, that has brightened my path and by guiding me straight to the foun­ tain of life where I can be constantly in touch with my blessed Saviour, Redeemer, and Friend." «a®» "I was in prison, and ye visited me. Here is a verse that should be upon the lips and in the heart of every citizen who, under the Stars and Stripes, names the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Verily, every Christian does believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ alone can correct the deplorable criminal conditions now extant throughout the nation. And hundreds of Christian men and women are experiencing unmeasured joy by translating their belief into action through generous support of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, because they know that the Institute, through the Lord Jesus Christ and in His name, is actually redeeming the lost.

September 1931


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(Crumbsfrom THE KING’S TABLE . . . B y TH E ED ITOR A Specialty of Possession 0 . ’ uch phrases as “my sheep,”

earnestness of purpose; but Simon Stylites had no busi­ ness to be standing there on the top of his broken pillar. He should have been down on the solid earth preaching the gospel of the grace of God, caring for the poor and the wronged, going about doing good, and living a sweet, wholesome life. One is not to invent forms of self- denial which the Master has never approved. One’s duty is to go straight on—doing the work and discharging the trust imposed by Christ, and manfully and patiently meet­

‘he calleth his own sheep by name,” “my Father who gave them me,” you have been bought with a price” are full of tenderness and assurance. What a comfort it is to know that you are the special object of divine love and care because you are the special possession of the Lord Jesus Christ! I have married many couples.

ing whatever of inconvenience or loss or sorrow or suffering may, in consequence, fall in the way. BE What Is Failure? i ecently , a friend of mine, as they say, “lost every­ thing.” Everything? He still has a happy home, a circle of loving children, a good con­ science, a spo tless reputation, self-respect, unwavering faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the hope of an eternity with God. What, then, has he lost ? A little yellow dust, the accumulation of a lifetime of labor, which sooner or later must slip through his fingers and be gone. A loss like this, in any event, is a mere ques­

I have heard the young husband introduce his new w ife to a friend, saying, “This is my wife.” How proud he is of his new possession! I have seen a young mother start out for a morning’s walk in the park with her new baby. She meets an old friend. Back go the b eau tifu l hem­ stitched things presented by sis­ ters and cousins and aunts, and she points to the little bundle of sweetness and says, “My baby.” In the midst of the darkness of this hour, we know One to whom we have been presented by His Father, and who thought so much of His Father’s gift that He paid a tremendous price to redeem us from the curse of

“Let Us Sing unto the Lord” ( P sa . 95:1)

He smiles in every little flower, The restless sea proclaims His power; His loving care is sung by bird, In raging storm His voice is heard; The moon imbued in yellow sky, His tender love doth magnify; The myriad stars that shine above, And flaming sun, tell of His love; In life, in death, in mystic tone He ever speaks unto His own.

■ —H arriet E leanor J ones .

tion of time. The man who loses money is, after all, only beaten back on the picket line, for the true conflict of life is on a much larger and more momentous scale. Failure? Bankruptcy? “Lost everything” ? Oh, no! If my friend had lost home, character, self-respect, and faith in God, and had kept his yellow dust, that would have been failure indeed; that would have been bank­ ruptcy and an irreparable loss. Murmurings and Disputings / / T h en god says , “D o all things without murmurings V jL | and disputings,” He puts His finger upon the two tempers which most frequently mar and ruin Chris­ tian service. How often we go to the work of salvation with earnestness and enthusiasm, but our enterprise is nipped and frozen at the heart! We set about it with “murmurings.” The wheels are not working smoothly in “the oil of joy.” They grate and grind in the grit of a hard reluctance. There is a half backward pull in our movements, and our goings do not attain to a splendid and irresistible crusade. I am convinced that reluctance in service can be traced to want of praise in our prayers. Men take to duties sadly because they do not sing enough in the presence of their Lord. The murmur in labor is born of the murmur in prayer. We come to our God with our complaints and with the sad story of our surg­ ing needs. But we do not come often enough with songs and with glad rehearsals of our benefits in “the light of

sin. The Redeemer sits up yonder on the right hand of God the Father with as much love for us and interest in us as when He hung upon the cross. He knows all about our troubles. He knows our heartaches. He knows our sorrow for sin. He knows our financial straits. He knows about the unkindness and injustice of brethren. He knows the end from the beginning. He will accom­ plish His purpose and will make all things to work to­ gether for good. Our needs will all be supplied according to His riches in glory. Let us rejoice that He has more invested in us than we have in Him. He shall not fail! Legitímate Suffering for Christ C hr ist did not run into needless anguish, although He never turned aside from that which duty re­ quired Him to meet. A man is not to make a mar­ tyr of himself for the sake of the sufferings incident to martyrdom. He is not to make himself needlessly ob­ noxious for the sake of having an opportunity to receive buffets and reproaches and scorn. He is not to court pains which need not to be borne, or to undertake ser­ vices which are of no consequence when rendered, in order to acquire discipline through the hardness and sev­ erity of them. Simon Stylites, standing on the top of his broken pillar, starving, thirsting, freezing, aching to death, shows wonderful firmness of will, much power of patient endurance, admirable devotion, sincerity, and

September 1931

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


in the baby stage and unable to comprehend more than a very little of what a wonderful God our Saviour is. Our Father is leading us from room to room like children in wonderland, telling us such rapturous stories of His na­ ture and His creative work that we continually exclaim, “How wonderful!” But there are more wonderful things than those of nature—that rebels should be forgiven, prodigals restored, the sons of darkness changed into children of light, Satan driven out before One stronger than he, and an unclean heart made the pure temple of the Holy God—these are far more wonderful than the glories of earth and sky and sea. The marvels in the natural world pale before the star of Bethlehem, the sunset of Calvary, and the radiance of the resurrection morning. And the end is not yet! We shall see greater wonders—soon! The disappointments of our fairest hopes, the over­ casting of our sunrises, the failures of our politicians, statesmen, and counsellors to effect a permanent and rad­ ical improvement of man’s nature compel us to pray as never before, “Oh, Lord, come quickly.” Oh, that His church might get to the East window and look for the breaking of the day! Did not the Master assure us that He would soon return? Did He not say, “Surely I come quickly” ? The little while will soon be over. He will come, first, to receive His saints to Him­ self, and afterward will return with them to the earth. Why are we disconsolate and dismayed? Why should a redeemed soul ever worry over anything? The awful condition of the nations, the return of the Jews to Pal­ estine, the despair and lawlessness of men, the cries of the church for a more faithful ministry—all these things, like so many minute guns at night, keep the heart awake. Oh, let your eyes flash with the glow of thanksgiving! Be glad and strong, confident and calm! Let your loins be girded and your lamps burning. Through heaven’s spaces you will soon detect the advent of your God. And when He comes, He will break the silence of the ages with the words of majesty and might. Father God, make us patient while we wait. Mrs. Riley with the Lord s we go to press, word is received of the death, at Duluth, Minn., on August 10, of Mrs. W. B. Riley, wife of the internationally known pastor of the First Bap­ tist Church of Minneapolis, Minn. Those of our readers who know how rich and beautiful was her life will appreciate the loss that Dr. Riley has sustained, and will join with the members of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in ex­ tending to him and to his family sincere sympathy. Important Announcement h e fall term of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will begin October 5. This will allow students al­ most another month in which to earn money to carry them through the year. In the past, our young people have been compelled to work too many hours in order to pay their expenses. This has interfered with their studies and with their health. Each prospective student should have at least one hundred dollars in sight when school begins. The holiday vacation may be short­ ened in order to make up for the lost time. Students should work and save during the coming month, so that they will have, if possible, sufficient funds to carry them through the year. According to latest reports, the student body will be much larger than last year.

his countenance.” Many who cry, “God be merciful” never shout, “God be praised.” We come before Him not “in the multitude of his mercies,” but in the multi­ tude of our complaints. Our feeble song is almost drowned in the clamour of our wailings. Amendment must be­ gin here, if we would have our labor march to music. We must go into the Lord’s presence and very deliber­ ately count our blessings. We must tell the story slowly in order that our souls may take it in. We must repeat the story until our hearts glow in the contemplation, until we have changed the “spirit of heaviness” for the “gar­ ment of praise.” As soon as praise warms up our prayers, eagerness will warm up our service. When our lips are laden with the confession of God’s mercies, our feet will be swift in “the way of his commandments.” We shall do all things without murmurings. Then there is that second thing—“disputings”—the spirit of wrangling. There are some people who appear to be incapable of doing anything without quarreling over it. They turn everything into a controversy. In every proposal, they must be “on the other side.” They love disputings. They waste so much energy over incidentals that they have little ,or no strength left for the essentials. When the real campaign begins, they are already spent; and what applies to individuals applies also to the church. The energy of the sects is leaking away in petty disputings and idle controversy, while the real work of the Lord Jesus Christ is neglected and anaemic. We quarrel over a banner, or the style and color of a uniform, or the priority of the various regiments on the field. We quar­ rel over the symbols, and we sometimes forget what the symbols represent; and all the time the enemy is rampant, consolidating his forces and usurping the place and func­ tions of our Lord. There is only one way to stop the un­ hallowed contention, and that is by a closer and more praiseful walk with God. If all the sects would contem­ plate “the goodness and mercy of God,” the majority of these disputings would vanish “like cloud spots in the dawn.” The most bitter disputants are those souls who are not restful and sunny in themselves, but who are disturbed and clouded in the dull mood of repining. If only we could get the “murmurings” out of the individual, we should1get the “disputings” but of the church. Wonderful I n th e interests of the Institute, we recently drove over four thousand miles, in California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. We covered two thousand miles of paved road, from San Diego to Van­ couver. High mountains crowned with eternal snow— Mount Shasta, Mount Hood, Mount Rainier, Mount Ba­ ker—and countless other beauties of nature many times caused us to exclaim, “How wonderful!” The restless old Pacific Ocean was by our side, and we remembered one of the songs of our childhood, Every evening there was a new sunset, and only God can paint a sunset! There were fields of golden grain and orchards and vineyards laden with luscious fruit. As we drove along we completely exhausted our supply of syno­ nyms for “wonderful.” We were like little children led into a toy shop, with open-eyed wonder and open-mouthed exclamation. But none of these things are wonderful to Him who made them. They are marvelous to us only because we are “The voice of Jehovah comes over the waters; . His voice o’er the vast and deep ocean is heard; The God of all glory is speaking in thunder, How mighty, how awful the voice of the Lord!”

September 1931

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C 0 resen i- d ) a y C ^ iiljìllm en i o f ] PROPHECY .. . By LOUIS S. BAUMAN

[Dr. Bauman has been repeatedly asked the question, “What about Mussolini and the Pope?” The items in this month’s con­ tribution all bear upon this subject and constitute a satisfying and scriptural reply .— E ditor .] Reviving Israel and Rome J L L o event of recent times has so emphatically proclaimed the end of Gentile dominion on the earth and the coming down from heaven of that everlasting kingdom that “shall not pass away,” as has the stirring of the dry bones (Ezek. 37) within the valleys about Jerusalem, on this “third day“ (Hos. 6:2; 2 Pet. 3 :8) since the kingdom of Israel was extinguished by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. The only other event com­ parable to it is the stirring of the “fourth beast, dreadful and terrible” (Dan. 7 :7) which once received a “death- stroke” (Rev. 13:3, R. V.) in the latter part of the fifth century, when barbarians from the north swept down over the Alps and drove their daggers into the heart of the bloody monster on the bank of the Tiber. No sooner did General Allenby’s threatening guns strike such terror into the heart of the Turk that he fled from the City of David without firing a single shot, leav­ ing it to the Briton who had already proclaimed to the world that it should again become the homeland of the Jew—no sooner did that significant event occur than one who believes himself to be the reincarnation and successor of Caesar, marched into the city of Rome and proclaimed the resurrection of the Empire! Not only has he pro­ claimed it, but, energized by some strange power that causes all the world to wonder, he is making his dream come true. Since that memorable march on Rome in Oc­ tober, 1922, every time Mussolini has rattled his sword or sounded his bugle-’call, the blood of the beast that re­ ceived the death-stroke pulsates mightily in his veins. Moreover-, nothing less than world dominion is mir­ rored in the vision of this new Caesar who reigns in the seven-hilled city. “I affirm,” he shouts, “that in Fascism there are principles of universal character which can not be stopped. This principle is not confined to Italy, but exists for all other countries.” And again: “Rome is a universal city, dear to the whole world. It has taught, and will teach law to the whole world. It is destiny that

Rome again takes her place as the city which shall be the directress of the civilization of all western Europe. Let us make out of Italy a nation without which it is impos­ sible to conceive the future history of humanity.” And once again: “Rome will soon overflow beyond the seven historic hills. Vast, well-ordered, powerful, as in the days of the first empire of Augustus, Rome must again become the wonder of the whole world.” Verily, the dream of this modern Caesar will be realized. If it does not take place under him, then it will under “another” (John 5 :43) ; for it is the counsel of God (cf. Rev. 13:1-7)-. The Harlot Rides the Beast i ut , w h en this nameless seven-headed and ten­ horned monster appears upon the scene, behold a ‘great harlot” is saddled upon his back. No love for his domineering rider is in the heart of the beast. He only awaits the hour when “ten kings” shall become pos­ sessed of “one mind,” and “shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” In that brief hour of his power, he will instantly hurl from his back this unwelcome rider, and “shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire” (cf. Rev. 17:3, 12, 13, 16). It is impossible for any well-informed person to peruse the seventeenth chapter of the great Revelation to John, without seeing papal Rome in every delineation of the scarlet-clothed woman astride this beast. She who once was the bride of Christ has so allied herself to the political powers of the world, that she can be considered only a harlot in the sight of God. Gaze upon the picture. The politico-ecclesiastical (purple and scarlet) robes this harlot wears, the jewels that adorn them, the garments besplashed with the blood of the saints, the Roman beast she rides, and the city on whose seven hill§ she sits—all loudly proclaim her to be papal Rome, and none other. And now, what do our eyes behold? No sooner do the bones begin to roll about in Abraham’s land, than here stalks forth the old beast of the death-stroke with the scarlet woman astride! And note the wisdom and reason­ ing of the beast in permitting the harlot, whom he loveth not, to sit demurely upon his back. In the beginning, Mus­ solini said to his black-shirts: “What an absurd mistake it would be to ignore such a moral power as that, a power two thousand years old and with an influence, daily in- j e

Waiting For Just as we wait for the dawning, In the early morning chill, Just as we wait for the moonrise Over the distant hill, Waiting to see the glory Break through the clouds so gray, Thus do we wait, dear Master, Thus for Thy coming pray.

Christ’s Coining Just as we wait for a loved one, With eye and ear attent, Wait, with a heart expectant, With all our powers bent To catch the distant footstep, To grasp the outstretched hand, Thus do we wait, dear Saviour, Thus we expectant stand. —L iving W aters .

September 1931

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and must frequent only those institutions which the re­ gime [Fascist] has established for them.” The Pope replies: “We can never agree to anything which restricts or denies the high nature that God gave to the Church and the family in the field of education. On this point, we are not merely intractable, but we are uncompromising. . . . Our rights and our principles can not even be discussed.” Mussolini says: “My formula is clear . . . evepr- thing within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State. The child, as soon as he is old enough to learn, belongs to the State alone. No sharing is possible. Maybe this will be judged a Spartan doctrine carried to an extreme. One can not deny, however, that it is clear. We are in process of reconstructing Italy—a great Italy.” The Pope replies: “In certain cases, when the welfare of the Church is concerned, I will not hesitate to dicker even with the devil in person. In the matter of the schools, however, I can make or tolerate no bargain. That the Church has the sole right to control education, as the trustee of Christian families, is as clear as that twice two makes four, not five, or six, or fifty.” Both of these gentlemen declare that their positions are quite “clear,.” They are clear and irreconcilable ! It is also “clear” that the very heart’s blood of each system is at stake. The system that yields—dies! Mussolini rattles his sword! The Pope calmly replies: “We have no material force to support our uncompromis­ ing attitude, but this is not to our disadvantage, for truth and right have none of material force.” Who Will Win This Fight? I f it were to be fought out single-handed between the beast and the harlot, the harlot would win, and we believe the beast knows it and will profit by his knowl­ edge. Many an emperor has fought with that hoary old harlot and has fallen. Her purposes are “fathomless as the sea, and silent as the grave” ; but irresistibly, unspar­ ingly, remorselessly, she rides on through the centuries and through every state to the accomplishment of those purposes. She may not strike directly. But she is an adept in the matter of arraying nation against nation, statesman against statesman, breaking up, dividing, and crumbling her enemies. History tells that story. But the beast is wise. There is to be a federation of kings to give final form to this mighty empire now shak­ ing from itself the grave-dust of the centuries. When these kings federate (and the signs of such a federation are not wanting just now), then, the beast will strike, and strike hard. For “these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her with fire. For God did put in their hearts to do his mind” (Rev. 17:16, 17, R. V.). The beast shall destroy the harlot, but the descending Son of God shall destroy the beast (Rev. 19:19, 20), and the final victory will be the Lord’s. Saints of God, what days these are for you! Are we not beholding the actuality of the wondrous vision of the seer of Patmos? If not, then the avant-couriers are be­ fore u s ! At least, we are not of those who dwell “in dark­ ness, that that day should overtake . . . as a thief” (1 Thess. 5 :4). Our God, by every possible sign, is warning His people to be ready, that through the great “up-calling* (1 Thess. 4:13-18), they may “be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Lk. 21 :36).

creasing, over four hundred million souls!” So Mussolini, the atheist, acquiesces to the galling saddle, and the harlot rides on. Mussolini, the present head of the reviving beast, joins the Church of Rome and has more than once, figuratively if not literally, addressed himself to the dis­ tasteful task of kissing the big toe of papal Rome. Mussolini, although inwardly despising the papacy, was keen enough to see in the tremendous organization of the Roman Church, the most highly developed disciplinary machine in the world, ready for instant action, and he reached out his hand for the levers. He. abolished Free­ masonry, that ancient foe of the whole papal system— and the woman rode on. He restored the crucifix in all the public schools of Italy—and the woman rode on. He passed a law making religion (which, in Italy, means Ro­ man Catholicism) a compulsory feature of the public school curriculum. He made it a crime for any person or newspaper to criticize in any way the Roman Catholic faith or Church. Mussolini countenanced, if he did not encourage, the persecution of the Protestant Church. One of the first things he did after coming into power was to take from the State and to present to the Pope the great Chigi Library, an ancient historical library of great value. He ordered all his ministers to attend mass ostentatiously. The famous recent Concordant between Mussolini and the Pope provided that no marriage in Italy should be valid without church bans. It also provided that the Papal Creed should be enforced in all schools throughout Italy. It provided that the Canon Law of the Church of Rome should be a law that the beast would be bound to enforce. It provided a temporal domain, making the Pope an earthly sovereign —and the woman rode on! • Some months ago, a far-sighted reporter managed to get a manuscript out of Italy, giving his impression of this apparent domination, by a “scarlet woman,” of the huge Roman beast over whom no one else seems able to exercise any control. His article closed thus: The stage seems set for great events here, and the first gun may be sounded any time. . . . There is no doubt that Mussolini is contemplating a great betrayal. It might be well for the Pope if some one who has his ear should whisper therein the words of the old Chi­ nese proverb : “He who rides a tiger must not dismount.” Political Babylon and Ecclesiastical Babylon Entering A Fight to the Finish ssuredly , this grandiose parade of the imperial beast and the marvellously bedecked harlot that rides him cannot go on forever. All the world knows that these two are out on no mere petting-party. Serious business is ahead. The pretensions of the beast, as spoken by Mussolini, cannot brook the pretensions of the papacy. Mussolini says : “Within the State, the Church is not sovereign and is not even free . . . because, in its institu­ tions and its men, it is not subject to the general laws of the State.” The papacy replies : “The Church and State should be united, and the ecclesiastical power superior to the civil.” Mussolini says: “The State governs for all, over the heads of all, and if necessary, against all.” The papacy replies: “All rights belonging to society exist in the Church.” Mussolini says : “Education must be ours” (that is to say, the State’s) ; and : “The young belong entirely to us,

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^li-^HE greatest evidence of the supernatural origin of the Bible is that it clearly describes the condition of our lost race; it gives a believable expla­ nation of how the race came to be lost; and it proclaims a gospel that satisfies every need of that lost race. The evolutionist has never given a rational explanation of the origin of sin or preached a gospel that will stop its ravages. Sin is here. Sin is abnormal. But there is no place for sin in the program of the theistic evolutionist unless God Himself is lacking in moral excellence. Because of their consciousness of sin, men throughout the ages have tried to appease the wrath of the gods. Said

Why should there be anything but harmony in the uni­ verse, whether the universe be created in an instant by the fiat of God, or evolved from an original germ that “just happened” ? D isasters of t h e F all O vercome by th e G ospel The story of Genesis gives the only rational answer that has ever been given to the question of how sin came into the world, and with it death and all our woe. Here is the answer of Genesis: Every creation of God, at the beginning, was perfect—a perfect heaven, a perfect earth, a perfect man. Man was tempted by the greatest created

Socrates, “It may be that the gods can forgive sin, but how I cannot tell.” The old pagan had that which is common to the race—a consciousness of sin that demanded satisfac­ tion, with no good news to tell how a load of guilt may be removed from the conscience of a sinner. T h e E ffects of S in Sin separates man from his Maker. Men try to get away from the presence of God. Their conception of a Su­ preme Being may be very crude. They may not know who He is or what He is, but they fear that He is, and have no desire to meet Him.

being in the universe, who himself had fallen from his high place as “an angel of light.” Man fell, and in the fall o f , Adam, so says the Book, something happened to the race: 1. All mankind came under the sentence of death. 2. Man’s nature became de­ praved. 3. Man lost the desire and the ability to fellowship with God. 4. Man lost the power to dwell in peace with his fellows. 5. Man lost the ability to govern the earth in righteous­ ness. 6. All creation lost its harmony.

Facts he evolutionist could not fit the gospel into his program H< * * Even if he could, the nature of sin would remain unchanged. H< * * Moreover, the gospel claims divine origin . Its power to redeem lies in the fact that it is the message of deity to a helpless race. ^ H< H« And it works. It is immeasurably more than a “working hypothesis .”

Sin separates man from his fellows. All the world- problems involved in men’s dealings with their fellows come out of their sinful hearts. “From whence come fightings and wars among you ? Come they not hence even of your lusts that war in your members?” That is from the old-fashioned Bible, and down in every human heart there is a consciousness that it is the truth. Men know the folly of war, but the biggest war in history was the world controversy of 1914 to 1918, and the people respon­ sible for it were the product of the highest physical and intellectual development. Men know the folly of murder, of lust, of greed, of dishonesty, and they have been trying for ages to get rid of these soul-diseases; but there is more manifestation of the rotten heart of unregenerate humanity than ever before. Surely something has hap­ pened to the race, that culture cannot eliminate, since we bade good-by (as some say we have) to our monkey forefathers! Because of this thing that we call sin, it is impossible to righteously govern the earth. No part of the earth has ever been ruled in righteousness. We have high ideals of government, but no power to execute them. The history of the governments of the earth is the history of failure through moral weakness.

No message that does not propose a workable remedy for these conditions can be called a full gospel. Does the Bible’s gospel set forth a remedy for every one of these six disasters ? Thank God, it does! The most compre­ hensive announcement of this gospel is found in 1 John 3 :8: “The Son of God is manifested, that he might de­ stroy the works of the devil.” That is the best news that ever fell upon the ears of a lost world! It is a message to lost souls, to struggling nations, and to a “groaning” creation. D eliverance from th e S entence of D eath “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” He made a full and complete atonement for my sin, and I have nothing to do but to accept it. There is no place for evolution in this gospel. It eliminates all human effort. It declares the inability of man to do anything for his own salvation. There is nothing that satisfies the consciences of men but the cross of Calvary with its divine sacrifice. D eliverance from th e O ld N ature “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.” The Bible does not teach that the unregenerate man has a “divine spark.” It says that he was conceived in sin. He

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peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” That is the gospel of the kingdom. No evolution or de­ mocracy will bring it about, but “the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” R estoration of H armony in N ature “Instead of the thorn

must be born again before he knows anything about a divine spark. There is no method of reformation, cul­ ture, or education, by which anything may be evolved from the natural man but what is in the natural man, and “God is not in all his thoughts.” But Jesus Christ comes into the believer’s heart as an abiding, controlling presence. The old nature remains as long as we are in this tabernacle, but He gives daily vic­

tory and assurance that one day we shall be delivered from the very presence of sin. There is no place for evolution here. A R eturn to F ellow sh ip w ith G od When Adam and Eve sinned, they hid themselves from God and endeavored to make a covering for their nakedness, as men ever since have been hiding, hoping to make for them­ selves fit clothing with which to come into the presence of God. “But the Lord God made coats of skin” for Adam and Eve, and thereafter, when He looked upon them, He saw only the thing that was s l a i n . The believer is clothed with Jesus Christ— the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. We need not fear to come into His holy pres­ ence if we are clothed with His righteousness. P rovision for P eace and H armony We hear .much of the brotherhood of man, but there can be no brother­ hood without the love that manifests itself “in honor preferring one another.” Where can you find this outside that blessed body that is living in vital union with the Son of God? The precious words of the hymn, “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love,

shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree.” Jesus Christ will not allow Satan to leave a sin­ gle evidence on earth that ‘he has ever been here. Not a thorn or a thistle shall remain to curse the earth. “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fai­ ling together; and a little child shall lead them . . . for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” T h e G ospel a M isfit i n ' E volution This gospel can not be the product u f evolution, first, because the evolution­ ist can not fit it into his program. He has rejected it because it assumes the utter helplessness of man and compels him to ac­ knowledge his bankruptcy before God. Second,' the nature of sin remains un­ changed. Through all the centuries, it has been the same God-dishonoring, hu­ manity-cursing thing, a n d until you change the nature and demands of sin, the gospel that provides the remedy must remain un­ changed. Third, the gospel claims for itself divine origin. Its origin is never ascribed to the creative brain of man. It is “the gospel of Christ” and “the

When Saving Truth is Spurned B y P aul H utchens “They shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Tim. 4:4). I Q rom saving truth men turn their ears away l l * And seek more soothing words their thoughts to sway. To “isms” and to cults with poison stings, To false religions and to worldly things They turn their fatuous hearts and thus begin To reap the baneful wages of their sin. They spurn the riches of His wealth above And on earth’s glittering lucre fix their love, But while they worship thus their chosen gold, Are turned to stringent poverty of soul. They turn away from truth that speaks of loss Which must be met by those who shun the cross. And (while hell’s messengers their fables spin, And weave perfidious webs to catch them in) No sooner turned, than quickly they are bound, And in the cords of unbelief are wound. They turn away from truth that warns of sin; And as they turn, earth’s pleasures set to win, Are caught in raging floods and borne away To sins own vortex eager for its prey. The fables and the lies to which men heed Can never fill their longing or their need. They are the gilded highways where the lost Who spurn the Word of truth at awful cost Are whirled along all heedless of their plight, And hastened to their doom—eternal night.

The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above,” are foolishness to men of the world.

power of God.” Its power to redeem lies in the fact that it is the message of deity to a helpless race. Fourth, it works. It is not a “working hypothesis,” but has been tested and tried to the satisfaction of millions. I called on my old physician as he lay upon his death­ bed. He was an evolutionist, but he confessed to me that his belief afforded him no light at evening-time.

R ighteous G overnment for th e E arth We do not look for peace through democracy; we look for it through theocracy. The “last Adam” is to become the earth’s King! “The government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Coun­ sellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and

[Continued on page 394]

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‘Truth shall spring out of the earth” (Psa. 85:11).

garding Egypt, Mesopotamia, or Syria. The history of the Jews, the Arabs, the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Baby­ lonians, and the Assyrians lies basal in the pages of holy Scripture; and so remarkably accurate are the divine records, that statesmen, military authorities, and journal­ ists of all nations who deal with the Near East find it essential to have a working knowledge of the Bible. It is impossible within the margin of this brief article to do more than indicate the value of this study to the Bible student. Take, for instance, the assertions of the modernist that the biblical accounts of creation, the temp­ tation, the fall, and the deluge have been derived from the Babylonian “Genesis” discovered by W. George Smith, representative of the Daily Telegraph of London. One has-only to follow the counsel of the late Sir Robert An­ derson, V.C.B., L.L.D., one time chief of the Criminal Investigation Department, Scotland Yard, London, and to deal with the issue from the standpoint of the law of evidence, to reject the infidel assertions and to realize that the early chapters of Genesis are inspired statements writ­ ten down by Moses. None of the crudities of the Baby­ lonian legends are to be found within the covers of the holy Book. Rev. John Tuckwell, M.R.A.S., declared in a lecture at the British Museum some years ago that, after seven years of careful study of every Hebrew word in the first chapter of Genesis, and as far as possible of every scientific statement referred to in the chapter, he chal­ lenged any man to prove a single mistake in that entire

n subject is of greater im­ portance than that of biblical archaeology in the tombs of Egypt and in the buried cities of Mesopotamia and Syria (including Palestine), where a wealth of material is being discovered, that invariably endorses every geograph-

JAFFA (OB JOPPA) THE POBT OF PALESTINE FROM THE AIR ical and historical fact written down on the sacred page under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Of the hun­ dreds of thousands of tablets that have been pouring into the museums of the world during the past fifty years, there has not been a single “find” that casts any doubt upon the accuracy of the Bible. It was only half a century ago that the researches of M. Boita, Sir Henry Layard, W. George Smith, and a few others revealed hidden treasures of inestimable worth. A few weeks ago, before leaving London for America, we were surprised to note the rapid changes taking place in the Egyptian and Assyrian saloons at the British Museum—a readjustment made necessary by the mass of material pouring in from Ur of the Chaldees, Egypt, and Palestine. Prior to the World War, the restrictions laid down by the Turks in Mesopotamia and Palestine made conditions very difficult, but the victory of Lord Allenby and the placing of the mandate of Palestine in the hands of Great Britain have afforded an opportunity that has been eagerly seized upon by the leading archaeologists of the day. C hr istian E vidence By way of illustrating the importance of the subject from the standpoint of Christian evidence, it is interesting to note that several leading archaeologists, men of pro­ nounced integrity of character, while yet in a state of in­ tellectual unbelief, have frankly acknowledged that the discoveries have brought them to believe in the Bible as the only authoritative source of information on matters of history pertaining to Bible lands. Apart from the Bible, there is no very reliable information to be obtained re- ♦Editor of The Bible Witness.


chapter. He said: “If God had not given us that chapter, we would never have had it. Genesis, chapter one, can be accounted for only on the ground of supernatural reve­ lation.” H igh T ypes of C ivilization The most recent discoveries of W. Woolley, at Ur of the Chaldees, have produced startling evidence of the

'September:1931 EVOLUTION COULD NOT PRODUCE . THE GOSPEL * ’ - - | [Continued front page 392] I said, “Doctor, how did it all happen? Tell me about it.” He replied, “I was brought up in a Christian home. I was disposed to believe the Bible, but I went to A-------- University. While there, I came to my room, one night from a Sunday service, where I was urged to accept the gospel message. The Bible my mother gave me lay open -ori my table. I looked at it and said, ‘It may be true, and it may be false—probably false.’ I accepted the theory of evolution and have been satisfied with it until now. But it gives me no light for the future. Can you help me?” “Doctor,” I said, “let us go back in thought to the little room in A------- ----. It is Sunday night, and your mother’s Bible is on the table. Now say with me: ‘It may be true, and it may not be true, but in the light of all that it is and all that it has done, it probably is true. I will take it by faith.’ ” No one ever did that and had a doubt for a dying pil­ low! And no one, no matter how exhaustive has been his research in the realm of the natural, who faces eternity without simple and unwavering confidence in the written and the incarnate Word, has assurance of heart and peace of tnind in the dying hour. Evolution may fascinate a man in life, but it cannot comfort him in death. The gos­ pel can and does. Appeal Wins Widespread Response It is announced by the Administration of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles that contributions to the emer­ gency cash fund of $10,000.00 for each of the three months of July, August, and September have been re­ ceived from hundreds of friends from all parts of the world. The Administration expresses its deep apprecia­ tion of the .generous and ready response to its urgent appeal. Friends who have not yet forwarded their gifts still have ample time to do so. VICTORY h e n y o u a r e fo r g o tte n , o r n e g le c te d , o r p u rp o s e ly s e t a t n o u g h t, a n d y o u sm ile in w a rd ly , g lo ry in g in th e o v e rs ig h t— that is victory. When your good is evil spoken of, when you are crossed, your taste offended, your advice disregarded, your opinion ridiculed, and you take it all in patient and loving silence— that is victory. When you are content with any food, any raiment; any climate, any society, any solitude, any interruption —that is victory. When you can stand face to face with waste, folly, ex­ travagance, spiritual insensibility, and endure it all as Jesus endured it —that is victory. When you never-care to-refer to yQurself in conversa­ tion, or to record your own good works, or to itch after commendation,- when you can truly ‘‘lové to be unknown” --thatAs victory; ; •:



conditions that prevailed before the deluge. We are thus brought by archaeological discovery to antediluvian tirpe$ spoken of by the-prophets, by our.Lotd’, and by the apos­ tles Paul ancl Peter,- in'their references-to Noah and his - “days.” ? : - ro - The fourth chapter of Genesis covers a millennial per­ iod of the world’s history. At its close, it enumerates the rise of arts and sciences. The discoveries at Ur attest the accuracy of that chapter in a remarkable degree. Having pierced, the, clay deposit attributed to “Noah’s flood,” the archaeologists have come across, a fascinating,page of human history. The men of those early times knew well how to build houses and how to engage in the business affairs of normal daily life. The ladies of the period practiced the art of self-adornment much as society women do today, even to the use of- the manicure set, the vanity-bag, and the lipstick. But tragedy is written large over the discoveries; for human remains have been found in crouching posture, the faces buried in the hands as though overtaken by some terrible catastrophy. Is it possible that we have here conclusive evidence of the awful judgment that fell when the patience of God and the preaching of Noah came to their appointed end ? “And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth” (Gen. 6:7). Genesis 10 has been well described as “the title-deeds of the nations," while the discovery of the temple towers (Zigguratts) of Mesopotamia have cleared up the mystery of the destruction of the tower of Babel and the con­ fusion of tongues. In the light of modern discovery, we now bfelievd that the building of that tower was the first organized attempt to introduce the apostate religious sys­ tem of Nimrod', for the small chamber at the summit of the tower was designed for idolatrous purposes. Professor A. H. Sayce affirms that the Babylonia of Abraham’s time was a far more highly civilized country than either Great Britain or America were one hundred and fifty years ago. Schools'and colleges abounded, and a very high state of civilization prevailed. Contract tab­ lets for the purchase of land arid the building of houses, legal documents, and marriage contracts are common dis­ coveries. We can imagine Adam, Abel, Cain, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Abraham, Job (Job 19:23-27), the patriarchs, and the prophets living and moving in the midst of advanced learning. How appropriate are the words of Hebrews 11:26, concerning Moses who esteemed “the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt” ! Turn where we may throughout the Bible, even to such an obscure reference as that found in Ezekiel 16, verses 3 to 45. It is explained by the fact that the Amor- ites and the Hittites became one people, the result of the union being the city of Jebus “which is Jerusalem.” No E vidence F or E volution Not’the slightest evidence is to be found anywhere to substantiate the evolutionary theory. Man is invariably found in a high state of civilization, the creation of God, occupying a distinct, place in the plan and purpose of God, entirely separate from the animal creation and on a dis­ tinctly higher J>lane. He was created a fit person to enjoy communion with God, but he fell—and great and awful are the eviderices of that terrible event. We would again urge our readers to become students of biblical archaeology; for, in the light of present-day discovery, our precious Bible becomes more and more endeared .to- us than ever. “Thy word is truth” (John - I .i;-;::’ i ;':")

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