King's Business - 1931-09


September 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

o C Æ â l e S n sU lu le FAMILYCIRCLE . . . By CUTLER B. WH ITWELL

Biola Reunion in Chicago very d e l ig h t fu l evening was spent in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Foster, Chicago, 111., June 20, 1931, when the following former students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles met for a time of fellowship and prayer: Os­ car Zimmerman, T3, of Berkeley, Calif., engaged in seaman’s work; Martin Long, ’24, and Mrs. Long (Myrtle Thompson, ’24) of South Chicago, where Mr. Long is pastor of a Baptist church; Clyde Rhea, ’21, and Mrs. Rhea (Clara Gearing, ’21), also of South Chicago, where Mr. Rhea is pastor of a Mennonite church; Dorothy Rose, employed in an attorney’s office in Chicago while preparing for further work in Christian Education; Ruth Elliott, ’27, and Leo Lapp, who expect to sail this fall for China; Otis Priddy, ’25, and Mrs. Priddy, students at Wheaton C61- lege; Mr. and Mrs. Robinson (Myrtle Stevenson, ’23); Sam Carlson, ’25, a student at North Park College, who is also doing some evangelistic singing; Cur­ tis Elliott, ’24, in Salvation Army work in Chicago; Mrs. Bernice Chadwick, sec­ retary to the director of the Missionary Course at Moody Bible Institute. A tele­ gram was read from Nicholas Thomas, ’25, who has not been able to be present. Following a buffet supper, time was given for testimony and prayer for Biola. Every one joined heartily in singing “B. I. O. L. A.” He alone, in whose Name the reunion was held, could under­ stand fully what Biola has meant to each one present. To Him be the glory for­ ever. Among the Missionaries Rachel T. Seiver, ’25, recently left Fay- oum, Egypt, for furlough in the home­ land. Blanche Nason is working in the Shel­ don Jackson School, Sitka, Alaska. Friends of Mabel Crawford, ’27, will rejoice to know that she arrived safely in France. She is studying under the di­ rection of the Foreign Missionary Society of the Brethren Church in preparation for missionary work in Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McIntosh (Mar­ jorie Phair) of the Unevangelized Af­ rica Mission, Miseberi, Ituri, Congo Beige, write: “We have been greatly sad­ dened by the loss of one of our most valued workers. Mr. Charles Hurlburt, of French Equatorial Africa, has been called Home. He was brought down from his station in a very critical condition. Shortly after he reached here, he suffered a slight stroke. A few days later, he slipped away. We covet your prayers for his devoted wife and also for his un­ manned station.” Leona S. Thoering, ’20, a missionary of the China Inland Mission, writes from Kwanhsien, Sze., China: “We know it is only in answer to the prayers of His chosen ones that we are enabled to carry

on. Szechwan is peaceful. How we do praise Him for the freedom we have in traveling through the country! So many provinces are disturbed, and the work in the country districts is almost impossible.” Mrs. Harold Casto (Marguerite Naugh- ton, ’26) writes from Upper Burma and an interesting account of her daily routine. She and her husband have learn­ ed enough of the language to enable them to teach classes of beginners. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson (Agnes Hosie), ’25 and ’26, are looking forward to an early return to Venezuela. May God lay it upon the hearts of many to pray that the way may be opened for their re­ turn to the field which, according to present appearances, has been closed to missionaries. In the Home Field Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hark- ness will be glad to know that God has been blessing their meetings in the East. Audiences of 1,500 to 2,000 greeted them in Canada. A Victorious Life Conference, conduct­ ed by Dr. Charles G. Trumbull, who is editor of The Sunday School Times and also one of the directors of the Bible In­ stitute, was held in Calvary Church, Pla­ centia, Calif., of which Dr. Charles E. Fuller is the pastor. A similar confer­ ence was conducted in the First Baptist Church, Paso Robles, Calif., where Rex Mitchell is the pastor. Rev. George H. Proctor, ’17, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Crescent City, Calif., was elected Moderator of the Pres­ bytery of the Redwoods for the coming year. Rev. and Mrs. Vernon M. Brown (Cath­ erine Bernard, ’20), who have been di­ rectors of a successful work in the East Side Neighborhood House, Butte, Mont., are now with the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, Calif., where Mr. Brown has accepted the position of Di­ rector of Christian Education. Mary J. Hall, ’17, who has done mis­ sionary work in Japan, is now in charge of the Japanese English Evening School in Los Angeles. She is also working in a Japanese church. Miss Mary B. Hill, a missionary to India, who filled the office of the Super­ intendent of Women at the Bible Insti­ tute from 1914 to 1916, has been speaking on India in many parts of southern Cali­ fornia. A Help to Missionaries I am very grateful for T he K ing ’ s B usiness . It is a volume of all-round information for Chris­ tian workers. It helps me greatly in my missionary labors. —F rom L atvia , E urope .

David Dirks, ’27, reports that God is greatly blessing the gospel team, of which he is a member, in its ministry in the Los Angeles County Jail. Rev. and Mrs. M a r t i n L u t h e r Thomas are assisting in a new Work in Los Angeles, the Metropolitan Federated Church. Byron Adams, missionary to the Hopi and Navaho Indians, spent a large part of the month of June giving stereopticon lectures concerning his work. Carl Aldinger, ’19, is in Chicago doing Y. M. C. A. work. Bessie L. Arras and A. C. Schmeltz were graduated in June from Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111. Mr. Schmeltz ex­ pects to take a year of postgraduate work at the University of California. Henry Archuleta, ’28, is supervisor of the kitchen, bakery, and dining hall at the Menaul School, Albuquerque, New Mex­ ico. H. George Prescott, ’26, is teacher of auto mechanics in the same school. R. F. Genter, ’29, is pastor of the First Baptist Church of North Hollywood, Calif. Souls are being saved there nearly every Sunday. Mrs. David R. Gronlund (Mildred Hilts, ’25) is in charge of the Beginners Department at the Christian and Mission­ ary Alliance Sunday-school, Los Angeles. A splendid circular letter has been sent out by Oscar Zimmerman, ’14, 1540 Lin­ coln St., Berkeley, Calif. Mr. Zimmerman, who is the director of the Immanuel Mission to Seamen,.has recently been re­ leased from the supervision of the work at San Francisco in order to visit other ports where similar work has been or­ ganized. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson (Mabel Kirkpatrick), a son, Richard Dudley, June 29, Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Wilson is one of the radio operators of KFAC, and was formerly the operator of KTBI. The baby’s grandfather is Ira D. Kirkpatrick, a graduate of the Eve­ ning School. To Mr. and Mrs. David D. Schultz (Mary Jantzen), a son, Paul Owen. To Rev. and Mrs. Reuben E. Johnson (Lillie Wallstrom), ’22, a daughter, Pearl. Mr. Johnson is pastor of the Swed­ ish Free Church, Butte, Mont. Died Rev. Virgil C. Snow, ’17, passed away at Santa Maria, Calif., following an op­ eration for acute appendicitis. He had served pastorates in Strathmore and Camarillo, Calif., and more recently had labored under the auspices of the Ameri­ can Sunday School Union, taking charge of the work in Idaho, Oregon, and Wash­ ington. Just prior to his death, the home of Mr. Snow and his wife (Vida Hill) was destroyed by fire. There are four children. Sincere sympathy is extended to all who have been bereaved.

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