King's Business - 1931-09


September 1931

T h e

K i ' n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

IV. T he C omment of P aul (R om . 15:18-21). In the passage from which these verses are taken, Paul gives some reasons for his writing to the Romans. He states that he was appointed the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, and as such he min­ istered the gospel of God among them, having no thought for his personal rights, but wholeheartedly giving himself in or­ der to make Christ known. Quite prop­ erly, therefore, he could boast about the mighty signs and wonders which the ■Spirit of God had performed through him, making the Gentiles obedient to the truth, since it was not he who accom­ plished them, but the Spirit of God who was working through him to will and to do of His own good pleasure. Paul’s words had been heard, and his deeds had been observed all the way from Jerusalem to Macedonia and “round about Illyri- cum,” beyond Macedonia. Because of the leading of the Holy Spirit, the apostle was led to preach where the name of Christ had never before been heard. His was truly pioneer work. We will do well to remember that the founda­ tion which Paul laid is the one upon which our labor must also be built if it is to stand the test of a coming day and to bring a reward from the righteous Judge who “shall try every man’s work of what sort it is” (1 Cor. 3:13). Lesson Questions Acts 16:6-8. By whom were the gospei ministers forbidden entrance into Asia? What three elements combine to show the trusting child of God the course of the Spirit’s leading? ,V. 9. Who may the “man of Mace­ donia” have been? What was his plea? How did Paul interpret it? What is the greatest help that one can give to an in­ quiring soul? Vs. 10, 11. What did Paul and his com­ panions understand the vision to mean? Did they obey promptly? Are visions needed today, or is the full Word of God to man sufficient for the believer’s guid­ ance in all things ? V. 12. What was the chief city in Macedonia in which the missionaries tar­ ried? V. 13. What opportunity arose for the preaching of the gospel? Who were as­ sembled? What was their object. V. 14. In the conversion of Lydia, what marks of every true conversion are seen? What is meant by the statement that she “worshipped God” ? Are we to infer that to every seeking sinner God gives oppor­ tunity to hear the Word and to accept the Lord, (cf. Acts 8:26-39)? V. 15. How did Lydia give .expression to'her faith in Jesus Christ? , , Rom. 15 :18-21. In what sense was Paul a pioneer missionary? BLACKBOARD LESSON

Golden T ex t Illustration Among the stories of the Scotch coven­ anters is the account of the execution of Captain John Paton. After Paton had been apprehended, he was taken to Edin­ burgh for trial and execution. On the way, he met an old comrade. “I will write to the King and get a par­ don for you,” said the comrade, who was surprised and grieved to see him bound. But Paton replied, “Ah, you won’t get one for me.” “Well,” his friend answered, “if I do not, I will never draw a sword for His Majesty again.” Intercession was made for the coven­ anter captain, and the pardon was grant­ ed. It arrived in Edinburgh in time, but it was held by the lords of the congrega­ tion until Paton had gone to the scaffold. We brand this as a heinous crime. But is the man or woman any better, who re­ ceives the divine message of peace and pardon and refuses to pass that message on to those who may be delivered thereby ? Paul T akes th e Gospel to O th er Lands A cts 16:6-15 Memory Verse : “Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19). Approach : Paul and Barnabas were so glad that the leaders of the church want­ ed them to preach to the Gentiles, that they started on another journey. This city of Derbe, Paul found another young man, named Timothy, who he knew would make a good helper, so the three of them went on together. Lesson S to ry : Paul had expected to go through the towns which he and Barna­ bas had visited before, and then to go up into new towns in the same country. But when they started up into Galatia, they were told by the Holy Spirit to turn back. Then they tried to go into Bithynia, but they couldn’t go their either. Finally, they stopped at Troas, on the sea coast, to find out where the Lord did want them to go. Here Paul had a vision. He saw a man from Macedonia, a country across the sea, holding out his hands and beg­ ging : “Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” Then Paul understood that the Holy Spirit was leading them to a new country to preach the gospel. Paul and his helpers sailed across the sea, and soon they were in the city of Philippi. There was no church in which to preach, but Paul found that some women often went down to a place at the side of a river to talk and pray together. When he met with them, they heard him gladly, and Lydia, one of the women, be­ lieved in the Lord Jesus. Soon some of her friends believed, and before very long, a Christian church was formed at Phil- ippi. time Barnabas went in o n e direction with a young man named Mark, a n d Paul took with him a young man named Silas. P a u l and Silas went back to e n c o u r a g e t h e Christians in the places which had been visited on the first journey. In the


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