King's Business - 1931-09



T h e

K i n g ’ s

B ü s i n e s S


comforting, more meaningful than the promise of Christ that He has gone to prepare a place for us, and that He will come again to take us to that place to be with Him forever. ;Some have tried to spiritualize the statement ; others mini­ mize its importance ; but the words are clear and explicit, and they are backed by many other passages. Notable among these is the statement of Paul in 1 Thes- salonians 4:13 to 18. Some one may ask : “What difference does it make whether Christ is coming back or not?” In the first place, His statement is a guarantee that “where I am, there ye may be also.” W e are to be with Him in a place prepared for us. There are a lot of things which can be endured in this short life if we can have the assurance that we are to spend eter­ nity with Christ. Many a man haS en­ dured hardship and privation for a few years, that he might attain some position ;of fame or wealth. If we have our eyes fixed on the goal of a glorious life, eter­ nal in the presence of Christ, we can easily endure the temporary trials of the present. A second comforting thought is that Christ’s return guarantees a reunion with Christian loved ones who have died. The -sorrow and mystery of the grave loses its tragic aspect when we know the loss is but temporary. Some day Christ will re­ turn, and then we shall all be united with Him. Let us pray that we may have a sense of the nearness of the eternal; and that we may never forget the promise of His coming. D iscussion 1. Fear is one of the greatest enemies of mankind. At the opening of this chap­ ter, Christ strikes at this deadly foe: “Let not your heart be troubled.” Discuss some of the common fears which harass and disturb men, such as fear of poverty, fear of physical suffering, and fear of the loss of loved ones. How . do Christ’s words, “believe in God, believe also in me,” answer the problem of fear? If God is all-powerful and Christ is God and Christ is our Friend, why should we fear ? 2. How do you explain verse 3? Study this passage in the light of Acts 1 :10 and 11, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13 to 18. What seems to be the clear inference if these passages are taken in accordance with their self-evident meaning? What should be our attitude in respect to the return of Christ (cf. Matt. 25 :13) ? Discuss verses 4 to 7 in reference to the question of the way to God. How do you interpret Christ’s words : “No man cometh unto the Father, but my me” ? Is there any other way in which we can know God in the fullness of His glory except as we see Him manifest in Christ? 3. Study thé claims Christ makes for Himself in vèrées 7 to il. Do these sound like the words of a mere man? If Christ was what He claimed to be, What should be our attitude toward -Him?

SUNDAY: Select some portion from the chapter as the basis for a devotional talk to be used at the first opportunity. Analysis I. Christ, the Way to the Father (vs. 1-6). 1. A message of comfort (v. 1). 2. A prepared home (v. 2). 3. A promised return (v. 3). 4. A revealed way (vs. 4-6). I I. - Christ, the Revealer of the Father (vs. 7-14). 1. To know Christ is to know God (v. 7). 2. To see Christ is to see God (vs. 8, 9). 3. To hear Christ is to hear God (v. 10 ). 4. To do Christ’s works is to do the works of God (vs. 11, 12). 5. To pray in Christ’s name guarantees an answer from God (vs. 12-14). III. Christ, and the Holy Spirit from the Father (vs. 15-17, 26). 1. The Holy Spirit given by the Fa­ ther (v. 16). 2. The Holy Spirit unknown by the world (v. 17). 3. The Holy Spirit dwelling in the Christian (v. 17). 4. The Holy Spirit the teacher of the things of Christ (v. 26). IV. Christ, and Gifts through the Father (vs. 18-31). 1. Comfort (v. 18). 2. Life from God (v. 19). 3. Union with God (v. 20). 4. Love of God (v. 21,). 5 / Indwelling of God (v. 23). 6. Peace of God (v. 27). 7. Joy (v. 28). Expression T he P romise of H is C oming “I f I go . . . (John 14:3). There is no truth of Scripture more Echoes from Australia I am delighted with the improved K ing ’ s B usiness . I thoroughly en­ joy its tone and its sound, interest­ ing, varied reading—even to the story. —F rom B risbane . I have been a reader of your pa­ per for the last nine or ten years, and I would like to tell you how much I appreciate it. It is grand to get a paper that is so true to the old Book. I am a believer in the old-fashioned gospel, arid I have a real fight with modernism at times. I get some good ammunition from T he K ing ’ s B usiness . Whatever you do, don’t take my name off your subscription list. —F rom T emora . I will come again"

A Bible Discussion Course A constructive, connected series of practical Bible, discussion subjects and outlines to be used by C hristian E n­ deavor Societies, Sunday-school classes, and o th er Bible study groups. OCTOBER 4, 1931 The Way to God J ohn 14 X he - fourteenth chapter of John is one of the most familiar portions of the entire New Testament. Its words of comfort, hope, and peace have strengthened men and women in their hours of need down through the ages, since that memorable night when the first little band of disciples gathered about their béloved Lord and Master. On the next day, He would be laid on the cruel cross, His hands and His feet pierced. •He knew what was coming, and yet, in that dread hour, He challenged them with His words : ‘‘Let not your heart "be troubled.” At the very moment when most men would have felt that their ministry had been a failure and their promises of lordship empty vijords, ' Christ’^ constant affirmation rang clear and plain: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” The only explanation that can be given of His tremendous claim is that He was either a blind, misguided, mentally-unbalanced, religious fanatic ; or that He was the arch deceiver and willful imposter of all the world’s history; or that He was what He claimed to be—the only way to God. P rep aratio n There are some chapters of the Bible that every Christian should hide in his heart; John 14 is one of thèse chapters. It is suggested that much time be spent this week in committing to memory the marvelous words herein recorded. The suggestions for preparation will be found to center about this idea. MONDAY: Read through the entire chapter slowly, aloud if possible, at least four or five times, trying to fix the order of words and verses in your mind. TUESDAY : Repeat the exercise suggested for Mon­ day. WEDNESDAY: After re-reading the chapter, try to re­ produce as much of it as you can in your notebook, using the language of the text. THURSDAY: Outline the contents of the chapter. FRIDAY: List all the promises to be found in the chapter. . SATURDAY: Go over the chapter several times again, memorizing as much as you can.

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