King's Business - 1931-09


September 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

This the wondrous, thrilling story: Christ is coming—Christ is King. Oft methinks I hear His footsteps, Stealing down the paths of time; And the future dark with shadows, Brightens with this hope sublime. Sound the soul-inspiring anthem; Angel hosts, your harps attune; Earth’s long night is almost over, Christ is coming—coming soon. _______ — S elected . OCTOBER 9 “With God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26).

“Nothing is impossible to industry,” said one of the seven sages of Greece. Let us change the word “industry" for “per­ severing prayer,” and the motto will be more Christian and more worthy of uni­ versal adoption. I am persuaded that we are all more deficient in a spirit of prayer than in any other grace. God loves im­ portunate prayer so much that He will not give us much blessing without it. And the reason that He loves such prayer is that He loves us and knows that it is a necessary preparation for our receiving the richest blessings which he is waiting and longing to bestow. I never prayed sincerely and earnestly for anything but it came at some time; no matter at how distant a day, somehow, in some shape, probably the last I would have devised, it came. — A d o n ir a m J u d so n . Some people are constantly worrying about their faith. I have given up worry­ ing about my faith, because I think of God’s faithfulness. Begin to count God faithful. Reckon on Christ’s faithfulness toward you. Go over these steps: Be still. Make Christ first in everything. Live ab­ solutely for Him. Receive from Him all your words to speak and works to do, all the power of your life; when in any emer­ gency or need, receive from Him who sent the demand the power to meet it. Reckon absolutely upon Christ. Meet His will in every circumstance. That is the way that Jesus lived toward His Father; live so toward Jesus. —F. B. M ey er . Think of the scope of a frame that is perpetually joyful, never complaining, never fretting, never murmuring, never discontented, never dissatisfied. . . . This is a very unusual frame, when whatever the Lord does is an occasion of joy, when every contemplation of Christ affords new delight. The Lord does not tell us to re­ joice in ourselves or in our circumstances, but He does tell us to rejoice in Him. —A. T. P ie r so n . God’s sky of blue is over all, O Heart, be glad; What if some days the rain doth fall— Be never sad. Doth not the banner of God’s love O’er-arch our days, His love to prove? ; Some shade may be, but look above And, Heart, be glad. — F red S cott S h e pa r d . OCTOBER 12 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness o f God in him” (2 Cor. 5:21). The power and value of justification touches the Christian life' at every point. It is the basis of our peace with God. This basis is a condition into which we enter, rather than a feeling which enters OCTOBER 1» “Have faith in God” (Mk. 11:22). “There is grace enough for me, When my need shall greatest be.” OCTOBER 11 “Rejoice in the Lord alway. and again I say, Rejoice" (Phil. 4:4).

into us. Resting on the Word of God, faith knows that all is well. Justification is also the basis of our standing in grace. The provisions of grace include not only the work of Christ for us, but the work of the Spirit within us. Luther’s words on this subject should be pondered and proclaimed : “Thou, Lord Jesus, art my righteousness; I am Thy sin. Thou hast taken what was mine and hast given me what was Thine. What Thou wast not Thou didst become, that I might become what I was not.”— J o h n C. P age . - OCTOBER 13 “Get thee to Zarephath [smelting-fur­ nace] . . . and dwell there” (1 Ki. 17:9). “What, go to the place of furnace-heat trial? Yes, that is the word. Elijàh obeyed He found there a woman who was utterly discouraged. She had been dwelling there (in Zarephath, the “smelting-furnace”) a long time. She had only a handful of flour and a little oil left. She was about to prepare one more meal, the last, and then lie down to die. Then came the com­ mand to share her little with another per­ son. She must learn that she was not the only one in “the smelting-furnace;” As she shared her bit with Elijah, she made a wonderful discovery. God was right there, too. Yes, the God of provision was there, in “the smelting-furnace,” with both of them. And instead of dying, as she ex­ pected to do, she and he (Elijah) and her house “did eat many days,” for some­ how there was always a little meal in the barrel and a little oil in the cruse. Are you dwelling in “the smelting-fur­ nace” ? Remember, there is somebody else there, too. You are not alone in your trial. Think about this other one. Share what you have with this one, and you, too, will discover the presence of the third person—God. With Him in the fur­ nace with you, you need have no fear. — G u y E . M a r k , OCTOBER 14 “The Lord directeth his steps”■ (Prov. 16:9). - Bg§! Take thou this day from Gdd, a solemn trust Which He commits to thee; and that it may Be well begun, spend its first hours with Him. He knoweth all thy needs, and hath ar­ ranged For their supply. Thy pathway, too, this day Is marked upon His chart in heaven, and was Before ordained that thou shouldst walk therein. All through the journey keep thy hand in His, For He will surely prove thy safest guide Since He hath planned each step. And as there Come fresh opportunities for service, see Thou use each one for God, giving to Him Glory in word and deed. So doing all , As in His sight, when this day’s course is run, Thou mayest hand its record unto Him Without misgiving, rendering Him account As good and faithful steward. If thou thus Shalt live each day for Him, when sets life’s sun, Thou shalt receive the Master’s own “well done.”— A . W. R o ffe .


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A Christian Boarding School Very reasonable rates—Elementary and Secondary grade. Tour child needs more education than you received—give it to him without destroying his faith in the Bible. Address Monte Vista Christian School COEDUCATIONAL R. 0. PRICE, Principal, Bt. 1, Box 158, Watsonville, Calif. F o » . W " i o N P A c a d e m y * 1 Accredited. U pper and low er schools. Able faculty. Small classes. Supervised study. R. O. T. C. H onor School. A ll athletics. Swim* ming: pool. Fireproof buildings. R unning w ater, hot an d cold every room. B est health. For C atalog 34th year, w rite D r. J< J . W icker, P res., Box 13 Fork U nion, Va. Individual Cups Order a THOMAS COMMUNION SERVICE for your Church. Prices low. Sure to please. Tray & 86 best glasses & Cover $8.90. Glasses $1.00 doz. Waxed paper cups 60 cts. per 100. Collection & Bread Plates. New style 3-cup Pastor's Service 5”x 6'*, Non- Tarnishing Pewter Fittings $12.75. FOLDER FREE. THOMAS COMMUNION CO., BOX 542 LIMA, OHIO.

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