Policy News Journal - 2014-15

available and taken up in larger organisations, in the public sector, in establishments where there was a higher proportion of female workers, and establishments where there was a union presence.

Women and flexible working: Improving female employment outcomes in Europe

7 January 2015

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) have published a report on options for increasing rates of female employment across Europe.

The report considers the role that flexible working options can play in raising female employment rates, and reducing the number of women working below their skill level or who are underemployed in terms of hours, throughout Europe. It also assesses the extent and nature of demand for, and the challenges and opportunities of, flexible working practices.

Work From Home Week

22 January 2015

This week celebrates the 12 th Work From Home Week which aims to get employers and employees thinking about the option of working from home and all the benefits it can bring.

Launched in 2003, Work From Home Week aims to get employers and employees thinking about the option of working from home and all the benefits it can bring, from avoiding the rush-hour crush to creating a better work/life balance.

With 14% of people in employment working from home, this is proving to be a viable and attractive alternative for businesses and workers across the UK.

In June 2014, new right to flexible working laws were introduced in the UK, declaring that all employees - who have worked for the same employer for at least 26 weeks - are eligible to request flexible working, including the option of working from home. In fact, most recent figures now show that around 14% of people in employment are working from home, highlighting the idea that it's increasingly becoming a viable and attractive alternative for businesses.

Work From Home Week have compiled the top 5 reasons for employers to consider:

Money - Not only would you save money on travel costs - train tickets, petrol, parking, etc. - but not eating out for lunch on a regular basis is bound to save you some pennies too. For parents, it gives the opportunity to radically reduce the costs of childcare.

Commute - Forget about delayed trains or road traffic dampening your spirits.

Comfort - Rather than donning a power suit or being restricted to a desk all day, choose your own dress code and working environment.

Green Living - Working from home can help reduce your carbon footprint, conserve office space for your employer, and perhaps most importantly, allow you to be the master of your own environment! Freedom/Flexibility - Having the freedom to choose your hours and coffee breaks, while not being dragged in and out of corporate meetings all day is something that could potentially boost your overall moral and work ethic. Not to mention it allows you to create that ideal work/life balance.

CIPP Policy News Journal

08/04/2015, Page 58 of 521

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