Smart Melaka Blueprint 2035


The Smart Melaka Blueprint 2035 (SMB2035) is a strategic document to response Melaka key urban challenges in term of urban mobility, digital infrastructure development and clean water resources. It is collaboratively prepared by the Economic Planning Unit (UPEN) Melaka and Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT). This document provides an overview for the investors of the future industrial development in Melaka. The policy makers and the implementers are guided by the blueprint for infrastructural development to attract the investors and to care for the well-being of the communities. The sustainable balance must be maintained and preserved between economic development, environmental protection, and cultural heritage by improving the efficiency, transparency and accountability of Melaka public service delivery and increase the economic competitiveness. On top of that, at MIGHT, we always take a further step to foresee the future landscape by providing a strategic document to help our states and cities overcome the urban challenges and achieve the Government’s aspiration. MIGHT developed the F.I.R.S.T TM matrix consists of ve pillars or elements as a tool for strategic and wholesome development for SMB2035. The ve pillars are Funding, Infrastructure, Regulations & Policies, Skills & Talents, and Technology & Innovation. These elements are addressed and developed through consensus and extensive consultations to meet Melaka’s needs and expectations in delivering SMB2035. MIGHT regularly facilitate Ministries, industry players and academia in the areas of investment, business, and markets locally and internationally. We offer a trustworthy smart partnership platform for both government and private sectors to share expertise and provide strategic development and catalytic effects of high technology industry in elevating the Malaysian economy. Strong partnerships between all levels are vital, including with the communities, NGOs, professionals, business entities, and the private sector as well as the government machinery. MIGHT has included our Malaysia Smart Cities Alliance Association (MSCA) members to participate in the development of SMB2035 as Melaka should leverage on every best practice and experience from the smart city industry players itself. Finally, on behalf of MIGHT, we wish to thank all partners of who directly and indirectly have contributed to the accomplishment of SMB2035.


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