Smart Melaka Blueprint 2035


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Melaka, as many other cities experiences, is undergoing fast pace urbanisation and this trend continues. The population of Melaka in 2035 is expected to rise to 1.54 million people with a density estimated at 9.2 person/ hectares and the state’s economic growth will continue to rise with its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita projected to reach RM89,930. Urban growth will not be, however, without challenges. Rapid urbanisation , coupled with population and economic growth has already resulted in a number of daunting challenges. In Melaka, urban sprawl has put immense pressure on the urban land use as well as its periphery which subsequently transforms the natural and semi-natural landscape into urban fabric. Melaka is expected to face challenges in terms of meeting the increased energy demand and sourcing of future energy options. Further to this, high level of private vehicle ownership contributes to traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, high water usage, lack of solid waste management, degraded environmental quality and natural resources, threats of climate change is a challange for a better quality of life in the society as a whole. In order to address these challenges, Melaka aims to adopt a smart city concept to improve municipal management and strengthen the governance of its public services. Future Melaka features an intelligent urban ecosystem which will operate through an integrated support system consisting of a wide array of technologies, including sensors, wireless communication systems and advanced data analytics. This visionary leap is in-line with the state government’s aspiration to achieve the smart city status by 2035. Smart Melaka Blueprint 2035 (SMB2035) is one of the accompanying quick wins identified under Flagship 7: Pendidikan dan Teknologi of Pelan Strategik Melakaku Maju Jaya 2035 (PSMJ2035). It provides a strategic and actionable roadmap to lead Melaka into the visionary digital transformation, integrating the components of administrative, business, research and society as a complete ecosystem. Specifically, SMB2035 aims to assist the policy makers and implementers as well as the communities at large to embark into the journey of digital transformation towards an inclusive and vibrant Melaka with thriving economic prospects by 2035, while ensuring rich heritage always as the unique core values of Melaka, at present and in the future.

SMB2035 identified eight categories of challenges currently faced by Melaka of which some have been either magnified or accelerated due to COVID-19 pandemic. These include economic growth and development, transportation system and management, security and safety enhancement, technology readiness, sustainable and innovative business models, e-government service provision, and environmental and resource management. Based on the global trends shaping future cities, SMB2035 identified seven drivers of change which will shape the digital transformation of Melaka. In response to global and national key agendas on smart city developments, SMB2035 aspires to empower and engage its citizens in this 15-year transformative journey to accomplish the vision of “Sustainable, Livable and Resilient Smart Melaka” , by achieving a specific mission “Towards World Heritage Smart Melaka” . The SMB2035 envisions Melaka to be a Digital State that will uplift its heritage and cultural preservation, with a wide range of innovative and attractive business opportunities offered to both local and foreign investments. The vision and mission are supported by five thrusts as follows; smart partnerships, digital ecosystem, people-centric government process and procedures, human capital development to realise digital economy readiness, and adoption of technology and automation. A total of 20 strategies were subsequently developed, and supported by 78 action plans which will be executed in three phases, i.e., short-term (2022-2025), medium- term (2022-2030), and long-term (2022-2035). Based on the F.I.R.S.T TM matrix assessetment of strategies, a total of 22 quick win projects are expected to kick off SMB2035 and a total of 4 game changer projects which would lead to long lasting impacts to Melaka are identified. The successful implementation of SMB2035 requires full commitment and concerted efforts of all stakeholders to encapsulate people-centric governance, vibrant economy, sustainable environment and resilient society. At state level, MELDiC oversees and approves all SMB2035 initiatives with the implementations spearheaded by Smart Melaka Delivery Committee where BTMK and MICTH specifically oversee the Industry Project Depository. A comprehensive outline of implementation partners using Quadruple Helix Model of innovation which is backed by the proposed Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) with monitoring agency, i.e., MIMO is ready for the state government of Melaka to realistically leverage its resources for SMB2035 initiatives.


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