Smart Melaka Blueprint 2035


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Global Scenes

Globally, the emergence of a smart city concept goes way back in the 1970s and it is believed to have started with Los Angeles with the first urban big data project: ‘A Cluster Analysis of Los Angeles’. The creation of virtual ‘digital city’ known as De Digital Stad (DDS) by Amsterdam in 1994 is the manifestation aimed at promoting internet usage. Singapore and Helsinki are leading the pack with comprehensive, digital advancement and social inclusion through the smart cities’ initiatives. The smart cities development has accelerated and generating growth on the back of a firm commitment in other cities such as Helsinki, Amsterdam, Barcelona, China, Hong Kong, London and other cities as listed under World Smart City Index. They believe that Smart Cities can sustain, foster and lead initiatives to tackle the urban challenges and solve public problems through technology adoption and it offered several criteria to achieve a higher quality of life in planning for cities of the future. The main urban challenges facing the countries will be solved through smart solution to seamless urban planning and deliver a suite of joined-up products and services to citizens with reduced infrastructure costs.

Smart Cities Wheels


Shortage of affordable housing

Polarised growth of economy


Increase age population

Natural disaster


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