Smart Melaka Blueprint 2035


Establishment of Standards and Compliance in Smart City Development

Due to the complexity and different focus of smart city features for each state, the establishment of smart city standard is required to ensure compliance by all stakeholders and developers. Standards meet the goal of creating a common basic understanding of a technology. Unless the scope of a standard includes interoperability tests or guidelines, a technology could only be stated to be in compliance with that standard. For confirmation of interoperability of the various system components, a comprehensive test plan should be developed. Plan Malaysia has developed the standard, MS 37122:2021 (Sustainable cities and communities - Indicators for smart cities). The standards will provide procedures and process on how to rate a cities with the indicators outlined. This standard will be the basis in determining the level of cities ‘smartness’ for planning purposes as well as certification for any cities in Malaysia in order to become smart city. Melaka will be adopting and aligning to MS 37122:2021 to measure its achievement in transforming into a smart city. In regards to Smart City efforts, as they begin to mature, standards and best practices are increasingly coming into reality. While there are many benefits to the use of standards, some of most important include;

Future proofing - avoid technological and business process obsolescence

Product commodification - drives down costs and increases availability

Development of new features - provide different offerings from others

Virtual platform - free access to domain experts ecosystem

Standards and best practices allows the designer, installer, end user and maintenance organizations to adopt proven methods for each step of a project over the entire lifecycle, from project conception to project retirement and disposal.


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