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QUICK WIN PROJECTS Quick wins are solutions that are visible having immediate benefit, and able to be delivered quickly after the project begins. These must be implemented within a year and give positive impact to the Melaka economic, social and environmental landscape. Quick wins allowed clear vision, targets and provide the benchmarking indicators for further progress of SMB2035 implementation. Quick wins in SMB2035 will be executed up to 12 months depending on the phases of implementation. SMB2035 outlined six (6) criteria in selecting a quick win implementation:
1. Resources availability and readiness for immediate execution.
2. Able to convincingly address the root of urban issue with technology & smart solution. 3. Give immediate impact to Melaka state on economy, social and environment development. 4. Execution via smart partnership between government and industry players. 5. Feasible to implement in term of technical, financial, resources readiness, and risk management. 6. Able to attract potential investors to boost Melaka economic growth. SMB2035 has outlined the potential area for business opportunities with the greatest potential that will support the direction of Smart Melaka by 2035. As the transformation of Melaka towards Smart State begun to take shape and progressively accelerating the development of Melaka economic growth. The five (5) potential areas below are new business opportunities in Melaka for service and technology providers to offer new solutions.
Potential Business Opportunities
Digitalization & Electronic Services
Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to transform any conventional activities into a digital base activity. This will find new opportunities and ways to make the work more effective. The example of digitalization is cashless payment, digital economy, e- commerce, e-services and blockchain.
Well-being Improvement via smart solutions
Well-being improvement means any solution that will change community or individual activity of daily living to be more practical and effective. Well-being is important to human health, education, safety, security, standard of living, religion, and future expectation. By improving human well-being, it will help the community or individual to overcome difficulties and help them to achieve better living condition.
Smart System Monitoring & Management
A system monitoring consists of hardware and software used to control any complex facilities such as factories, power plants, network operation centres, airports among others.
Big Data Sharing & Platform
Big data platform is one of IT solution that combines the features and capabilities of several source of data application and utilities within a single solution.
Smart City & Community Infrastructure
A smart city infrastructure is defined as a cyber-physical system that provides for an integral management of all elements that it comprises by means of different technological tools while community infrastructure refers to any physical facilities needed to support and sustain a community of people to live and work.
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