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Smart Melaka Implementation Committee (SMIC)
Smart Melaka Implementation Committee (SMIC) is chaired by Exco Pendidikan dan Teknologi , Melaka. The role of SMIC is to review and recommend project proposal submission evaluated and recommended by Project Evaluation Committee. Certain project proposals can be submitted to SMIC secretariat directly. In addition, SMIC need to reconcile project proposals submission by the Industry to Project Depository coordinated by BTMK and MICTH.
Project Evaluation Committee’s role is to evaluate the feasibility of project proposals that are supporting SMB2035 initiatives. This committee will be chaired by Melaka State Head of ICT and comprises of several representatives from different fields of technical expertise. PEC will evaluate the feasibility of the projects, prioritise the project implementation, identify and confirm the project ownership and confirm on funding source. However, for certain project proposals that require different forms expertise, the committee will invite the relevant expert accordingly. PEC will table the potential project proposals to SMIC for review and recommended for approval.
Project Evaluation Committee (PEC)
Industry Project Depository (BTMK and MICTH)
BTMK and MICTH act as the Industry Project Depository to receive all project proposals related to Smart Melaka Blueprint initiatives. The project proposals can either come from the state agency, local authorities, universities or private industries. Both BTMK and MICTH will work together with Invest Melaka to attract potential new investment. Continuous engagement with Melaka stakeholders will be carried-out to identify new projects.
MIMO is the monitoring agency to report on SMB2035 initiatives implementation status to SMIC which falls under Flagship No 7 of PSMJ and to assist SMIC to report the status to MELDiC. MIMO will track the progress of the implementation of SMB2035 initiatives in meeting the targets. The monitoring mechanism is required to be conducted efficiently with integrity and the progress of the achievement is to be measured periodically.
Monitoring Agency
At implementation level, various agencies are responsible for the execution of project registered under Smart Melaka initiatives that has been approved by MELDiC. Based on the nature of the projects, there are two (2) group of implementation bodies identified to execute the implementation of Smart Melaka quick win projects, action plans and the game changers as below: - • Government Agencies • Private Sectors These implementation agency need to be clear on the funding of the projects and work closely with UPEN for the State funding and for private funding to work closely with the private companies to deliberate on the business model. The implementation agency are responsible to request for the budget, implement the projects and meeting the deliverables.
Implementation Agency
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