Merseyside Police - Associate Director Corporate Assets

Our Force Strategy outlines what we are all working to achieve before 2025. Everyone has a part to play and it means that overall, we all have the same objectives. How well we perform is crucial because it directly affects the service we deliver to the people of Merseyside. We are rated by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) as ‘outstanding’ at tackling serious and organised crime. This is incredibly important

because of the harm that organised crime groups pose to our communities. We have also been assessed as ‘good’ in a number of other areas which resulted in us receiving an overall ‘good’ rating for the fourth successive year. It’s crucial that all our officers and staff have an insight into what the force strategy is and how their work is linked to it. If we all have the same goal, we can all work towards achieving it together.

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