Merseyside Police - Associate Director Corporate Assets

Mather Avenue

An £8 million refurbishment of Mather Avenue, including the Mounted Section’s stable block, was completed in January 2020 with the aim of it becoming the force's primary training centre. It also provides a permanent location for the Commissioner's small team.

Bebington Police Station

One of the first major projects to be completed, Bebington Police Station received a £2 million face- lift, including the creation a brand new and purpose built suite for interviewing vulnerable victims and witnesses.

Community Police Stations

A key component of the PCC's 10-year plan for modernising Merseyside Police's estate was the creation of a network of Community Police Stations. Community Police Stations are designed to be accessible, visible centres which are co-located with partners in busy neighbourhood hubs which are already well-used by the communities they serve. To date, 11 new Community Police Stations have been opened. They are located in a diverse range of locations, including within libraries, one stop shops, community centres, at Prescot Fire Station and even one on a railway station platform at Ainsdale. The Community Police Stations enabled the disposal of older police stations that were no longer fit for purpose and in the wrong location. The capital receipts from these stations has been used to invest in the estate. Custody Suites A five-year rolling plan has been introduced with the aim of refurbishing the force’s custody suites. Belle Vale and Copy Lane have already been completed. Lea Green Training Centre A new gymnasium and classroom have recently been delivered at the force's training centre in Lea Green to enable the training of new recruits as a result of the Prime Minister’s recent increase in funding.

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