Oven Breakpoint Guide


Ways to Control the Breakpoint

There are two methods widely used to control the breakpoint in a smokehouse or dehydrator:

Dual Fans The oven is built with two identical fans that operate in opposition to each other in order to create the high and low velocity air streams. All the work of creating and controlling the breakpoint lies in the how the fans work in relation to each other. • More of an electrical solution than mechanical • Requires complex design and controls • Service Technician is needed to make simple repairs • Can’t achieve maximum allowable velocity in the oven without two large fans • Very expensive Alternating Dampers The oven is built with a set of alternating dampers in the cabinet’s air supply duct. These dampers are set opposite of each other in a 90° formation to create the high and low velocity air steams. The dampers create and control the breakpoint. • More mechanical for a simpler design • Controls are easier to use and operate • Maintenance department is typically able to maintain and repair • Maximum allowable velocity is easy to create with one fan • Less expensive

Controlling the Breakpoint

Controlling the location & duration of the breakpoint is key to consistent yields and product coloring.


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