If your back hurts, should you lie in bed or take a rest on the couch? Neither, in fact while it might feel good to take a load off temporarily, either one of these can actually prolong or even worsen your symptoms. In reality, one of the most common reasons people miss work or visit their doctor is low back pain. According to a study conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association, one third of adults surveyed say that low back pain impacted their ability to sleep, work or exercise. Yet more than half of Americans who experience low back pain have jobs that require them to sit for the majority of their day. This means the answer to pain relief is not found in less movement, but more.
Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
Living Your Life Without Nagging Back Pain INSIDE:
• Do You Have Nagging Back Pain? • Fear of Falling Is Real! • Take Advantage of Our Complimentary Workshops! • A Recovery Story!
Time Is Running Out! Use Your Benefits Now! See important updates with Medicare inside!
Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Nagging Back Pain?
That’s not to say that you can just go for a stroll and call it good. Patients in the study were given a pedometer and a notebook to keep track of the steps they took throughout the day. They were also given the charge to take a targeted number of steps in one walk. In the study, that target started with 10 minutes every day or around 1,200 steps, gradually working up to 30 minutes per day of intentional walking. The trick was to track the number of steps and record it in a journal. Not only does the patient self-monitor their progress, it gave them a way of staying accountable for their goal. Physical therapy is the ideal treatment for patients experiencing chronic low back pain. Unlike prescription pain medication, physical therapy does not have any unwanted side effects, does not carry the risk of dependency and addresses a person’s mobility as well as pain reduction. One recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine also reported that physical therapy is as effective as surgery for treating low back pain conditions, without the risks or recovery time. Pain Relief Many people already associate physical therapy with movement, balance and mobility, but few understand the role physical therapy can have in pain relief. Manual therapies such as trigger point therapy, joint mobilization and massage play a big role in physical therapy’s ability to relieve a patient’s pain. When combined with other physical therapy modalities, manual therapies are more effective than pain medications and provide long-term relief. Strengthening Exercises The fact that more than three-fourths of adults who participated in the walking study were overweight or obese is not coincidental. Those who carry extra weight are more likely to experience low back pain than adults who maintain a healthy weight. They are also more likely to experience problems with their balance, gait and posture that make walking itself a painful process. Physical therapy programs use strengthening exercises to address core weakness, foot placement and balance issues and help them get back on their feet without the pain that limits their ability to walk. ...and Go to Physical Therapy But what do you do when it hurts to even walk?
If your back hurts, should you lie in bed or take a rest on the couch? Neither, in fact while it might feel good to take a load off temporarily, either one of these can actually prolong or even worsen your symptoms. In reality, one of the most common reasons people miss work or visit their doctor is low back pain. According to a study conducted by the American Physical Therapy Association, one third of adults surveyed say that low back pain impacted their ability to sleep, work or exercise. Yet more than half of Americans who experience low back pain have jobs that require them to sit for the majority of their day. This means the answer to pain American Family Physician published a study in 2015 that sheds a little light on what can happen with a little movement. Nearly 250 people who experienced chronic low back pain (pain that lasted longer than three months) or recurrent low back pain (pain that happened three or more times per year) were studied. All patients reported low levels of physical activity and 76 percent were overweight or obese. This group was then divided into three treatment protocols and evaluated for pain and mobility before and after. One group in particular was given pedometers and a journalandencouraged towalk forat least10minuteseveryday,eventually working up to 30 minutes each day. What researchers discovered was surprising. Of all of the treatment programs studied, walking was the best way to reduce low back pain and improve mobility. relief is not found in less movement, but more. All You Have to Do is Walk...
Complimentary Workshops
Balance, Dizziness, & Fear of Falling
Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Impingement
Total Hip & Knee Replacements
Wednesday , October 10 @ 6 pm
Tuesday, October 23 @ 6 pm
Tuesday, November 6 @ 6 pm
• Learn what causes your balance to worsen as you age. • Natural solutions for improving balance, and getting rid of vertigo, and dizziness • Gain the confidence needed to get back to life!
• Learn the nitty-gritty of how rotator cuffs work • Understand what causes shoulder instability, impingementandshoulderpain • Discover natural solutions for relief from shoulder pain and rotator cuff tears
• What does a joint replacement involve? What is pre-hab? • How have a successful total joint replacement surgery • Preparing for surgery to speed recovery time, maximize ROM, and return to all of your activities
Lower Back Pain & Sciatica November 15 @ 6:00 pm
Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Impingement December 20 @ 6:00 pm
Balance, Dizziness, & Fear of Falling December 4 @ 6:00 pm
All Events Are Free • Limited Seating Events Filling Up Fast • RSVP by calling or texting 208.755.6715!
Tips fromMark on Restoring Posture
Hooray! Online Payments Are Here! We’ve rolledoutournewonlinepayment system.Catchinguponyourbill isnow moreconvenient thanever! Go to www.PinnaclePhysicalTherapy.org thenclick “PayMyBill”.
ContactDerekwithquestionsat 208.777.4242.
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Learn how posture impacts your mobility and pain, what correct posture looks like, and which techniques we use to restore your posture
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Fear of Falling Is Real
Patient Success Spotlight
We’re excited to announce that Jim is now certified in Vestibular Rehabilitation; that’s the fancy term for helping folks with balance and dizziness issues. Through Jim’s newprogram,he’sable to accurately diagnose the source of balance and dizziness issues. Balanceisregulatedbythreesystems: Visual(eyes),Proprioceptive(signals from muscles and joints), and Vestibular (inner ear). After diagnosing the cause, Jim is
“I am so grateful and appreciate all that was done for me!”
“We worked on back and pain and pelvic strengthening. The strengthening helped so much and I feel great! I received education on what I was doing wrong, how I could strengthen my body, and do everyday life without so much pain. I am a hands-on and visual person. Mark showed me everything over and over to help myself and used a lot of patience. I am so grateful and appreciate all that was done for me. Everyone works with you and hears you. No pushing. I can now sit, lift my legs, and squat. I have my life back!.” - Kathy
abletotreatvestibular issuesthroughacustomizedregimenoftechniques to reduce or eliminate common conditions such as vertigo, imbalance, and dizziness.
Book a free screening with Jim now! Call 208.777.4242!
Time Is Running Out!
Use Your Benefits Before 2018 Ends! Plus Medicare Updates! The end of the year is near! It’s never been a better time to use the remainderofyourphysical therapybenefits togetoutofpain,build strengthandstayhealthy thisfall!Takesome time to treatyourself to a better quality of life, enabling you to enjoy the great activities North Idahohas tooffersuchashiking,hunting,fishing,andskiing. Medicare recently removed the cap for physical therapy benefits*, meaning you can work with us to get complete relief, maximize your strength, improve your walking, sharpen your golf game and stay active all year long. Comeseeus toworkonyourback,posture,hips,knees,shoulders, and more. We’re here to help you experience life pain-free. Life is short, don’t ignore you pain and problems. You’ll be amazed at the long-term benefits of physical therapy on your body and quality of life! Call Summer at 208.777.4242 to get back in for a tune-up or work on another injury you’ve experienced.
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