中式特色早餐 中式炒面 炒面是深受喜爱的中式菜肴,象征着繁荣与长寿。长面条代表 着长寿,象征着新年中的健康与好运。 体验米其林星级大厨 Leo 的创意风味,北京荣誉加身。
炒面配时令蔬菜、酱油和芝麻油 含有:面筋、蛋类、芝麻、黄豆
Oriental Breakfast Corner
Experience the flavors of Chef Leo, Beijing’s Michelin-starred culinary master
Chao Mian (Stir-fried Noodles) Stir-fried noodles are a beloved Chinese dish, symbolizing prosperity and longevity. The long noodles represent longevity and good health in the new year. Stir-fried noodles with seasonal vegetables, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Contains: Gluten, Eggs, Sesame, Soybeans
长寿面 长寿面象征着长寿,吃不折断的面条代表着健康和长寿。 面条、香菇、鸡蛋、酱油、蚝油 含有:面筋、蛋类、坚果、花生、芝麻、黄豆 中式特色早餐 体验米其林星级大厨 Leo 的创意风味,北京荣誉加身。
Oriental Breakfast Corner
Experience the flavors of Chef Leo, Beijing’s Michelin-starred culinary master
Longevity Noodles Longevity noodles symbolize long life, with unbreakable noodles representing health and longevity. Noodles, shiitake mushrooms, eggs, soy sauce, oyster sauce. Contains: Gluten, Eggs, Nuts, Peanuts, Sesame, Soybeans
北京年糕 年糕是由糯米制成,传统上在春节食用,象征着一年更比一年 高,更加幸福和健康。 糯米和红豆、糖 含有:面筋 中式特色早餐 体验米其林星级大厨 Leo 的创意风味,北京荣誉加身。
Oriental Breakfast Corner
Experience the flavors of Chef Leo, Beijing’s Michelin-starred culinary master
Beijing Nian Gao (Rice Cake) Rice cakes made from glutinous rice, traditionally eaten during the Spring Festival, symbolize higher achievements, happiness, and health each year. Glutinous rice, red beans, sugar. Contains: Gluten
茶叶蛋 茶叶蛋不仅是一道美味的零食,还有着丰富的历史。 古代士兵常将鸡蛋煮在香料茶中,方便携带,营养丰富。 鸡蛋配,花茶,八角、香叶、酱油 含有:面筋、蛋类、黄豆 中式特色早餐 体验米其林星级大厨 Leo 的创意风味,北京荣誉加身。
Oriental Breakfast Corner
Experience the flavors of Chef Leo, Beijing’s Michelin-starred culinary master
Tea Eggs Tea eggs are a delicious snack with a rich history. Ancient soldiers would boil eggs in spiced tea for easy portability and nutrition. Eggs, floral tea, star anise, bay leaves, soy sauce Contains: Gluten, Eggs, Soybeans
猪肉馅饼 猪肉香饼是中国传统美食。如今它象征着丰收与满足。 煎饼配猪肉、姜、葱,酱油,芝麻油 含有:面筋、蛋类、芝麻、黄豆 中式特色早餐 体验米其林星级大厨 Leo 的创意风味,北京荣誉加身。
Oriental Breakfast Corner
Experience the flavors of Chef Leo, Beijing’s Michelin-starred culinary master
Zhurou Xian Bing (Pork Pie) Pork pies are a traditional Chinese delicacy. They now symbolize harvest and contentment. Fried buns with pork, ginger, spring onions, soy sauce, sesame oil. Contains: Gluten, Eggs, Sesame, Soybeans
葱油饼 葱油饼是传统中式煎饼,香气扑鼻,象征着新年的丰盈与幸福。 体验米其林星级大厨 Leo 的创意风味,北京荣誉加身。
煎饼配葱和芝麻油,鸡蛋 含有:面筋、乳制品、黄豆
Oriental Breakfast Corner
Experience the flavors of Chef Leo, Beijing’s Michelin-starred culinary master
Cong You Bing (Scallion Pancakes) Scallion pancakes are a traditional Chinese fried pastry, fragrant and symbolizing abundance and happiness in the new year. Fried pancakes with spring onions, sesame oil, eggs Contains: Gluten, Dairy, Soybeans
煎饼 中国特色街头小吃,健康和营养。 面饼饼配葱和黄酱,辣椒酱,芝麻油,鸡蛋 含有:面筋、蛋类、坚果、芝麻、黄豆 中式特色早餐 体验米其林星级大厨 Leo 的创意风味,北京荣誉加身。
Oriental Breakfast Corner
Experience the flavors of Chef Leo, Beijing’s Michelin-starred culinary master
Jianbing (Chinese Crepes) A Chinese street food that is healthy and nutritious. Thin pancake with spring onions, yellow bean paste, chili sauce, sesame oil, and eggs. Contains: Gluten, Eggs, Nuts, Sesame, Soybeans
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