Oral Presentations (22) 1. Black T, Kannangara L. Workshop: Traumatic dental emergencies in the emergency department. Australian College of Nurse Practitioners National Conference; 3-6 March 2021; QT Hotel, Gold Coast. 2. Campbell P. Introducing a nurse practitioner-led burns and plastics trauma clinic. Australian College of Nurse Practitioners National Conference; 4-6 March 2021; Gold Coast, Australia. 3. Campbell P. Workshop: Management of minor burns in the emergency or outpatient setting. Australian College of Nurse Practitioners National Conference; 4-6 March 2021; Gold Coast, Australia. 4. Davies R, Pilkington D, Frew C. ‘PACING alongside Police’-Northern Sydney Local Health District clinicians’ lived experience. THeMHS Annual Conference; 12-15 October 2021; Melbourne. 5. Evans V. The Neuro Impact of COVID-19. World Federation of Neuroscience Nurses Symposium; 12 February 2021; Virtual event, Sydney. 6. Evans V. COVID-19 International Panel Discussion (Chair). World Federation of Neuroscience Nurses Symposium; 12 February 2021; Virtual event, Sydney. 7. Evans V. Concussion Update. World Federation of Neuroscience Nurses Symposium; 12 February 2021; Virtual event, Sydney. 8. Evans V. International Panel Discussion: Neuro Implications of COVID-19 (Chair) International Neuroscience Nurses Symposium; 12 February 2021; Sydney (virtual). 9. Goldsmith H, Doane M, McCann E, Quilantang M, Quinn J, Prowse M, et al. The preparedness and management of COVID-19 for healthcare workers in Australia. 16th Annual Cleveland Clinic Clinical Nursing Research Conference; 26-27 April 2021; Virtual Event. 10. Hammond N. Invited speaker: Sepsis in India Prevalence Study. Intensive Care Society State of the Conference; 6-8 December 2021. 11. Hammond N. Invited speaker: What went wrong with publishing in COVID-19? CODA Zero LIVE; 16-18 February 2021; Sydney ICC, Sydney. 12. Jala S, Bertmar C, Gray T, Krause M. Impact of post thrombolysis monitoring in the stroke unit on hospital length of stay. Smart Strokes 2021-Australasian Nursing and Allied Health Stroke Conference; 12-13 August 2021; Virtual.
13. Jones K, Best M, Pryor J. What are the most important features of spiritual care training for Australian healthcare professionals? An overview of four influential studies. Spiritual Care in the 21st Century Conference; 20-23 June 2021; Virtual. 14. Macnaught E, Carman K, Paradisis M, Staub E. SOS–Save Our Skin: Reducing the number of PIVC extravasation injuries in NICU. Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network (ANZNN) Clinical Practice Improvement Conference; 28-29 November 2021; Virtual. 15. Monaro S, Gullick G, West S. Qualitative research: Practical strategies for rigorous data analysis. Australian & New Zealand Society of Vascular Surgery Conference; 9 October 2021; Gold Coast Convention Centre, Broadbeach. 16. Monaro S, Pinkova J, Ko N, Stromsmoe N, Gullick G. What matters in complex wounds: The experience of patients accessing wound services. Wounds Australia Conference; 4 May 2021; Brisbane. 17. Monaro S, Pinkova J, Manewell S, Aitken SJ. Patient reported outcome measure for chronic limb threatening ischaemia. Australian & New Zealand Society of Vascular Surgery Conference; 9 October 2021; Gold Coast Convention Centre, Broadbeach. 18. Pryor J. Using rehab thinking to improve nurse effectiveness across the continuum of care (invited speaker). Middlemore NZ Nursing and Midwifery Symposium: Celebrating Our People; 12 May 2021; Virtual. 19. Pryor J. The role of ARNA in the formalization of rehabilitation as a nursing specialty in Australia (invited speaker) National NZ Neuroscience Nursing Symposium; 13-14 May 2021; Virtual. 20. Pryor J. A few words about rehabilitation nursing from Australia and New Zealand (invited speaker) International Congress of Rehabilitation Nursing; 3 December 2021; Lisbon, Portugal (Virtual). 21. Stavert B, Monaro S, Tienstra L, Naganathan V, Aitken S. The importance of being present: towards an understanding of how patients on haemodialysis view long-term relationships with their treating surgeon. Royal Australian College of Surgeons; 4 November 2021; Sydney. 22. Williams S. Parkinson’s Disease Movement Disorder Nurse Specialist Demographic Survey 2021 Results. Australasian Neuroscience Nurses Association Conference-Movement Disorder Chapter Program; 11 November 2021; Virtual.
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