Nursing and Midwifery Research Annual Report 2021

AWARDS AND NOMINATIONS (10) 1. Curtis K, Munroe B, Alkhouri H, Fry M, Murphy M, Shaban R, Considine J, Sivabalan P. ACHS Quality Improvement Awards 2021, Winner: Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety category-“Safer, better emergency nursing care for the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local District with HIRAID: A proven, up-scalable emergency nursing framework”. 2. Evans (Roach) V. Member of the Order of Australia, 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours, for contribution to neuroscience nursing and professional federations. 3. Fry M. 2021. Winner: Health Dean’s Academic Excellence Award-Research Excellence (Research Leader), University of Technology Sydney Faculty of Health. This award is based on the NHMRC partnership grant for the project grant titled: Improving the safety and quality of emergency nursing care and assessed on its academic merit regarding the science, novelty, amount, potential significance, and grant category. 4. Fry M (co-investigator). ACHS Quality Improvement Awards 2021-Winner: Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety category: Safer, better emergency nursing care for the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local District with HIRAID: a proven, up-scalable emergency nursing framework. 5. Gillett M, Wilks S, Fitzpatrick L, Bowra J, Vassiliadis J, Fry M. (Emergency Department, Royal North Shore Hospital) Finalist: 2021 ANZHFR Golden Hip Award-for being one of the top performing hospitals in caring for patients with a hip fracture. 6. Hammond N, Crowe L, Abbenbroek B, Elliott R, Tian D, Donaldson L, Fitzgerald E, Flower O, Grattan S, Harris R, Sayers L, Delaney A. Winner: Australian Critical Care Gavin Leslie Best Nursing Research Paper Award 2021- 22: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on critical care health care workers depression, anxiety, and stress levels. Australian Critical Care. 34:2. 7. Jala S. Stroke Foundation, Stroke Week 2-8 August 2021, second prize-Friends video ($200.00). 8. Jala S. Stroke Foundation, Stroke Week 2-8 August 2021, special mention -F.A.S.T. translation video ($100.00). 9. Jala S. Smart Strokes 2021 Conference, 12-13 August 2021, Winner: Best Acute Nursing Abstract-Sponsored by ASNEN: Impact of post thrombolysis monitoring in the stroke unit on hospital length of stay. 10. Wang J, Ganley H, Hoyle P, Crane J, Grieve F, Duke S, et al. The 24th Annual Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) Quality Improvement Awards 2021 -Nominee: “Reducing hypoglycaemia by eating a chocolate elephant”.

Poster Presentations (7) 1. Chu E. Post-vaccination serological outcomes for infants born to women infected with Hepatitis B. The Viral Hepatitis Nurse-Led Models of Care Forum; 29 May 2021; Virtual. 2. Chu E. Post-vaccination serological outcomes for infants born to women infected with Hepatitis B. The 12th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference; 30 May to 1 June 2021; Sydney. 3. Ganley H, Elsmore V, Zecchin A, Hoyle P. SPC Traffic Lights: Stop on Green and Go on Red. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare Australasia; British Medical Journal and Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 8-10 September 2021; Virtual. 4. Pattabhiraman P. Renal patient with cPRA 99.5%: AKX and ABOi transplant experience of the unit. 2021 Renal Society of Australasia (RSA) Annual Conference; 17-19 June 2021; Melbourne. 5. Paul D, Glover S. Supported consumer-side (bedside) handover in mental health inpatient settings. 30th Annual TheMHS Conference: Balancing The System; 9-12 February 2021; Perth virtual conference. 6. Stavert B, Monaro S, Naganathan V, Aitken SJ. Improving patient-centred care of renal access patients through the implementation of an integrated care clinic: An evaluation study. Australian & New Zealand Society of Vascular Surgery; 9 October 2021; Gold Coast Convention Centre, Broadbeach. 7. Stavert B, Monaro S, Naganathan V, Aitken SJ. Improving patient-centred care of renal access patients through the implementation of an integrated care clinic. International Society Health Care Academics; 9 July 2021; Virtual.


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