Biola Broadcaster - 1964-08

us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace.” How precious is the Holy Spirit's ministry in our midst as we yield and submit to Him. He gives us peace, rest and joy in our hearts and souls. Do you know Him? Have you met Him? Do IF MAN SHOULD REACH THE MOON I'm sure you've heard or read about, The satellites in space: How Russia and United States, Are in a rocket race. To hear them talk it won't be long, Till space they conquer soon, And then what next will man at­ tempt, If he should reach the moon. If man should ever reach the moon. There's one thing that is clear, He'll ruin everything up there, Just like he has down here. With sin and crime, with lust and greed, He's got enough to do, To clean the mess he's made on earth And you know that that is true. The sickness and the want and fear, The broken hearts and shame. And hungry millions cry each day, For man is all to blame, It's not the moon we need to reach, It's God, who put it there: The One who went to Calvary, A rugged cross to bear, For sins of men with wicked hearts, He died one day at noon. With faith in Him, you'll have no fear, If man should reach the moon. — Walter Huntly you treat Him as He should rightly be honored? In Revelation 14:6, we read of the “everlasting gospel.” God's truth never changes; it doesn't need to. The Gospel to the sinner is, “Jesus I think we better set our sights, Above the moon and space; And let's explore eternity, While there is time and grace.

paid it all, all to Him I owe.” Jesus has done all the work for us. The Holy Spirit convinces and convicts lost souls of this. One sad aspect, however, is that there is also everlasting punishment. In Matthew 25:46, we read, “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment.” The Saviour came for yo,u. If you will take Him and trust Him your sins will be forgiven, washed away, and He will make you His own. God grant you may fall in love with Him day by day. * * * Good works are not the price of a ticket to heaven, but the proof of the right to enter therein. * * * It is better to have your bank account in heaven than to have your heaven in a bank. * * * Below , Biola College students working in libraryt a memorial gift by Dr. Daniel Rose.

Choir of Arizona Bible College which toured this sjrring directed by Mr. Leonard Fleming.


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