members of the body of Christ. One morning I went to breakfast, and afterwards went to my desk to do some work. However, my right arm wouldn’t move; it was paralyzed somehow. I couldn’t pick up my pen. Fortunately, during the day, the use of it began to come back. I some times think that God’s people are like that. They don’t do one thing for the church or for the cause of Christ. They go to church and criticize the preacher, the music, the heat, or something else. Maybe they throw a few coins into the plate. God has something to say about those who give so little and yet who want so much. We are ambassadors to carry the message of heaven to the un saved. Your blessed Lord loves you. He gave Himself for you. He wants you to live for Him and to honor His precious name by speaking only His oracles. Let the Holy Spirit work through you and discover the joy and satisfaction of a life which is “in tune” with the Master. There is an interesting statement from an ancient divine which runs, “Take a look out of your own grave noiv and again." This is not some morbid preoccupation but it means to imagine oneself dead, looking at the old world to which we now cater, see ing how little it really misses us. It is at a time like this that one can realize how flimsy its pleasures really are, and how vain its empty glory. And like nothing else, such a look will cure us of spending time on that which has no spiritual profit or eter nal dividends. James Barrie has wit- ten a sad commentary which is too often true. He declares, “The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story but has to pen another. His humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it." Even so, the apostle James writes: “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life. It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away” (James U:1U).
lights to those all about us. Is this what we are doing? In John 15:5, our Lord declared, “I am the vine, ye are the branches.” This is interesting for a branch looks like the vine, doesn’t it? Do we look like Christ? Does anybody mistake us for the Lord Jesus? Paul said, “That Christ may be magnified in my body.” Then in I Corinthians 3:12, we are reminded that we are building a house for God. The Lord told how foolish it was for a man, intending to build a tower, not to sit down and count the cost. If you are a Chris tian, are you building anything for God? Paul reminds us that we are builders together with Him. We are building a temple for eternity, not something made of wood, stone or mortar. He refers to a life built up for Him, a Sunday school class or a missionary project or something of that sort. Build for God, put your heart and soul into it and when you are gone there will be a monument left that you walked with God and gave your life for Him. In addition, in I Corinthians 3 :7, we read about the husband who is the head farmer. He raises crops, cattle, and all the rest. Are you a husbandman? What are you raising for God? Are you getting anything out of your life? How about your own children? Do you pray with your boys and girls and pray for them? In these United States a great ma jority of people do not even know that there is a God. Parents just send them to school, teach them to dance, and all sorts of things except that which is really important. If you are a saved person, kneel with your boys and girls and daily teach them that which you have proven to be real and true in your own life. Mark 1:17 reminds us that we are fishermen. Go out after the grocery- man, the barber, the doctor, and those with whom you come in contact and seek to lead them to the Saviour. Do you speak and live so that folks will believe the Saviour? Ephesians 5:10 tells us that we are
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