D u r in g h is H u m a n l if e on this earth, the Lord Jesus Christ is sued some very simple calls. In Mat thew 9:9 we read His words to Levi, “Follow me. And he arose and fol lowed him.” (Matthew tells the story of his own conversion.) It takes about 10 or 15 seconds to read Levi’s testi mony. I have heard some people tell of their conversions taking an hour and a half. My, you would think the world was on fire when they got saved. One wonders who is really being glorified in the recounting. When the Lord said, “Follow me” to you, did you willingly answer Him? In Mark 1:17 Jesus says, “Come ye after me, and I will make you fish ers of men.” These men forsook their nets and followed Him. They didn’t take up a collection and have a great choir sing. I wonder if that can be said about your life, too? Let me ask you the second time, Have you heard Him invite you to be a winner of souls ? And have you found the joy of seeing lost men receive the Lord as their Saviour? In John 1 :39, answering the ques tion, “Master, where dwellest thou?” He answered in three simple words, “Come and see.” He didn’t say “Go and see.” He wanted them with Him. Isn’t it strange that the Bible doesn’t say what they saw when they got there? Did He have a bed or did He sleep on the floor? Did He have any furniture? Did He have any dishes? Did He have any drapes at the windows? You see, if the Bible was written to satisfy our curiosity it would be a much larger book. No doubt there would be much that was valueless for our spiritual growth. The Lord wants you to dwell with Him. He wants you to be like Ruth. She said to Naomi. “Whither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodg- est I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”
She m ean s business. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone reading these lines today would say to the Saviour, “That’s me. Lord Jesus, I want to be with you at all times.” Now, here in John 1, we find that Andrew immediately went out and found his own brother. He brought Simon Peter to Jesus. Isn’t that lovely? Have you ever done that? While in a restaurant in Akron, Ohio, I talked with a lovely-looking waitress. She was a very beautiful THE WAY OF PEACE "The road is too rough," I said; "It is up hill all the way; No flowers, but thorns instead And the skies overhead are gray." But One took my hand at the en trance dim And sweet is the road that I walk with Him.. "The cross is too great," I cried, "More than the back can bear, So rough and heavy and wide, And nobody by to care." "I know, I care, and I understand." "Then why do we fret and sigh, Cross-bearers all we go; But the road ends by and by In the dearest place we know; And every step in the journey, We may take in the Lord's own company." girl. I said to her, “Young lady, I know a man who is in love with you.” “Honest,” she said, “you don’t tell me!” “Yes,” I said, “I’m telling you. I have it on good authority that He wants you to come and live with Him.” She was all ears. “Tell me about him. Who is he?” I told her, “I would like to lead you to Him. Would you like to see Him?” “Oh, indeed, I would.” Then I proceeded to tell her about the Lord Jesus Christ. Just then the head waiter came and took her away. But at least it gave me 7
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