the opportunity to introduce her to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a won derful thing to bring somebody else to Jesus. Have you ever done it? Go in for this business for it pays well and it brings the joy of the Lord into your soul. In John 1:36, we read the words of John the Baptist, referring to the Lord, “Behold the Lamb of God!” Has anyone ever told you to take a good long look at the Lamb of God? Have you seen the Lord Jesus Christ with His wounded hands and feet? He received all of these dying for sinners such as we. He died the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God. Beloved, let me ask you, did you ever tell anybody, “Behold the Lamb of God” ? That word “behold” is God’s stop, look and listen sign. We are admonished to be found look ing unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith. The more one looks at Him, the more he will love Him. In John 5:29 we find the words of the woman who had lived a very im moral life and who had just met the Saviour for the first time. Her words were, “Come see a man.” She didn’t know anything about homilet ics or synthesis but she had met Jesus and that made all the difference. A similar instance is true in John 9:35 where a blind man had met Jesus. He had received his sight from the Saviour and yet had to ask, “Who is the Lord, that I might believe on Him.” The Lord identified Himself and the man declared forthrightly, “Lord, I believe.” His life was com pletely changed. He worshipped and adored the Man who had opened his eyes. Let me ask you, Have you seen any thing about the Saviour that made you love him? Phillip was running along the road that leads down to Gaza. I have been on that very road. He saw a man in a chariot and the Holy Spirit led him to speak with him. Phillip explained Jesus to the Eunoch and that day he met thé Saviour and trusted Him.
Touring across the country this summer are Biola students who form the special quartet. They are from left to right: Mark Shore, Richard Buhler, Lyle Jacobson, and Charles Stahl.
Bob and Sharon Hilts, Biola students from San Jose and Fresno respectively, record for broadcast with Margaret Sanders at the piano. Paul, on the road to Damascus, was struck by the Holy Spirit and said, “Who art thou Lord?” The Saviour answered him back, “I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.” “What wilt thou have me to do?” came the reply. He met the Saviour and right away became a servant to Him. Has this been true in your life as well? Let God have complete control in every thing you do day by day. 8
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