by Dr. Walter L. Wilson
MORNING HOURS T here are some interesting verses in the Bible about the morning hour. This time of the day is par ticularly delightful. The sun is ris ing and the birds are singing. It seems like a fresh slate of oppor tunities is placed before us. In Lamentations 3:22 and 23, we read, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithful ness.” One can never exhaust the mercy and grace of God. His wis dom is unsearchable, His mercies un measurable, and His power unimagin able. The song may say that His mercies are new every morning but actually the verse says that his com passions are new every morning. The two are very similar, of course. As you go to Him in the morning thank Him for His compassion on your behalf. Actually, why should He love us? We really deserve His scorn and hatred. Yet, this is never true. My, how we need fresh compassions day by day and moment by moment. He already knows what we are going to do today and what we need to meet every experience we may face. There are sins of omission and we need the sweet compassionate forgiveness of the Lord. In Ecclesiastes 11:6, we read, “In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand : for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” We can be thankful that there are no two people alike. You have things God gives you out of His word. Others may find something en tirely different. There are different kinds of seeds to sow. It may be a seed of refreshing to someone who is discouraged, or consolation to some one who is distressed. In the morning ing sow your seed for the Lord.
Don’t just say, “It’s a nice day, isn’t it?” They know it is a nice day. Have something to say that is worth listening to. Give those you meet a fresh glimpse of the Lord. You can’t do it of course unless you are living close to Him. HE HOLDS THE KEY Is there some problem in your life to solve, Some passage seeming full of mys tery? God knows, who brings the hidden things to light. He keeps the key. Is there some door closed by the Father's hand Which widely opened, you had hoped to see? Trust God and wait . . . for when He shuts the door, He keeps the key. Is there some earnest prayer unan swered yet, Or answered not as you had thought 'twould be? God will make clear His purpose by and by; He keeps the key. Have patience with your God, your pa tient God, All-wise, all-knowing, no long far rier He; For of the door of all thy future life, He keeps the key. Unfailing comfort, sweet and blessed rest. To know of every door He keeps the key; That He at last, when just He sees 'tis best, Will give It thee. In the evening, the verse tells us, we are not to withhold our hand. The happy times of life are .when everything is going well. The family 9
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