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With a network of over 1100 FLS, Capture the Fracture ® is the world’s largest network reflecting the state of post-fracture care and secondary fracture prevention. IOF interviewed Professor Maria Luisa Brandi, chair of the Capture the Fracture ® Governance and president of the Osservatorio Fratture da LEVERAGING DATA TO ENHANCE POST- FRACTURE CARE AND POLICY CHANGE INTERVIEW WITH PROF. MARIA LUISA BRANDI:
I’m sure the success of Capture the Fracture ® initiative is already evident and will only shine brighter in the future, providing immense help for everyone—and most of all, for the patients.
Prof. Maria Luisa Brandi, Chair, Capture the Fracture Governance, President of the Osservatorio Fratture da Fragilità (OFF)
04 || Interview with Prof. Maria Luisa Brandi
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