The P.E.O. Record January-February 2022

SPECIAL | feature

by Jeanne Tomlin Gerbsch, DG, Noblesville, Indiana

Emily Whelchel restored the terra cotta façade on the former Indianapolis Coca Cola Bottling Plant

EMI LY WHE LCHE L , DG , NOB LESV I L LE , I ND I ANA , HAS A PASS I ON FOR RESTOR I NG H I STOR I C BU I LD I NGS . She attended Purdue University where she earned a Bachelor of Science (2014) and Master of Science (2016) in civil engineering, with an emphasis in structural engineering. During her sophomore year at Purdue, Emily began working with ARSEE Engineers in Fishers, Indiana, through a co-op experience. Following

graduation, Emily started full time work there where her responsibilities include investigating and repairing building exteriors as well as analyzing and designing wood, concrete and steel structures. Emily traveled to Christchurch, New Zealand,

to learn about repair of earthquake damaged structures and her thesis project studied the long-term performance of concrete crack sealers and deck surface sealers on concrete bridge decks. Emily has worked on four of Indiana’s historic county courthouses, including one in Decatur County that is famous for the tree that grows out of the top. She has helped restore the centerpiece of the Circle City, the Soldiers and Sailors Monument as well as the historic Scottish Rite Cathedral. Mentoring engineering students and engineers new to her firm is important to Emily. A favorite project of Emily’s is the recent restoration of a terra cotta façade on the former Indianapolis Coca Cola Bottling Plant, which has been transformed into the new Bottleworks District in downtown Indianapolis. This area is now home to restaurants, boutiques, a movie theater and hotel where visitors of all ages can spend time enjoying the capital city. Emily serves as Chapter DG’s corresponding secretary and was recently married to Ryan Whelchel, who is also an engineer in central Indiana. Emily was principal flutist in the Purdue Wind Ensemble and has provided beautiful music programs for our chapter. We are proud of how Emily is making a difference in our state!


January–February 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD


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