The P.E.O. Record January-February 2022


By now, you have heard announcements about paying dues in a chapter meeting, on your state or international website, via email or even on social media. That must mean we are approaching the end of February! I am certain that many, (all right, most) of us equate dues with writing a paper check and receiving a yellow membership card in return. Some of this process has now been modernized but the process is the same: announcements, more announcements, reminders, more reminders and finally, everyone in the chapter has paid their dues and we can move ourselves straight into elections and transitioning officers into their new roles. Paying our annual dues, though, is much more than just the act of writing a check and collecting a membership card. While all of the funds and where they go are important, it

I encourage you, if you have not already done so, to complete this annual task. Even if you are not as involved in your chapter as you once might have been, or you are not able to attend as many meetings as you might like right now, you are thanked and appreciated for continuing to support our mission. Your chapter treasurer will thank you, and your simple act will continue our 153-year tradition of supporting education for women in all of its forms. In the beginning of our P.E.O. journey we promise to devote our time and our energy to this sisterhood. What could take less time and energy, but have the greatest impact, than paying our annual dues?

is our local dues that truly support the mission of our Sisterhood. Those local chapter dues cover the cost for the signs we hang around the

In the beginning of our P.E.O. journeywe promise to devote our time and our energy to this sisterhood. What could take less time and energy, but have the greatest impact, than paying our annual dues?

neighborhood advertising an annual garage sale which raises funds for our scholarships. They go to paying for a booth at a craft fair where we can display our handmade goods, and, in turn, sell those items so that the profits can support our loans and grants. Our local chapter dues allow us to purchase the napkins and the centerpieces for an afternoon tea where we introduce our friends and family to the Sisterhood. They pay for greeting cards and stamps that are sent to non- participating members with the hope that continued contact will encourage them to come back to participating in chapter life. Our local chapter dues go to nametags that we wear when we are meeting new friends and beginning the path to initiation of new members. Our dues finance the easy-up tents or banners with our logo on them that we use in our communities to spread the word about the educational opportunities that we offer and lead to finding project recipients. These reminders we hear each year at this time are not just about writing a check so we remain active members. It is not just about making sure you have that yellow membership card so you can attend the next state, provincial or district convention. This is a physical and financial act that demonstrates to all of our sisters your devotion to this great sisterhood. P.E.O. has given over $383 million in financial assistance to women all over the world. None of this would have been possible without each and every one of us participating annually by paying our dues. We set the example for all of our members by paying these on time and continuing to grow this sisterhood one event, and one dollar, at a time.

Supporting Our Mission in the Simplest Way Possible – Paying Your Dues by Becky Clines, P.E.O. International Membership Committee


January–February 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD


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