The P.E.O. Record January-February 2022

PRESIDENT’S | message

At the beginning of every biennium the executive board and executive director review P.E.O.’s 10-year strategic plan to determine the biennial goals which will move that plan forward. This biennium is no exception. Our planning session this past October was productive and enlightening. As we reviewed where we stand on the components in our 2019-2029 plan, and where our local chapter members and state, provincial and district (s/p/d) leaders are at this moment, we were challenged to know which items to advance and how best to do that. We must acknowledge the COVID-19 pandemic left P.E.O.s a bit overwhelmed and anxious as many sisters faced life changes and some are still dealing with lingering issues. In terms of P.E.O., that means finding new ways to stay connected with our sisters and learning new technologies and procedures just to be able to hold meetings and accomplish the business of P.E.O. For some members and chapters, adapting has been easier than for others who have not yet had the opportunity to meet in person. Our discussions about how to proceed, as well as conversations with members across the U.S. and Canada, led us to recognize the importance of allowing our sisters time to regroup, catch their breath, and simply enjoy the two foundational tenets of P.E.O. – the loving concern we share with each other and the support we offer through our projects. To encourage that, for this biennium, International Chapter and P.E.O. leaders will support local chapters and members to focus on re-engaging and finding joy in P.E.O. To that end, the executive board has agreed on this single simple and yet powerful goal for our members and local chapters for the 2021-2023 biennium: This biennium, we encourage everyone to reconnect and renew , making our chapters places where sisters engage , show loving concern and find joy after the challenges of the past two years. International Chapter will support you to inspire each other and our project applicants to Raise the Bar to the Stars . We hope you will share your success stories for reconnecting and renewing on social media using the hashtag #peoraisethebar . International will post selections on the P.E.O. International member website, on social media and in The P.E.O. Record. We love sharing the stories of how P.E.O.s encourage women to be their best .

s we commemorate our Founders and welcome 2022, we celebrate P.E.O.’s

past and look forward with eager anticipation to the future. As we do, I want to thank our sisters who have stepped up with compassion through your loving concern for one another and through your efforts to support our project applicants as they pursue their educational goals. Your efforts and willingness to Raise the Bar to the Stars in these ways are inspiring.


THE P.E.O. RECORD | January–February 2022

Women helping women reach for the stars

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