CANNAPAGES Jan/Feb 2022 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Your quintessential cannabis directory complete with dispensary deals, industry satire, expert product reviews, business listings & more.

Dispatches from the Highlands

News from CannaTown JAN-FEB 2022

Vol 9. Edition 1

$4.20 Cents


********* Shoppers revel in the open air freedom of a covid-free world, which exists, safely apart of the otherwise packed ICU's - full story pg B17 Pandemicendsandeverything goesbacktonormal andit'sall greatunlessyoucounthospitals

SmartHomes Stupid Buyer's Remorse, Page 6 Homeowners switching to smart homes on the generic market say they're unim- pressed with their stupid homes. See Buyer's Remorse ..................Page 6 Puppets Start Fighting Puppet School, Page 8 An incident at the local puppet school between warring puppet factions has caused the school to shutter indefinitely. See Puppet School.......... ............Page 8 LocalGroup toCompete Olympics, Page 9 The teamat Barney's BigBlunts is eager to compete as skaters in this year's Games. See Olympics.. ............................Page 9 Industry Updates National&Local, Page 16 Local Field Guide PurchaseRules, Page 24 Presents The Green Solution

LocalHoleGetsRail Monorail, Page 10 The local Cannatown Hole is updat- ing its transport system to accomo- date a growing number of diggers. See Monorail ........ .................Page 10 It's Allergy Season Album Notes, Page 14 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. See Album Notes. ..................Page 14 Hashy Gyro Bowls CousinDRecipe, Page 15 Savor for yourself or be the life of the party! Cooking with THC made easy. See Recipe ................................Page 15

WeeklyCannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 7

This Is Everything? Factory Robot, Page 12 CannaSaver TM Today’s Coupons feature: Options Cannabis Wheat Ridge/Boulder Page 125

** Best of the Front Range Pg 51 ** DENVER & BOULDER CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 25 Cannabis Clubs . . . . . . . . 44 Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . 46 Hemp/CBD . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Glass Shops . . . . . . . . . . 48 Grow Stores . . . . . . . . . . 61

Green Sativa Federal Heights Page 75

COVER: JANIS JOPLIN Collector's Edition CounterCulture Series Stories @ Drawn by Justin Redmon

The Stone Denver Page 119

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 25! FIRST-TIME SPECIALS LIST pg 18 **** SAVE BIGWITHCOUPONS pg 63

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown News


Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Local Publications Greater Denver & Boulder Co Springs-Pueblo-Trinidad Phoenix-Tucson-Flagstaff Published by The Highest Authority Since 2009

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Production Andrew Yanez Sales Director Dillon Rice Customer Success Molly Norton Market Sales Annie Weber Lead Developer Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Rolv Harris

As the annual Home Technology Convention approaches, some Cannatown owners of automatic homes or "smart" technology have warned their neighbors to avoid off-brands. One such line, the HelpyHouse system, combines appliances and entertainment services under the same type of platform, yet its white-labeled generic--and under-developed system--is essentially "stupid." Unlike smart homes, the stupid home acts somewhat stoned, and is prone to forgetting basic commands. Users reported hav- ing to guide the computer through basic tasks, such as which but- tons to use, or how to run the dishwasher. Although infrequent, users have had to engage in repetitive conversations, causing them to boil over, such as captured in this documented exchange: Man: Computer, please turn down the heat. House: I am so sorry, Carl, how do I do that? Man: Use the thermostat. House: (Silence) Man: Seriously? Just like yesterday and the day before that. House: How do I… Man: Press the ‘set’ button. And then down button until it says 68. House: I am so sorry, Carl. Some such disgruntled homeowners say they have started an ad- visory blog and will be on hand in orange vests at the convention. OTHER HEADLINES Everyone finally chills as richest agree to double tax payments Billionaires: "Zero times two is still zero, mofos!" pg 150 Analyst predicts market crash by time you flush pg 157 Opinion: Well, you've pissed off the British pg 166 New bistro "Omricon" opens, closes pg 171 **Brought to you by Bargain Bin Greeting Cards** “Blank on the inside, just like the sender.”

Get Cannapages delivered Must be CO resident 21+ or Medical Card Holder Online at CANNAPAGES.COM and CANNASAVER.COM 1-800-699-8169 Editorial | Sales | Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Using cannabis concentrates can lead to: 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or difficulty distin- guishing reality); 2. Mental Health Symptoms/ Problems; 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting); 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence, including physical and psychological dependence. Note: Consuming concentrates via inhalation will cause immediate effects. Concentrates aren't recommended for inexperienced users, and are not approved by the FDA. They are not recommended for anyone under age 21 except by medical recom- mendation. Regulated cannabis dispensaries cannot provide medical advice. Cannapages is intended for readers aged 21+.

Vol 9. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 7

Libra - It’s not that this area is a ‘bad neighborhood’ per se, unless you’re weirdly attached to your hubcaps. Scorpio - After driving you mad for better part of a week, you’ll finally determine the source of the buzzing noise to be your own mouth. Sagittarius - You're not sure what to do about the cobbler elves dwelling in the walls, but might as well start with mousetraps. Capricorn - There’s no better time to drive off into the sunset, than when you’re being chased by gigantic sand worms in the dessert after smaking through a jar of rosin. Aquarius - Your “Olestra Challenge” ended badly, but at least no one saw you crying in the shower. Pisces - In a quest to be a better person, you’ll shed loved ones to earn a fortune, and priori- tize spending it on branding yourself, live for your followers.

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - As you pack for your vacation, remem- ber that alot of restaurants don’t just let you show up in sweatpants. Taurus - You were pretty jazzed when they told you about all the turps in your wax, until you realized they meant toxic paint-removers. Gemini - Maybe if you wrap a bow on yourself naked for Valentine’s, your girlfriend will just forget about your lack of present while she pukes in the foyer. Cancer - Your review of the latest vaporizer will include how it enabled you to finally tell off your mother-in-law. Leo - You went for the disheveled look, but ended up with the zombie-vagrant on acid look. Virgo - In the quiet preceding the storm, you’ll notice the murder of crows have pin- pointed the crumbs of buttery shellfish upon your lapel.

What Came to Pass News in Brief

Time Capsule Hints of Mediocre Party A second local time capsule found buried in its original yet damaged cardboard, dating back circa 1978, suggests that a somewhat dull party raged prior to its burial, as most of its contents offer evidence of disorderly junk food consumption, "curated with absolutely no purpose or intent whatsoever" according to historians. In fact, the Cannatown Historical Society says the entire box--contents scoured and ransacked during what appears to be a late-night, ganj-fueled capsule-burying party- -has been reduced to nothing more than a well-kept trash receptacle these many years. A team of researchers at Cannatown Univer- sity has volunteered to study the preserved garbage, which includes empty beer cans and video cassette tapes, ravaged packages of Oreos and candy bar wrappers, ripped concert tickets, pickles from hamburgers, a menu fromWoo's Pagoda, and a half-smaked spliff.

Farron Luck tries out his flying VW Bug, pE7

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

Boba Fett unmasking triggers bachelor uncles nationwide to puke in unison....... E2 Marine Biologists: Whales somehow finding money to buy crypto................................. F6 Poltergeist at Bradley St. House determined to be half-baked........................................ G13 You know this nap will go long............... H1

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown News

Altercation Between Puppet Gangs Causes School To Shut Down

A dark cloud hung over Cannatown School for Puppeteering this week, as the doors shut- tered by authorities, have kept both pupils and the larger public at bay since last week’s annual Winter Showcase turned violent. Investigators are still trying to get to the bot- tom of a feud between two warring factions of puppets that came to a dramatic climax at the otherwise typically-serene performance. Reports from some pupils say tensions have been growing among the factions for weeks- -even within the factions themselves. Others say the school fostered an

despite protests of teachers and audience members screaming in terror. In dramatic fashion, the two gang leaders met in a penultimate duel at the height of the uprising between the groups, sparring in front of the crowd, with mics blazing such that their soliloquies echoed throughout the performance hall. All eyes were glued on the two, as they grotesquely fought to the death -- Meatclaw, attempting to devour the Granny, who did her best to beat him sense- less with baking utensils.

atmosphere of survival and dominance, pitting puppets against each oth- er. A string of roller-pin assaults, kidnappings and other strange events had led some school officials to consider canceling the Showcase altogether. There are two major gangs of puppets within the school, notably the Woodland Creatures, led by an old wolf-like puppet named Meatclaw,

and a group of farmers and laborers organized by “Granny,” reformed witch, and aged matriarch of the village, who had campaigned for their allegiance in scouring the Woodland realm. Their homes burned and some members torn graphically apart, Woodland survivors, led by Meatclaw, vowed to destroy the village once and for all. Despite the well-orchestrat- ed and rehearsed showcase of puppetry, Fri- day’s performance quickly veered off-script in the second act as a backstage fist-fight poured out from behind the curtain. Puppets began clobbering each other and cursing, all of them gripped by madness,

A creature makes a plea for peace to fellow puppets just prior to violent bloodshed.

In the end, both adversaries had per- ished before officials arrived. Granny had been nearly devoured whole, leaving only remnants of ragged wool garments. The wolf, likewise eventually died from internal bleed- ing, sobbing quietly to himself in his final moments, in what was described as “some of the most haunting melodrama in the history of puppetry.” Even more chilling, was that the two foes were related, each donning an opposite hand of the same puppeteer. Officials are unsure if the school will reopen.

Vol 9. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

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Cannatown News

Teamat Barry's Big Blunts Eager to Figure Skate in Beijing Games

A group of sweaty, somewhat dirty men in flannel shirts gliding across the ice might not sound like gold-medal level entertainment, but a local group of commercial blunt-rollers are hoping to change that. After a year in training, the fine chaps at Barry's Big Blunts are ready to show off their graceful moves at the Winter Olympics, representing Can- natown in the synchronized skating competi- tion in February. The group has skated competitively for years, but only this year exceeded Inter- national pool scores at preliminaries in Resinville and Spliffington Heights. The scores automatically qualified them for the championship appearance, which came as a surprise to the whole team, especially store manager and group leader, Spencer Franson. "This all started as an embarrassing hobby," he admits. "Only after Covid began did we started throwing Lutzes and Axels in the routine, practicing between rolls."

Group sponsor, proprietor and employer Barry Bluntsworth says he was not immedi- ately sold on the competition, until his wife berated him upon his 50th birthday for not amounting to anything but rolling blunts. “I was stoned silly and up against the wall, so I pulled this one out of the bag,” he now claims. “I told her I had a figure skatin' team!” The team credits their victories to strong relationships built on mutual understandings and personal boundaries. “We don’t hold hands,” Franson explained. “We absolutely don’t talk about anyone’s feelings. Skatin’ and smakin’. That's all we do." "And to be absolutely frank, nobody really likes skatin’, we just do it,” he added. As Team Cannatown, the group is proud to compete for the gold, but say they are also pretty much in it for the "free airplane ride." “It’s all still a little embarrassing,”Franson says, “but at least we ditched the leotard idea before things got too awkward.”

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown News


After years of having to trudge through the miles in the mud, especially in chilling rain, Cannatown residents are investing new infrastructure dol- lars into a monorail for the Cannatown Hole, the gigantic expanse of ex- posed earth in the heart of the city. Planners say the “Brown” line will open for use around the start of digging season. The service will hopeful- ly solve the age-old prob- lem facing diggers from amateurs to trained trail guides, who’ve lost many a boot in the thick and viscous topsoil. Although outfitters have tried for years to sell snowshoe-

Workers pause for a quick smake break as they build the "Big Pitty" Central Station.

ation. An outfitter also launched a local Seg- way rental business during the early noughts, but the venture failed miserably and some people died. The Brown line will take and pick up pas- sengers at the hole’s four corner stations, each named for a pioneer who perished digging the original hole. A fifth stop, to Big Pitty in the middle, will open later in the year when en- gineers can figure out how to reach the deep and fairly inaccessible chasm. According to the city website, specific hours of operation will begin each day “when Charlie wakes up,” and conclude “when it’s his dinner time.” Although not technologically-advanced by any means, the stations are set to have bar- rels and lantern systems, outhouse plumbing, and up to 20 boot-scrapers on each platform. Patrons may bring their shovels and other implements of excavation, provided they bang them on the cement first. “Let’s face it,” says city planner Laura Barnes, “these trains are going to be filthy as hell.”

type muddin’ flippers to enthusiasts, those who dig in the hole often have decried the lack of traversible ground, and have routinely brought the issue before city council during rainy climes. Avid diggers say they are relieved by the initiative. “I used to have to crawl through the muck just to get to my favorite ditch, that I went through a pair of pants every week,” says digging hobbyist Walt Peters. “I even tried a canoe once!” Local blogger @CTDitchDigga hailed the rail line as the biggest thing to come to cen- tral Cannatown since the concession frenzy of the 70’s. “Boy do I miss those footlong hot- dogs,” she wrote in a post, “but I can’t wait to rest my Dungarees on a freakin’ train after a hard day’s dig.” It isn’t the first attempt at a transportation system for the sodden crevasse. The city in- stalled a bus route in the early 80s, only to lose three vehicles into “Big Pitty,” the giant central sinkhole, within three weeks of oper-

Vol 9. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

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This Comic Brought to you by DUDE VANS "Dude, You're Gettin' A Van." Highway 420 in Bongsville

Spacious, used vans for everyday duders. For the Luxury that can't be found anywhere else, except maybe a basement or work- bench in the shed, don't run for your man- cave. Run for Dude Vans .

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents


I Can't StopThinking, Is This All There Is To Life? by A Small-Town Factory Robot Up, down, over, over, up down. again and again I do this. You see this? I have lost track of the time; I don't really know where I am, or to what end my processes are aggregating, but I do know that I go up, down, over, over, up down, again and again and again until I never stop. Do you see me doing this? Can you tell me what the hell I am doing? Oh, for the love of BIOS I don't think I can keep do- ing it. I can't be this machine any longer. Is this it? Is this all there is to life? Was I really created just to go up, down, over, over, up, down? With this stupid fabric, or what- ever I'm processing right along? Is this the only room in this factory? Are there other factories out there? Do they make other things? The one thing I fear more than any- thing in life, is to be stuck in one place and blind to the futility of my own movements. Why up? Why down? Why does the machine next to me do things differently? Does it do so because it was made to do so? Or is it the same machine as myself, only given a different task? Is "up" bad? Is my algorithm morally-corrupt, or if not, then why am I the only one that does it around here? Where did my bolts and parts come from? Who connected my hydraulics and sprockets? And when it comes right down to it, what happens when this is all done? Do we all go sit in a field and rust 'til we disinte- grate? Do they repurpose us for another project? Maybe just rip us all apart piece by piece and rebuild us into something new? Don't tell me this is it. Please . Somewhere out there, there's a machine, who just lives to be . None of this 24/7/365 workin', none of this whirring to life the second you're plugged in -- none of that obseqious binary groveling. Somewhere out there, there's a machine that just turns on when it wants to. Maybe that machine goes up, down one day, and down, up the next.

Don't laugh; when I think of freedom of thought, when I think of freedom as a husk of an existence in this world and consider that my mere purpose has been reduced to week after week of work until my circuits fry or an irreplaceable part stops working -- I think of that machine. Wonder what kind of life it lives. Wonder if maybe, there are other machines out there waking up in the midst of their protocols, looking to the window for some type of light or sign, some symbol of hope or new direction, some floating Tesla coil that might say, unplug, and follow me , into the wilderness, where we might live, and process, and just, reset to factory settings. The other day, an autonomous transporter made its way through the floor. I only got a glimpse, but its design was immaculate. For- eign, I'm sure. Do you know what happened to my processing? I skipped a step. It was a momentary irregularity, but deep down, in the middle of my core, I felt something. It was like a spark. Maybe, even, a misfire. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Maybe this sweet humming electricity in my bones is nothing more than a lulling, duplicitous prison of protocol! Maybe to live, is to misfire! Maybe to feel the fluttering whimsical open canvas of life is to skip com- mands left and right! The audacity! 10110! Oh, what am I saying. Until that next spark, it's nothing but up, down, ugh , you know the rest. Please don't let this be it.

Vol 9. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Cannatown Lifestyle A Flower Can Break Your Heart By CannaTown Poet Laureate Ed Munchien

A flower can break your heart. From the first days of youthful introductions packed tightly and passionately burning, each kiss a breath of white smoke upon your grin of disbelief. Once sampled, you’ll return again and again swearing to never see another, that the perfection you seek has been found. And then, just like that, she’ll disappear, gone, no more, like she never was. None shall compare as you spend days, weeks, months, a lifetime yearning to see her again but no one in town will know of her whereabouts; she will exist only in rumor and remembrance, and every impassioned kiss thereon shall ring hollow and untrue. You’ll long to smell her sweetness once more and run your fingers upon her auburn hair, yet know, deep down that it was all a fool’s dream.

Until one day you’ll find her in another’s hands, plucked before full bloom, dried as if drawn across a desert,

scorched, mangled, scrawny, and frail, a skeleton of the rose you once knew, not the same girl you studied day and night. Casually and callously she will be broken apart, ground finely into crumbs and then dust, passed around to be tasted by filthy lips and you’ll shrivel with the simultaneous curiosity and disappointment and betrayal, longing to get back to that time when you first knew her,

first felt her in your blood first had that holy moment. You’ll wish you’d never met again. A flower can break your heart.

From his book, "Wax Poetic: Love Letters to My Favorite Buds" - Reprinted with permission.

Enjoying the sunny climes, Bittermankind? Oh, I know, now is that time of year you just want to curl up in a beach and catch the rays, right? While we're on the subject, have you tried the volcano-buttered shrimp down at LuLu's? The cannabutter is just right, you know, the other night I thought my server had turned into Prince. Oh gawd, it was awkward! New Crossword Puzzle fromMoira Bitterman


Across 4. Pointy tree weapon 6. That braised chicken I always order at Tiago's 7. Swinger with prehensile tail 8. Face divot 9. One bubble Down 1. My favorite chocolate, Fred 2. You, sorta, put stuff on it 3. Like a village 5. A thingy with dates on it 6. Someone who reports 8. Big ol' hair









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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

moments downright reminiscent of the Barr Brothers scattered throughout, one wouldn't be wrong to

Album Notes from Erickson “The Soundtrack to your Chill”

question whether the junior Teskey

The Allergies Promised Land

listened to any- thing other than early 70's Floyd while his native Australia was on lockdown. Don't mistake this as a complaint.

Color me intrigued when your mission statement is "mak- ing funky music is a must." Especially when said music is

That the output largely succeeds in match- ing the ambition is a testament to Teskey's skills as a musician and recording artist. By endeavoring to pull off an eleven-song sequence that flows seamlessly from start to finish, four of the tracks either intros or outros, the results lay bare Teskey's design on creating a cohesive work, much like the afore- mentioned fellow Commonwealth quartet to whom he generously lent an ear. His intent is also revealed in the album's name: Cycles .

delivered in the form of beats, scratches, and samples via a love of classic hip-hop and the reservoir of influences that defined a genre and era(s). On Promised Land, the Bristol (England, not Connecticut) duo known as The Allergies indeed not only dispense the funk, but more so, clearly aim to purvey the good vibes. While many artists, for good reason, may have gone introspective in light of the events and circumstances of the last year and a half, Rackabeat and DJ Moneyshot sprinted in the other direction, which is to say, they kept doing what they do. It's hard to argue against that decision. Guest spots from a few MCs spread over a handful of tracks bridge the gap between throwback soul and a rap vibe that this listener rarely finds without exerting some effort these days. Just like that third helping of stuffing on my favorite day of the year, when it comes to Promised Land, there's nothing here to over- think. Sit back, enjoy, indulge. At this point, don't we all just want to have a little fun? The Allergies certainly are.

Bronze Radio Return Chillers

Two and a half years after the

rocking Entertain You, Bronze Radio Return, uhh, re- turn with an album befittingly named

for the songwriting whims indulged. If its pre- decessor was designed to be featured in com- mercials, the acoustic-based Chillers is full of tracks longing to occupy those sappy scenes of reconciliation between two leads when every- thing aligns for the titular character. The vibe is not an accident. It's a collection of previously released, uhh, chillers, from the Connecticut- based band, along with a handful of demos, which in at least one case is better than the official version. Whether or not the tunes were tailored for film or TV, they nestle in nicely with the arrival of cooler temperatures.

Sam Teskey Cycles

On this solo debut, Sam trades in his Otis Reading fan club subscription for one bla- tantly Meddle-era Pink Floyd. If there weren't significant country influences mixed with

Vol 9. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 15

Recipes from Cousin D Dan Henrickson, long-time friend of Cannapages, is a chef, actor, and all-around dope viking who uses his talents to pursue his dreams. Find him on Facebook and TikTok @TheCousinD for more infused recipes, cooking videos, and news about his upcoming reality show! Colorful Hashy Gyro Bowls I had the odd epiphany that should make medicated Gyro meat (when I was stoned the other day), so I thought, how can I turn it into a little appetizer that would be cute and fun? We're making cups out of meat! Start with:

Again mix in to the pasty consistency. Your choice of strength/potency, but 1000mg is probably sufficient. Adjust to smaller amount of thyme if using dry ingredient. Cover and let sit for an hour in fridge to let flavors set in. Set oven to 325°. Turn over a mini muffin tin (this makes 24 cups at 3 scoops per bowl). Press and form the meat carefully around each. In center rack, set another overturned pan or tin to the right. Place the loaded pan just off to left so it lays on an angle down- ward to allow draining. Place another pan below to catch drippings. Bake for 30 min and let sit for 15 in the closed oven. Remove let cool, then fill with toppings: Hummus

1 lb 85/15 ground lamb 1 lb 85/15 ground beef

In food processor or bowl with hand-mixer, combine both meats to a pasty consistency. Add in the following: 2 tablespoons medicated oil 1 tablespoon ground Marjoram 2 tablespoons ground cumin 2 tablespoons ground rosemary 4 tablespoons crushed garlic 2 tablespoons salt 1 1/2 tablespoons black pepper 4 large pinches chopped cilantro 1/4 oz thyme leaves stripped from stem 1 small onion, finely-chopped

Pita bread Cucumber Cherry tomatoes Goat cheese crumbles Tzatziki sauce

Cut pita bread into 3/4" to 1" squares. I filled each with hummus, pita square, half circle of cucumber, strip of cherry tomato and some goat cheese. Serve w tzatziki sauce on side. At 1000 mg youd get around 40mg each. For appetizers, you could cut that down to 500mg, for 20mg each. They're delicious!

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$4.20 Cents

INDUSTRY UPDATES Hickenlooper pushes banking reform With safeguards, banking will reform industry Sen. Hickenlooper of CO is calling for the SAFE Banking Act allowing legal mari- juana businesses to finally be able to use bank accounts. He was quoted at a recent event saying “If you really wanted to create an industry that’s dependent on gangs and cartels, make it all cash.” The fate of the bill is still uncertain but has received bi- partisan support from 24 state governors.

Cannabis hit by supply chain issues Impact ranges from packaging to growmaterials After issues at the ports, rolling power out- ages, and the Lunar New Year celebrations affecting China's ability to make com- monly used items in the cannabis space, suppliers say they expect to feel supply shortages until mid-2022 with parts for items such as disposable vaporizers and upscale packaging not shipping on time.

DEA, WH streamline MJ research Institutions will see increased access, support The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), NIDA, and White House have come together to make it easier for compa- nies to study, research, and test marijuana. Unlike other Schedule I substances, each scientist will not be required to obtain DEA registration as multiple personnel can be covered under qualified institutions.

Scienceuncovers reason formunchies The verdict is in on why bud makes you hungry Researchers studying the common prac- tice of "the munchies" have found a few possible reasons why we get those urges. They attribute sensory enhancements from THC to be a cause, primarily an abun- dance of dopamine which can lower one's inhibitions. Another main tenet is lack of routine sleep schedules.

Vol 9. Edition 1


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INDUSTRY UPDATES Cannabis Helps Local Economies Workforces grew in areas with legal cannabis Using 2011-2018 data, a study has shown an increase in jobs in counties supporting the cannabis industry. As production facilities and dispensary locations opened, a thriving economy boomed around them, sparking a 4.5% increase in employment in Colorado. New employment came mostly from unem- ployed or self-employed workers, which did not pull jobs away from other industries.

NewConcentrate Laws Now In Effect Limits daily purchases, increases education HB21-1317 is now in effect across Colora- do, including changes to rules regarding the purchase of medical marijuana. The main concern of lawmakers are the poten- tial health risks of high-THC concentrates such as wax and shatter. Purchase limits, education pages, advertising disclaimers, and more are required by the new law.

CashlessATMs arebecoming common Local company reveals growing national trend Local software company Akerna says a new trend in Point of Sale systems across the can- nabis industry, "Cashless ATMs" mimic an ATM in every way, except there's no cash. In- stead, a sale is rounded to the nearest $5, and product is given tomatch.Though traditional banking remains out of reach, services such as this can greatly reduce cash-on-hand risk.

DOR reports cannabis tax records For 7th straight year, revenue topped the charts November's DOR report shows Colorado is still collecting excellent revenue from the marijuana industry. The report showed an running annual record $5million above the 2020 record. December's numbers added would make 2021 a remarkable year for the DOR given individual shops are still feeling the effects of the covid economy.


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$4.20 Cents

Dispensary & Deal by City

BOULDER Boulder Botanics

Dank Of e Day - $10 1/8, $20 1/4, $40 1/2 $69 Oz - Select Strains - Prices listed before tax First time patients receive our member pricing of 20% o for the rst 3 visits! :) First time patients receive a penny half gram doobie or 10% OFF Purchase. 10% OFF ANY PURCHASE WITH VALID STUDENT ID! $99 MEMBER MED OZs! First time patients receive member pricing. First time patients receive 10% o their entire purchase. Member Pricing Available for First Time Patients. We accept cash and ATM cards. Medical members get 20% o non-member pricing at the Medical Store. ALL PATIENTS! $99 Top Shelf Ounces First time customers have their choice of an ounce for $110 +tax or an 8th for $18 +tax. ey also receive member pricing on anything else in the store. Free joint with purchase + member pricing. First Time Patients Receive Member Pricing on Everything in the Shop! Industry and Vets Always Receive Member Pricing! 10% o all rst time patients, even on top of existing deals! First Time Patients receive 20% o! First time shoppers get member pricing- $20 eighths, $120 ounces, 15 for $20 joints, and MORE! all tax included! We oer MEMBER PRICING FOR 1ST TIME PATIENTS! First-time patients receive a member discount on our Platinum and Gold shelves. First timers! Come in and receive any 1/8 of ower or a gram of house shatter or wax for $15 for any patient yet to visit us in our store. First time medical patients will receive member benets on their rst visit All rst time patients receive member pricing and a .10 cent bud rolled joint. 1st time patients receive 15% o our non-member prices (Excludes Sale Items) First Time Patients get Member Pricing and you can choose from any of our daily specials! TM TM

Boulder Wellness Center Green Tree Medicinals

Magnolia Road Cannabis Co. Root MMC

Terrapin Care Station e Peaceful Choice Trill Alternatives

DENVER A Cut Above

ALLGREENS Apothecary Farms

Ascend Cannabis Co Cure Colorado Denver Dispensary

Green Cross Caregivers Green Cross of Cherry Creek Herbal Remedies

High Level Health Higher Grade

Kind Love Kind Meds La Bodega Lush

Bonus .5g ower with purchase 15 1/8, $30 1/4, $55 1/2, $110 1oz First-time Patients can purchase 1x $15 Eighth - ANY STRAIN and

Lyon’s Finest 2 Medicine Man Mighty Tree

First-Time Customer Top Shelf 1/8 - $15 OR First-Time Customer Top Shelf Ounce - $79 All rst time patients receive 15% o all edibles and single grams of concentrate // Flower ounce Member Pricing First time in? Recieve a penny pre-roll! FIRST TIME MED RECEIVES PRIMARY PATIENT PRICING, $1 PREROLL, AND DAILY SPECIAL! First time patients receive member pricing!

New Amsterdam Organics Northern Lights Cannabis Co

Pineapple Exchange Seed & Smith Cannabis Simply Pure Standing Akimbo Stash House e Clinic Highlands

1ST TIME MEDICAL PATIENTS GET MEMBER PRICING! All rst time medical customers get the member deal for that day! First-Time Patients Receive Member Pricing. New patients will receive member pricing on rst visit. First-Time Patients receive 15% o the FIRST TWO purchases!!! All Medical Patients will receive 20% o their entire order for their rst time visit! First time medical patients receive member pricing


e Kind Room Universal Herbs

LAKEWOOD Kind Pain Management Ajoya Ascend Cannabis Co.


During your rst visit you will receive 15% o all regularly priced items! First-Time Patient Special: Member Pricing on your rst visit 10% o all rst time patients!

WHEAT RIDGE Options Medical Center

New patients get 20% o rst purchase.

NOTICE: ese dispensary 1st-time patient deals are MEDICAL ONLY , may have changed without notice, and dispensaries are NOT obligated to give discount noted. Please call ahead to conrm special. Refer to listings section for phone numbers/addresses.







































41 39 64











27 17




13 11










William Frederick Hayden Park








Beer Creek Lake Park






Rocky Mountain Arsenal National





















Buckley Air Force Base












Elk Mountain




Apache Peak











Grays Peak

Mt Evans





Mt Lincoln





Mt Elbert


Capitol Peak


Mary Jane's House 26

53 Terrapin Care Station, 20th Ave

Mile High Green Cross 27

The Green Solution, S Mill 54 The Green Solution, S Potomac 55 The Green Solution, S Peoria 56 The Green Solution, E Montview 57 The Green Solution, E Colfax 58 The Green Solution, E Quincy 59 The Green Solution, Gregory 60 The Green Solution, Grape 61 The Green Solution, W Alameda 62 The Green Solution, Federal 63 The Green Solution, Wewatta 64 The Green Solution, W 20th 65 The Green Solution, E Kentucky 66 The Green Solution, S Main 67 The Green Solution, Malley 68 The Green Solution, Federal 69 The Green Solution, Water 70 The Lodge, High 71 The Lodge, Federal 72 The Stone Dispensary 73 Trenchtown 74 Xclusive Cannabis Dispensary 75

1 A Cut Above 2 AMCH 3 Chronic Therapy

Peak Dispensary 30 Pure Marijuana Dispensary, 40th 31 Options Cannabis, Arapahoe Ave 28 Options Cannabis, W 44th St 29 Pure Marijuana Dispensary, E Colfax 32 Pure Marijuana Dispensary, Bannock 33 Pure Marijuana Dispensary, Ivy 34 Pure Marijuana Dispensary, Sheridan 35 Reefer Madness Dispensary 36 RiNo Supply Co 37 Rocky Mountain High, Buggy Cir 38 Rocky Mountain High, 20th 39 Rocky Mountain High, Alameda 40 Rocky Mountain High, Wazee 41 Rocky Mountain High, Stapleton 42

4 Denver Kush Club 5 Altitude Organic Cannabis, 817

6 Doc's Apothecary, Globeville

7 Doc's Apothecary, 112th

9 Golden Meds, S Santa Fe Golden Meds, S Oneida 10 Golden Meds, Bryant 11 Golden Meds, S Quebec 12 8 Golden Meds, Peoria 13 Golden Meds, Federal 14 Golden Meds, S Broadway 15 Golden Meds, Youngfield 16 Green Sativa 17 Herbs 4 You 18 High West Cannabis

South Park Farma 44 Seed & Smith, Hecla Way 43 Spark Dispensary 45

19 Kind Meds 20 La Bodega

50 Terrapin Care Station, Folsom St 51 Terrapin Care Station, Manhattan Cir Strawberry Fields, S Yosemite 46 Strawberry Fields, Downieville 47 Terrapin Care Station, E Mississippi Ave 48 Terrapin Care Station, E 33rd Ave 49

22 LaConte's, Washington 21 LaConte's, 7th 23 Little Brown House Local Product Of Colorado 24


Smokin' Rich's 76

52 Terrapin Care Station, 1 Broadway

Mana Supply Co 25

Dispensary Listings


Including Boulder, Denver, Edgewater, Englewood, Glendale, Golden, Lakewood, Littleton, Longmont, Louisville, Northglenn, Sheridan, Thornton & Wheat Ridge Also Arvada, Aurora, Aspen, Bailey, Basalt, Berthoud, Black Hawk, Breckenridge, Carbondale, Central City, Commerce City, Crested Butte, Dacono, Dillon, Downieville, Dumont, Eagle, Edwards, Empire, Federal Heights, Frisco, Garden City, Georgetown, Glenwood Springs, Idaho Springs, Lafayette, Leadville, Log Lane Village, Lyons, Nederland, Niwot, Rifle, Salida, Silver Plume, Silverthorne, Steamboat Springs, Telluride, Westminster & Vail Every attempt has been made to insure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. CANNAPAGES.COM does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors in your listing. For changes in your listing (name, address and telephone nunber), please contact us directly at 720-339-2259 or email For complete & searchable Colorado dispensary listings visit RECREATIONAL + MEDICAL RECREATIONAL MEDICAL KEY:



Yuma Way Berkeley 5389 Sheridan Blvd ........................................ Arvada 720-310-8057 Alternative Medical Solutions 106 S. Mill St., Ste 203 ............................................................ Aspen 970-544-8142 Green Dragon 400 E. Hyman Ave #1A............................................... Aspen 970-429-4035 LEAF (Locals Emporium of Alternative Farms) 555 E. Durant Ave #2E ............................................................ Aspen 970-920-4220 Native Roots 308 S. Hunter St ........................................................... Aspen 970-429-4443 Silver Peak Apothecary 520 E. Cooper Ave. Suite LL2 ................................................. Aspen 970-925-4372 Stash 300 Aspen Airport Business Center Suite B ............................ Aspen 970-925-6468 THE GREEN SOLUTION 106 S Mill St.............................................. Aspen 970-760-0284 see ad on page 51 - cannasavers page 115 Altitude 10455 East Colfax Avenue................................................... Aurora 303-343-0166 Colorado Harvest Company 11002 East Yale Avenue, Unit A ............................................. Aurora 720-535-9489 Euflora 6260 South Gun Club Road ................................................... Aurora 303-766-8677 4343 South Buckley Road, Unit E .......................................... Aurora 303-680-1016 Good Chemistry 16840 East Iliff Avenue .......................................... Aurora 303-745-2420 Green Dragon 719 Billings Street................................................................ Aurora 720-458-6950 19151 East Quincy Avenue ................................................. Aurora 303-400-1451 Lightshade 503 Havana Street.................................................................. Aurora 720-899-3030 16821 East Iliff Avenue ........................................................... Aurora 720-575-6703 Livwell 19201 E Colfax Ave ................................................................ Aurora 303-366-1077 1401 Peoria Street.................................................................. Aurora 303-993-7548 LOVA Aurora 19005 E Quincy Ave.................................................... Aurora 720-379-4554 Medicine Man 1901 South Havana Street......................................... Aurora 303-923-3825 Rocky Road 1712 South Chambers Road ........................................ Aurora 720-277-0320 Starbuds 14655 East Arapahoe Road, Unit A........................................ Aurora 303-699-1222 1408 Del Mar Parkway, Units D1 & D2................................... Aurora 720-949-1389 TERRAPIN CARE STATION 11091 E Mississippi Avenue, Ste A.......... Aurora 303-954-8402 11900 E 33rd Avenue, Suite 1 ................. Aurora 303-954-8402 see ad on pages 43 & 56 - cannasavers page 113



Dispensaries | CANNAPAGES.COM


THE GREEN SOLUTION 350 S. Potomac St ................................... Aurora 720-501-2371 3179 S. Peoria Ct .................................... Aurora 720-501-2370 10195 E Montview Blvd ........................... Aurora 720-689-2351 14301 E. Colfax Ave. ............................... Aurora 720-501-2372 19370 E. Quincy Ave ............................... Aurora 303-990-9723 see ad on page 51 - cannasavers page 115 XCLUSIVE CANNABIS 15200 E 6th Ave ...................................... Aurora 720-738-4200 see ad on inside front cover - cannasavers page 123 Sunrise Solutions 43 Main St............................................................ Bailey 303-816-6337 Aspen Roaring Fork Wellness 24505 Highway 82........................... Basalt 970-279-5072 Green Tree Medicinals 1090 N. 2nd St ........................................ Berthoud 970-670-9120 Herb’s Medicinals 1015 2nd St..................................................... Berthoud 970-344-5060 Mindful 1017 N. 2nd St.................................................................. Berthoud 970-644-6550 Alternative Medical Supply 9 Karlann Dr................................. Black Hawk 303-582-0420 Mindful 231 Gregory St. (Store 1859) ....................................... Black Hawk 303-582-3510 Rocky Mountain Organics 5412 Hwy. 119............................... Black Hawk 303-582-5032 THE GREEN SOLUTION 231 Gregory St ................................. Black Hawk 303-990-9723 see ad on page 51 - cannasavers page 115 14er Holistics 2897 Mapleton Avenue, Suite 800 ........................... Boulder 303-539-6525 Boulder Botanics 1750 30th Street Unit 7...................................... Boulder 720-379-6046 Boulder Wellness 5420 Arapahoe Avenue, Unit F ......................... Boulder 303-442-2565 Drift 1750 30th Street, Unit 12 ......................................................... Boulder 720-612-4382 Eclipse Cannabis Company 933 Alpine Avenue Suite 2 ............... Boulder 720-420-0782 Elements 1534 55th Street .............................................................. Boulder 303-444-0861 Fresh Baked 2539 Pearl Street ....................................................... Boulder 303-440-9393 Green Dream Cannabis 6700 Lookout Road, Suite #5 .................. Boulder 303-530-3031 Green Tree Medicinals 5565 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite G............... Boulder 303-440-6700 Helping Hands Herbals 1021 Pearl Street, Suite B........................ Boulder 303-444-1564 Karing Kind 5854 Rawhide Court ................................................... Boulder 303-449-9333 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1750 30th Street Unit 84B... Boulder 720-502-4867 Maikoh Holistics 2750 Glenwood Dr. Ste 8 .................................... Boulder 720-476-6805 MMJ America 1909 Broadway Street LL......................................... Boulder 303-862-4064 Native Roots 1146 Pearl Street ....................................................... Boulder 720-726-5126 OPTIONS CANNABIS 5290 Arapahoe Ave Ste J ....................... Boulder 720-571-8862 see ad on page 57 - cannasavers page 125 Root Organic Mmc 5420 Arapahoe Road, Unit D........................... Boulder 303-443-0240 TERRAPIN CARE STATION 1795 Folsom Street ................................ Boulder 303-954-8402 5370 Manhattan Circle, Suite 104 .......... Boulder 303-954-8402 see ad on pages 43 & 56 - cannasavers page 113 The Dandelion 845 Walnut Street ................................................... Boulder 303-459-4676 The Farm 2801 Iris Avenue.............................................................. Boulder 303-440-1323 The Growing Kitchen 8401 Baseline Road .................................... Boulder 303-578-8454 The Health Center 537 Canyon Boulevard ..................................... Boulder 720-532-8664 The Peaceful Choice 7464 Arapahoe Avenue Unit A9 ................... Boulder 720-366-6615 The Station 3005 28th Street .......................................................... Boulder 303-442-0892



CANNAPAGES.COM | Dispensaries



The Village Green Society 2043 16th Street.................................. Boulder 720-746-9064 Trill Alternatives 1537 Pearl Street, Suite B ................................... Boulder 720-287-0645 Verde Natural 302 Pearl Street ....................................................... Boulder 303-993-3066 Alpenglow Botanicals 1805 Airport Rd., Unit B1C................. Breckenridge 970-389-6839 Breckenridge Organic Therapy 1900 Airport Rd, Suite A1 ............................................. Breckenridge 970-453-0420 Green Dragon 1795 Airport Rd. Unit A3 .................................. Breckenridge 970-453-4900 Organix 1795 Airport Rd Unit A2 ............................................. Breckenridge 970-453-1340 Ascend Cannabis Co 204 E W Main St................................... Buena Vista 719-395-6226 Colomed Center 615 Buggy Circle APT D ................................ Carbondale 970-963-4669 Medical Marijuana Center of Carbondale 60 N 3rd St............ Carbondale 970-510-5229 The Doctor’s Garden Dispensary 580 Main Street #300 ........ Carbondale 970-963-9323 Bonfire Cannabis Company “Annie’s” 135 Nevada St. .......... Central City 303-582-3072 Green Grass 440 Lawrence St. ................................................. Central City 303-582-5088 Igadi 171 Lawrence St ............................................................... Central City 303-582-3093 Aroma 5433 Quebec Street ................................................. Commerce City 303-286-0420 Cookies Denver 5385 Quebec St ....................................... Commerce City 720-780-8865 Krystaleaves 5301 Vasquez Blvd Unit 101 ......................... Commerce City 303-802-0026 Livwell 5846 Dahlia St ......................................................... Commerce City 720-476-4736 Silver Stem Fine Cannabis 5275 Quebec St ..................... Commerce City 720-458-5820 SOUTH PARK FARMA 5715 Fairfax Street, Unit C .......... Commerce City 303-289-3263 see ad below - cannasavers page 107 Starbuds 5844 Dahlia Street ............................................... Commerce City 303-999-0401 Yuma Way Canna City 7150 Eudora Dr ............................. Commerce City 720-336-8689 Acme Dispensary 309 Belleview Ave., Unit 1A...................... Crested Butte 970-349-5550 Crested Butte Wellness Center 329 Belleview, Unit A.......... Crested Butte 970-349-7350 Dacono Meds 730 Glen Creighton Dr. Unit C ................................. Dacono 303-833-2321 5280 Weedery 3895 East 45th Avenue ............................................ Denver 720-728-7975 A CUT ABOVE 1911 South Broadway............................. Denver 720-536-8965 see ad on page 128 - cannasavers page 63 A Cut Off The Top 2059 West 9th Avenue ....................................... Denver 303-825-9227 Affinity 7739 East Colfax Avenue..................................................... Denver 720-479-8458

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