handing out business cards is considered good business etiquette. Some people even include their social media contact information on them, such as a Twitter handle or LinkedIn URL. “It doesn’t matter where or when, I’ve always got a business card in my back pocket,” says Mr. Boris. Once an event is over, don’t neglect to follow-up with the contacts you’ve made. And the sooner you do so, the better. “A lot of the younger women will make coffee appointments to follow-up and continue to build the relationship,” says Ms. Keith-Asante. Mr. Boris agrees. “If you ever have an opportunity to go for lunch with somebody, or a job interview — even if you’re already employed — it’s good to meet with people. Don’t turn any opportunity down, no matter how small,” he says. “Every job I’ve ever had has been from making face-to-face, personal connections.”
“It’s an open-ended question and everybody has an opinion on it,” he says. “It’s going to spark some good conversation and it shows that you’ve got some interest.” Experienced networkers have other hints, too. • Don’t be confrontational. You want to have a conversation, not a heated debate • Be approachable, be friendly and be a good listener • Put down your smartphone and be fully engaged • If you’re not comfortable being in the spotlight, ask questions and let others do the talking “People like nothing more than to talk about themselves, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Even a simple question can get the conversation started,” says Mr. Boris. On the other hand, if you’re already a networking ace, try to engage the new people you see. “We try to put new people at ease — people with more experience usually speak one-on-one with them,” says Ms. Keith-Asante. “It’s about listening and sharing your time, which is important.” Don’t forget to wear a name tag, hand out business cards and ask for other people’s cards. Even in today’s digital world,
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