PEG Magazine - Spring 2015


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Oil Separation & Water Treatment For In-Situ Oilsands Facilities This three day work shop will cover all aspects of oil separation and produced water treatment processes in SAGD. The focus is on the basics of oil water separation, water treatment chemistry, equipment design theory and trouble shooting. April 21 st – 23 rd , 2015 University of Calgary Downtown Campus

THE B IGGE S T M AGAZINE IN D U S T R Y EVENT IN WE S TE R N C ANA D A E xpand yo u r know l edge , ski ll s and networks in editoria l, design , digita l media , circ ul ation , sa l es and the b u siness of p u b l ishing.

306, 906 – 8 th Ave SW Calgary, Alberta Canada

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CONTACT Email: Online: and click on OSWT link 

AMPA acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage, as well as the Government of Alberta through the Alberta Media Fund (AMF)

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Share the Earth Enjoy a wide variety of interactive activities at the fifth annual Earth Science for Society Exhibition in Calgary. Inspire an understanding of Earth Science through fascinating presentations and stimulating activities like gold panning and fossil hunting. Share with your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues. Earth Science for Society is open to the public and admission is free.

Monday, March 16, and Tuesday, March 17

Sunday, March 15

12 noon – 5 p.m.

8:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.

› Interactive exhibits › Geoscience presentations in the Geo Theatre. Ben Gadd speaks about a geological journey through the Rockies and David Eaton speaks about the Calgary frost quake that occurred in March of last year

› Interactive, hands-on exhibits › Scheduled attendance by 1,300-plus junior high school students. Location: Big Four Building, Stampede Park, Calgary

Exhibit activities will be held in four themed pavilions: t3FTPVSDFTBOE:PV t&OFSHZGPS6T t0OF%ZOBNJD&BSUI t0VS'VUVSF

For more information or to volunteer, visit

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