Stantec Consulting &LW\RI(GPRQWRQ7UDQVLW&RQWURO&HQWUH Award of Merit: Building Engineering 6WDQWHFLQWKH&RPPXQLW\'D\ Award of Excellence: Community Outreach and In-house Initiatives +LJKZD\²6RXWKRI$WKDEDVFD5LYHUWR 1RUWKRI&RQIHGHUDWLRQ:D\ Award of Excellence: Transportation Infrastructure Opus Stewart Weir &DQDGLDQ2LOVDQGV,QQRYDWLRQ$OOLDQFH² &DULERX+DELWDW5HVWRUDWLRQ Award of Merit: Natural Resources, Mining and Industry (GLWK/DNHWR6DUDK/DNH7UDQVPLVVLRQ/LQH &RQVWUXFWLRQ Award of Excellence: Natural Resources, Mining and Industry CEA C ONGRATULATES THE W INNERS OF 2015’ S S HOWCASE A WARDS ! Associated Engineering Alberta +LJKZD\(PHUJHQF\)ORRG5HSDLUV² .DQDQDVNLV Award of Merit: Environmental &DOJDU\,QWHUQDWLRQDO$LUSRUW5XQZD\ 'HYHORSPHQW3URMHFW
McElhanney Consulting Services $7UDIÀF&RXQW Award of Merit: Transportation Infrastructure )RUW0F0XUUD\:DWHU7UHDWPHQW3ODQW8SJUDGH Award of Excellence: Water Resources CH2M Hill Canada &DOJDU\·V$LUSRUW7UDLO7XQQHO Award of Excellence: Project Management DIALOG (GPRQWRQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO$LUSRUW2IÀFHVDQG &RQWURO7RZHU Award of Excellence: Building Engineering Golder Associates &DULQJIRUWKH3DVWDWWKH%ODFNIRRW&URVVLQJ +LVWRULFDO3DUN Award of Merit: Community Outreach and In- house Initiatives 6XQFRU&RQVWUXFWLRQRID1R1HW/RVV/DNHIRU /RQJ7HUP6XVWDLQDELOLW\ Award of Excellence: Environmental CEA T HANKS THE S PONSORS OF 2015’ S S HOWCASE A WARDS ! PatronSponsor PresentingSponsor FosteringSponsor SupportingSponsor ContributingSponsor Engineering Ltd. 62 | PEG SPRING 2015
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