This & That
Mohamed El Daly had just started in his role as APEGA Director of Outreach and Product Services when he was featured in Avenue Edmonton as one of its Top 40 Under 40. The November issue highlighted Mr. El Daly’s mission to engage young people in math and science, and expose them to the Engineering and Geoscience Professions. Since that time, Mr. El Daly has put his skills and experience to work at APEGA, focusing on outreach with students, women and Aboriginal communities. Then in December, another honour was bestowed upon Mr. El Daly, when he was named as one of the 2014 recipients of the Human Rights Award of the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights. The awards commemorate Inter- national Human Rights Day by celebrating the people and organizations of Edmonton that have dedicated themselves to making the city a better place to live for all. In his former position, Mr. El Daly was Director of DiscoverE with the University of Alberta. DiscoverE is a year-round program for children and youth, operated in 72 communities across Alberta and the Northwest Territories. While leading the program, he saw the number of girls taking part increase by almost 10 per cent. His secret? Present and teach science, technology, engineering and math in a way that resonates with different groups. Mr. El Daly has seen the effectiveness of hands- on experience for children. He strives to provide more dynamic activities to expose students to technology. APEGA outreach aims to inspire children and youth in engineering and geoscience. Volunteer opportunities exist for Members to share their passion about their profession and engage kids with fun experiments and activities.
-photo by Corinne Lutter
Mohamed El Daly. . .
. . .on the Avenue , making the city better
award for our 2013 National Engineering & Geoscience Month campaign launch, in which APEGA Professional Engineers from the civilian ranks took on military engineers in a challenge to build the most effective trebuchet from limited supplies. The MarCom competition attracted 6,000 entries from 34 countries. Winners range from individuals to media conglom- erates and Fortune 500 companies.
three APEGA communications campaigns with MarCom Awards. For our Annual Report 2013: 10 Stories About a Re-energized and Refocused APEGA , we picked up platinum awards in three categories — annual report, writing and design. Gold awards went to The PEG in the magazine, photography and writing categories. And we received a gold
Connecting with stakeholders is important to APEGA, and we’ve recently been awarded for our efforts. The Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP) has recognized
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