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FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
You’re not dreaming. Clarence-Rockland has its very own Ghostbusters. “We don’t actually investigate ghosts,” explained Clarence-Rockland Ghostbusters founder Jake Sopiro. “We’re just a group of fans that decided to create our very own fan franchise. I started it in October 2017 and the response to it has been amazing!” According to the father of two, these so-called fan franchises are actually more common than people might think. Take for example Star Wars. “There’s fan franchises throughout the world,” said Sopiro. These franchises are made up of fans that dress up as their favorite characters BOEQBSUJDJQBUFJOWBSJPVTFWFOUT.FNCFST of the Clarence-Rockland Ghostbusters are no different. “We take part in several fundrai- sers,” the founder highlighted. “We mostly raise money for the Ottawa Humane Society.” These activities include participation in UIF(SPVQF"DUJPO.BJTPOEFMBGBNJMMFT Halloween Parade, taking place on October 30. “We took part in the parade last year and we’re going to be doing it again this year.” The franchise also has an ongoing fundrai- ser, called Stuff the Puff. They ask residents of the area to help them fill a box in the shape of the recognizable marshmallow monster from the Ghostbusters movie. “We bring that box straight to the Humane Society,” explained Sopiro. In addition, the franchise will once again decorate two carts during the Rockland Santa Claus Parade. Founder always had a fascination for the paranormal The founder of the Clarence-Rockland Ghostbusters sips on a coffee as he re- counts how his interest in the paranormal began. “I always liked it,” he said smiling. “I remember watching the Ghostbusters cartoons as a kid. I’ve seen the movies countless times.” This led to the creation of the franchise later on in life, which in turn, led the man to take part in some paranormal investigations. “We sometimes help out Bytown Paranormal, an investigation team from Ottawa,” Sopiro
Jake Sopiro, amateur des Ghostbusters, a créé un groupe dédié à ceux-ci. Organisation fondée en 2017, les Clarence-Rockland Ghostbusters amassent des fonds pour plusieurs organismes à but non lucratif, dont la Humane Society d’Ottawa. —photo fournie
said. “They do some fundraisers and we like to bring our presence there. People really like seeing the flashing lights from the truck and the costumes.” Sopiro and another individual were there- fore allowed to spend up to four hours alone in the L’Orignal Jail, one of the oldest jails, and supposedly most haunted, jail in Ontario. “They let us use their equipment,” he
explained. “It was really fun.” When asked if he saw ghosts, Sopiro can’t help but smile. “Well we saw a door move BOEIFBSEGPPUTUFQT uIFBENJUTi/PX*N not saying that’s proof of ghosts. I’ll let you be the judge.” Recently, however, Sopiro undertook his very first real Ghostbuster mission, which IFDPNQMFUFETVDDFTTGVMMZi.ZOFJHICPS called me and told me her son had a hard time falling asleep because of the monsters in his closet,” chuckling as he explains the
situation. “I dressed up in the Ghostbus- ters costume and went over. I went in the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I made a lot of noises and came out of the room holding a trap in one hand, saying I had caught the ghost.” According to Sopiro, the boy now sleeps peacefully. To find more information about the Clarence-Rockland Ghostbusters, you can visit their Facebook page at www. GBDFCPPLDPN$3()045#645&34 Saint Edith Stein Parish will celebrate mass at Saint Margaret Mary Church, 2571 Hwy 174, Cumberland, ON WEEKEND MASS Saturday 4 pm (Bilingual) Sun. 8:30 am 10 am & 11:30 am (Eng.) CONFESSIONS Sat. : 3:30pm to 4 pm by request All are welcome
Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398
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