King's Business - 1912-03

a larger sphere of labor during the next two years, when they hope to be a po- tent factor preparing for and furnish- ing the new Institute Building. To some of them it has seemed that the Women's Dormitory should be entirely built and equipped by women. There is no reason why such a vision could not be materialized. It would be a most fitting women's memorial work. AH earnest Christian women should be enrolled as members of this valuable ad- junct to the Institute work. The meet- ings of the Auxiliary, on the Second Monday of each month from 2 to 4 p. m., are interesting and helpful, marked for earnest prayer and sweet fellowship. Strangers and new comers are made specially welcome. Let every woman who reads this, feel herself urgently invited to become one of this band of helpers. Every day impresses us the more with the great need of the work of our Bible Women. Women in their homes are not willing to unburden their hearts to the calling Pastor, however much they respect and love him. In the na- ture of the case such confidence is im- possible, but they find relief in confiding their difficulties to a Christian woman, whom they feel assured they can safely trust. With their Bibles, these helpers point the Way and bring relief; and re- turn many families to the churches from which they have long been absenting themselves. No Denominational teaching is given but families are directed to the churches of their own choice. The Bible classes held in homes, where neighbors are in- vited in, are a great help to every Pastor and so recognized by the majority of them. Women are built up in faith and knowledge of the Word of God until they become valuable helpers in their church. Homes are made more blessed by the mother's complete surrender to God, the children feel the new influence set in motion, and who can foretell the results. Let us. pray earnestly, daily, for these Bible women who are using every gift and faculty given by God for unselfish service.

Stewart was one of constant and unlim- ited devotion to her husband and chil- dren. She was a mother in the full sense of the term, and with an unfailing trust in her heavenly Father fulfilled every known duty. The many loving friends of our dear brother and his family ten- der their sincerest sympathy in this time of their bereavement. "Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? The blood of Jesus whispers peace within. Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round? On Jesus' bosom naught but calm is found. Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours? Jesus has vanished death and all its powers." We inadvertently omitted last month to mention a most affectionate commen- dation introductory of Rev. J. H. Hunt- er to our company and city, from the authorities of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Its details and terms are so praiseful that if Brother Hunter were not full of grace we should fear for his humility, and might be inclined to question his embracing in himself so many admirable Christian characteris- tics and teaching qualities. But now we have no need that another should tell us, for we have met and heard him for ourselves. We have seen, and that is to love, him. There is now no ques- tion that the Chicago expressions of loss in our gain are sincere. THE WOMAN'S AUXILLARY. This "Helping Hand" to the Institute has just entered upon a new year of ser- vice. At the annual meeting, Monday, February 5th, the new officers were wisely chosen, with Mrs. A. G. Wells for President, Mrs. A. B. Pritchard, and Miss Helena Barnard Vice Presi- dents, Mrs. Wm. H. Steele, Secretary, Mrs, E. A. Doran, 'Treasurer, and Mrs. J. H. Sammis, Membership Secretary. This organiaztion has been modestly and quietly active during the past four years, fulfilling its mission in a manner which has commended itself most heart- ily to the Institute Board. These con- secrated women are looking forward to


The preaching of the gospel on the street by Brother Mullen has produced some marked results both in the atti-

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