tude of the men who make up the audi- ences and In the several missions all over the city. When Mr. Mullen first went out to hold his meetings, the men seemed to be organized for the express purpose of disturbing the meetings and from the appearance of the workers on the street till they left, the jeers and cat- calls were such that it was with great difficulty that a word could be heard. This continued for several weeks, and to the workers it seemed that it increased rather than diminished, but after much prayer the Lord seemed to lead Brother Mullen to open what he called a daily question box, asking the men to bring their questions and he would answer them from the Biible. The questions came thick and fast from many of the men who were the loudest in their jeers and disturbances, but the God-given wisdom which Brother Mullen displayed soon shut their mouths and now it is Hard to find one of these Bible experts who know the alpha and omega of the book. Some of the sample questions are typical of the problems a street preacher has to meet. Where did Cain get his wife? Brother Mullen answers this in the same spirit in which it is asked: From his mother- in-law. When is the day of probation? Ans. 2 Cor. 6:2, "Behold now is the day, now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." Was Judas a Christian? Ans. The Scriptures do not say so, but give us to understand he had the "root of all evil in him"—the love of money. When was it that there was silence in heaven for half an hour? Ans.—'-I sup- pose it was when the angels had no peni- tent sinners to rejoice over, and the Christians had stopped working^ at their business. Is it necessary for a person to be a member of a church to be a Christian? Ans.—Not necessary to belong to an earthly organization. But if- it is not necessary for a man to be a member of a church, it ought to be necessary for a man to be a Christian to become a mem- ber of some church. These are samples of the questions that are being asked, and as a result of the answers and the persistent preach- ing of the Word, many are attending the missions and making definite decisions for God and eternity. Brother Mullen desires the earnest prayers of all readers of "The King's Business" for the blessing of God upon
this important department of the work of the Institute. More unsaved men are being reached in this work than in any other department, and we are very anx- ious that the workers shall have the mind of God and the wisdom that Com- eth down from above, in dealing with these men for whom our Christ died. These services are having a far-reaching influence. COMMENDATIONS. To the Editors of "The King's Busi- ness." Gentlemen: I want to express my appreciation of the helpful comments on the Junior Christian Endeavor topics which you have published. They reach many who much need the help, and we all feel that the notes do us good. Our Junior Superintendents' Bible Class expressed similar sentiment last Thursday night. Yours in His service, MARGARET BISHOP, L. A. City Jr. Supt. You can pursue a complete course of Bible Study in your home, and we will give you examination by correspondence The Scofield Correspondence Course is the best extant and we have secured the control of it for the Pacific Coast. We want to urge our readers to take up this course of study without delay. There is no need of ignorance concerning the teaching of the Bible, when the results of one of the best teachers in the world is at your disposal. Read the following from one of the strongest preachers and one of the clear- est Bible teacers on the whole coast: "I want to be listed among the men who give a cord'ial indorsement to this Bible Course, and I want to retain this set for my own personal use." Lapsley A. McAfe.. Write us for full particulars. OMISSIONS. The quarterly Review is omitted to ad- mit the first S. S. lesson for April Here- after we shall print monthly the first les- son of succeeding month. Bible Briefs are omitted through failure of the machine operator to deliver the matter, which was missed till ready for press.
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