Our Financial Plan No IMPORTUNITY for Funds But OPPORTUNITY for Investment TO FAITHFUL STEWARDS OF THE LORD'S FUNDS WE OFFER UNUSALLY ATTRACTIVE OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVESTMENT ALL OUR WORK IS PRAYERFULLY AND ECONOMICALLY CONDUCTED AND IS BRINGING DEFINITE SPIRITUAL RESULTS CHOICE OF INVESTMENT JEWISH EVANGELISM BIBLE WOMEN'S WORK SPANISH WORK EVANGELISTIC DEPT. ' \ SHOP WORK BEST BOOKS AND TRACTS BIBLE CLASSES FOREIGN WORK STUDENT WORK OIL FIELDS THE GENERAL WORK OF THIS INSTITUTE No charge for transmission of funds. Money will be applied to individuals when so designated. We are training young men and women for all kinds of Chris- tian work and every student is doing definite service. NO EXCUSE FOR YOU NOW You can study the Bible at home under our direction We have secured the control of the SCO FIEL D BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE for the Pacfic Coast You are sorry you cannot attend the Bible Institute. So are we. The very next best thing is to enter our class in the Corre- spondence Course. You become our PERSONAL PUPIL. We send you the whole Course and you can make progress as rapidly as you choose. This Course is without exception the best in use. By this means you can qualify yourself for Christian work. Send for our special offer which includes a copy of the Scofield Bible Bible Institute of Los Angeles
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